Publikationen von Hang Su

Zeitschriftenartikel (164)

Shao, M.; Wang, W.; Yuan, B.; Parrish, D. D.; Li, X.; Lu, K.; Wu, L.; Wang, X.; Mo, Z.; Yang, S. et al.; Peng, Y.; Kuang, Y.; Chen, W.; Hu, M.; Zeng, L.; Su, H.; Cheng, Y.; Zheng, J.; Zhang, Y.: Quantifying the role of PM2.5 dropping in variations of ground-level ozone: Inter-comparison between Beijing and Los Angeles. Science of the Total Environment 788, 147712 (2021)
Xie, Q.; Su, S.; Chen, J.; Dai, Y.; Yue, S.; Su, H.; Tong, H.; Zhao, W.; Ren, L.; Xu, Y. et al.; Cao, D.; Li, Y.; Sun, Y.; Wang, Z.; Liu, C.-Q.; Kawamura, K.; Jiang, G.; Cheng, Y.; Fu, P.: Increase of nitrooxy organosulfates in firework-related urban aerosols during Chinese New Year's Eve. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (14), S. 11453 - 11465 (2021)
Wang, W.; Li, X.; Kuang, Y.; Su, H.; Cheng, Y.; Hu, M.; Zeng, L.; Tan, T.; Zhang, Y.: Exploring the Drivers and Photochemical Impact of the Positive Correlation between Single Scattering Albedo and Aerosol Optical Depth in the Troposphere. Environmental science & technology letters / American Chemical Society 8, 1c00300 (2021)
Cheng, Y.; Ma, N.; Witt, C.; Rapp, S.; Wild, P. S.; Andreae, M. O.; Pöschl, U.; Su, H.: Face masks effectively limit the probability of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Science 372, S. 1439 - 1443 (2021)
Sun, J.; Xiea, C.; Xu, W.; Chen, C.; Ma, N.; Xu, W.; Lei, L.; Li, Z.; He, Y.; Qiu, Y. et al.; Wang, Q.; Pan, X.; Su, H.; Cheng, Y.; Wu, C.; Fu, P.; Wang, Z.; Sun, Y.: Light absorption of black carbon and brown carbon in winter in North China Plain: comparisons between urban and rural sites. Science of the Total Environment 770, 144821 (2021)
Friedrich, N.; Eger, P.; Shenolikar, J.; Sobanski, N.; Schuladen, J.; Dienhart, D.; Hottmann, B.; Tadic, I.; Fischer, H.; Martinez, M. et al.; Rohloff, R.; Tauer, S.; Harder, H.; Pfannerstill, E. Y.; Wang, N.; Williams, J.; Brooks, J.; Drewnick, F.; Su, H.; Li, G.; Cheng, Y.; Lelieveld, J.; Crowley, J. N.: Reactive nitrogen around the Arabian Peninsula and in the Mediterranean Sea during the 2017 AQABA ship campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (10), S. 7473 - 7498 (2021)
Tao, J.; Kuang, Y.; Ma, N.; Hong, J.; Sun, Y.; Xu, W.; Zhang, Y.; He, Y.; Luo, Q.; Xie, L. et al.; Su, H.; Cheng, Y.: Secondary aerosol formation alters CCN activity in the North China Plain. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (9), S. 7409 - 7427 (2021)
Wang, W.; Lei, T.; Zuend, A.; Su, H.; Cheng, Y.; Shi, Y.; Ge, M.; Liu, M.: Effect of mixing structure on the water uptake of mixtures of ammonium sulfate and phthalic acid particles. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (3), S. 2179 - 2190 (2021)
Alam, M. S.; Bloss, W.; Brean, J.; Brimblecombe, P.; Chan, C.; Chen, Y.; Coe, H.; Fu, P.; Gani, S.; Hamilton, J. et al.; Harrison, R.; Jiang, J.; Kulmala, M.; Lugon, L.; McFiggans, G.; Mehra, A.; Milsom, A.; Nelson, B.; Pfrang, C.; Sartelet, K.; Shi, Z.; Srivastava, D.; Stewart, G.; Styring, P.; Su, H.; van Pinxteren, D.; Velasco, E.; Yu, J. Z.: General discussion: Aerosol formation and growth; VOC sources and secondary organic aerosols. Faraday Discussions 226, S. 479 - 501 (2021)
Alshammari, D.; Bloss, W.; Chen, Y.; Chow, J. C.; Gani, S.; Harrison, R.; Hu, D.; Li, G.; McFiggans, G.; Milsom, A. et al.; Aravena, A. M. O.; Pfrang, C.; Shi, Z.; Srivastava, D.; Styring, P.; Su, H.; logo, O.; Xu, J.: General discussion: Multiphase atmospheric chemistry, and source apportionment. Faraday Discussions 226, S. 314 - 333 (2021)
Kim, N.; Cheng, Y.; Ma, N.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Klimach, T.; Mentel, T. F.; Krüger, O. O.; Pöschl, U.; Su, H.: Calibration and evaluation of a broad supersaturation scanning (BS2) cloud condensation nuclei counter for rapid measurement of particle hygroscopicity and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14 (11), S. 6991 - 7005 (2021)
Wang, S.; Su, H.; Chen, C.; Tao, W.; Streets, D. G.; Lu, Z.; Zheng, B.; Carmichael, G. R.; Lelieveld, J.; Pöschl, U. et al.; Cheng, Y.: Natural gas shortages during the "coal-to-gas" transition in China have caused a large redistribution of air pollution in winter 2017. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117, 202007513 (2020)
Liu, L.; Cheng, Y.; Wang, S.; Wei, C.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Pöhlker, C.; Artaxo, P.; Shrivastava, M.; Andreae, M. O.; Pöschl, U. et al.; Su, H.: Impact of biomass burning aerosols on radiation, clouds, and precipitation over the Amazon: relative importance of aerosol–cloud and aerosol–radiation interactions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (21), S. 13283 - 13301 (2020)
Lelieveld, J.; Helleis, F.; Borrmann, S.; Cheng, Y.; Drewnick, F.; Haug, G.; Klimach, T.; Sciare, J.; Su, H.; Pöschl, U.: Model Calculations of Aerosol Transmission and Infection Risk of COVID-19 in Indoor Environments. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (21), 8114 (2020)
Lei, T.; Ma, N.; Hong, J.; Tuch, T.; Wang, X.; Wang, Z.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Ge, M.; Wang, W.; Mikhailov, E. et al.; Hoffmann, T.; Pöschl, U.; Su, H.; Wiedensohler, A.; Cheng, Y.: Nano-hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer (nano-HTDMA) for investigating hygroscopic properties of sub-10nm aerosol nanoparticles. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 13 (10), S. 5551 - 5567 (2020)
Tao, W.; Su, H.; Zheng, G.; Wang, J.; Wei, C.; Liu, L.; Ma, N.; Li, M.; Zhang, Q.; Pöschl, U. et al.; Cheng, Y.: Aerosol pH and chemical regimes of sulfate formation in aerosol water during winter haze in the North China Plain. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (20), S. 11729 - 11746 (2020)
Su, H.; Cheng, Y.; Pöschl, U.: New Multiphase Chemical Processes Influencing Atmospheric Aerosols, Air Quality, and Climate in the Anthropocene. Accounts of Chemical Research 53 (10), S. 2034 - 2043 (2020)
Luo, Q.; Hong, J.; Xu, H.; Han, S.; Tan, H.; Wang, Q.; Tao, J.; Ma, N.; Cheng, Y.; Su, H.: Hygroscopicity of amino acids and their effect on the water uptake of ammonium sulfate in the mixed aerosol particles. Science of the Total Environment 734, 139318 (2020)
Xie, Q.; Su, S.; Chen, S.; Xu, Y.; Cao, D.; Chen, J.; Ren, L.; Yue, S.; Zhao, W.; Sun, Y. et al.; Wang, Z.; Tong, H.; Su, H.; Cheng, Y.; Kawamura, K.; Jiang, G.; Liu, C.-Q.; Fu, P.: Molecular characterization of firework-related urban aerosols using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (11), S. 6803 - 6820 (2020)
Zhang, Y.; Tao, J.; Ma, N.; Kuang, Y.; Wang, Z.; Cheng, P.; Xu, W.; Yang, W.; Zhang, S.; Xiong, C. et al.; Dong, W.; Xie, L.; Sun, Y.; Fu, P.; Zhou, G.; Cheng, Y.; Su, H.: Predicting cloud condensation nuclei number concentration based on conventional measurements of aerosol properties in the North China Plain. Science of the Total Environment 719, 137473 (2020)
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