Publikationen von J. Schneider

Zeitschriftenartikel (116)

Burkart, J.; Willis, M. D.; Bozem, H.; Thomas, J. L.; Law, K.; Hoor, P.; Aliabadi, A. A.; Köllner, F.; Schneider, J.; Herber, A. et al.; Abbatt, J. P. D.; Leaitch, W. R.: Summertime observations of elevated levels of ultrafine particles in the high Arctic marine boundary layer. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (8), S. 5515 - 5535 (2017)
Köllner, F.; Schneider, J.; Willis, M. D.; Klimach, T.; Helleis, F.; Bozem, H.; Kunkel, D.; Hoor, P.; Burkart, J.; Leaitch, W. R. et al.; Aliabadi, A. A.; Abbatt, J. P. D.; Herber, A. B.; Borrmann, S.: Particulate trimethylamine in the summertime Canadian high Arctic lower troposphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (22), S. 13747 - 13766 (2017)
Schmidt, S.; Schneider, J.; Klimach, T.; Mertes , S.; Schenk, L. P.; Kupiszewski, P.; Curtius, J.; Borrmann, S.: Online single particle analysis of ice particle residuals from mountain-top mixed-phase clouds using laboratory derived particle type assignment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (1), S. 575 - 594 (2017)
Schneider, J.; Mertes, S.; van Pinxteren, D.; Herrmann, H.; Borrmann, S.: Uptake of nitric acid, ammonia, and organics in orographic clouds: mass spectrometric analyses of droplet residual and interstitial aerosol particles. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (2), S. 1571 - 1593 (2017)
Voigt, C.; Schumann, U.; Minikin, A.; Abdelmonem, A.; Afchine, A.; Borrmann, S.; Boettcher, M.; Bucuchholz, B.; Bugliaro, L.; Costa, A. et al.; Curtius, J.; Dollner, M.; Doernbrack, A.; Dreiling, V.; Ebert, V.; Ehrlich, A.; Fix, A.; Forster, L.; Frank, F.; Fuetterer, D.; Giez, A.; Graf, K.; Grooss, J.-U.; Gross, S.; Heimerl, K.; Heinold, B.; Hueneke, T.; Jaervinen, E.; Jurkat, T.; Kaufmann, S.; Kenntner, M.; Klingebiel, M.; Klimach, T.; Kohl, R.; Kraemer, M.; Krisna, T. C.; Luebke, A.; Mayer, B.; Mertes, S.; Molleker, S.; Petzold, A.; Pfeilsticker, K.; Port, M.; Rapp, M.; Reutter, P.; Rolf, C.; Rose, D.; Sauer, D.; Schaefer, A.; Schlage, R.; Schnaiter, M.; Schneider, J.; Spelten, N.; Spichtinger, P.; Stock, P.; Walser, A.; Weigel, R.; Weinzierl, B.; Wendisch, M.; Werner, F.; Wernli, H.; Wirth, M.; Zahn, A.; Ziereis, H.; Zoger, M.: ML-CIRRUS: The Airborne Experiment on Natural Cirrus and Contrail Cirrus with the High-Altitude Long-Range Research Aircraft HALO. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (2), S. 271 - 288 (2017)
Willis, M. D.; Köllner, F.; Burkart, J.; Bozem, H.; Thomas, J. L.; Schneider, J.; Aliabadi, A. A.; Hoor, P. M.; Schulz, H.; Herber, A. B. et al.; Leaitch, W. R.; Abbatt, J. P. D.: Evidence for marine biogenic influence on summertime Arctic aerosol. Geophysical Research Letters 44 (12), S. 6460 - 6470 (2017)
Pinxteren, D. v.; Fomba, K. W.; Mertes, S.; Müller, K.; Spindler, G.; Schneider, J.; Lee, T.; Collett , J. L.; Herrmann, H.: Cloud water composition during HCCT-2010: Scavenging efficiencies, solute concentrations, and droplet size dependence of inorganic ions and dissolved organic carbon. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (5), S. 3185 - 3205 (2016)
Aliabadi, A. A.; Thomas, J. L.; Herber, A. B.; Staebler, R. M.; Leaitch, W. R.; Schulz, H.; Law, K. S.; Marelle, L.; Burkart, J.; Willis, M. D. et al.; Bozem, H.; Hoor, P. M.; Köllner, F.; Schneider, J.; Levasseur, M.; Abbatt, J. P. D.: Ship emissions measurement in the Arctic by plume intercepts of the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Amundsen from the Polar 6 aircraft platform. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (12), S. 7899 - 7916 (2016)
Augustin-Bauditz, S.; Wex, H.; Denjean, C.; Hartmann, S.; Schneider, J.; Schmidt, S.; Ebert, M.; Stratmann, F.: Laboratory-generated mixtures of mineral dust particles with biological substances: characterization of the particle mixing state and immersion freezing behavior. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (9), S. 5531 - 5543 (2016)
Kupiszewski, P.; Zanatta, M.; Mertes, S.; Vochezer, P.; Lloyd, G.; Schneider, J.; Schenk, L.; Schnaiter, M.; Baltensperger, U.; Weingartner, E. et al.; Gysel, M.: Ice residual properties in mixed-phase clouds at the high-alpine Jungfraujoch site. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 121 (20), S. 12343 - 12362 (2016)
Leaitch, W. R.; Korolev, A.; Aliabadi, A. A.; Burkart, J.; Willis , M. D.; Abbatt, J. P. D.; Bozem, H.; Hoor, P.; Köllner, F.; Schneider, J. et al.; Herber, A.; Konrad, C.; Brauner, R.: Effects of 20–100 nm particles on liquid clouds in the clean summertime Arctic. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (17), S. 11107 - 11124 (2016)
Roth, A.; Schneider, J.; Klimach, T.; Mertes, S.; van Pinxteren, D.; Herrmann, H.; Borrmann, S.: Aerosol properties, source identification, and cloud processing in orographic clouds measured by single particle mass spectrometry on a central European mountain site during HCCT-2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (2), S. 505 - 524 (2016)
Vogel, A. L.; Schneider, J.; Mueller-Tautges, C.; Klimach, T.; Hoffmann, T.: Aerosol Chemistry Resolved by Mass Spectrometry: Insights into Particle Growth after Ambient New Particle Formation. Environmental Science & Technology 50 (20), S. 10814 - 10822 (2016)
Vogel, A. L.; Schneider, J.; Mueller-Tautges, C.; Phillips, G. J.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Rose, D.; Zuth, C.; Makkonen, U.; Hakola, H.; Crowley, J. N. et al.; Andreae, M. O.; Pöschl, U.; Hoffmann, T.: Aerosol Chemistry Resolved by Mass Spectrometry: Linking Field Measurements of Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activity to Organic Aerosol Composition. Environmental Science & Technology 50 (20), S. 10823 - 10832 (2016)
Wendisch, M.; Pöschl, U.; Andreae, M. O.; Machado, L. A. T.; Albrecht, R.; Schlager, H.; Rosenfeld, D.; Martin, S. T.; Abdelmomonem, A.; Afchine, A. et al.; Araujo, A. C.; Artaxo, P.; Aufmhoff, H.; Barbosa, H. M. J.; Borrmann, S.; Braga, R.; Buchholz, B.; Cecchini, M. A.; Costa, A.; Curtius, J.; Dollner, M.; Dorf, M.; Dreiling, V.; Ebert, V.; Ehrlich, A.; Ewald, F.; Fisch, G.; Fix, A.; Frank, F.; Futterer, D.; Heckl, C.; Heidelberg, F.; Hueneke, T.; Jakel, E.; Jarvinen, E.; Jurkat, T.; Kanter, S.; Kaestner, U.; Kenntner, M.; Kesselmeier, J.; Klimach, T.; Knecht, M.; Kohl, R.; Koelling, T.; Kraemer, M.; Krüger, M. L.; Krisna, T. C.; Lavric, J. V.; Longo, K.; Mahnke, C.; Manzi, A. O.; Mayer, B.; Mertes, S.; Minikin, A.; Molleker, S.; Munch, S.; Nillius, B.; Pfeilsticker, K.; Pöhlker, C.; Roiger, A.; Rose, D.; Rosenowow, D.; Sauer, D.; Schnaiter, M.; Schneider, J.; Schulz, C.; de Souza, R. A. F.; Spanu, A.; Stock, P.; Vila, D.; Voigt, C.; Walser, A.; Walter, D.; Weigel, R.; Weinzierl, B.; Werner, F.; Yamasoe, M. A.; Ziereis, H.; Zinner, T.; Zoeger, M.: The ACRIDICON-CHUVA Campaign: Studying Tropical Deep Convective Clouds and Precipitation over Amazonia Using the New German Research Aircraft HALO. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 97 (10), S. 1885 - 1908 (2016)
Willis, M. D.; Burkart, J.; Thomas, J. L.; Köllner, F.; Schneider, J.; Bozem, H.; Hoor, P. M.; Aliabadi, A. A.; Schulz, H.; Herber, A. B. et al.; Leaitch, W. R.; Abbatt, J. P. D.: Growth of nucleation mode particles in the summertime Arctic: a case study. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (12), S. 7663 - 7679 (2016)
Beekmann, M.; Prévot, A. S. H.; Drewnick, F.; Sciare, J.; Pandis, S. N.; Denier van der Gon, H. A. C.; Crippa, M.; Freutel, F.; Poulain, L.; Ghersi, V. et al.; Rodriguez, E.; Beirle, S.; Zotter, P.; von der Weiden-Reinmüller, S.-L.; Bressi, M.; Fountoukis, C.; Petetin, H.; Szidat, S.; Schneider, J.; Rosso, A.; El Haddad, I.; Megaritis, A.; Zhang, Q. J.; Michoud, V.; Slowik, J. G.; Moukhtar, S.; Kolmonen, P.; Stohl, A.; Eckhardt, S.; Borbon, A.; Gros, V.; Marchand, N.; Jaffrezo, J. L.; Schwarzenboeck, A.; Colomb, A.; Wiedensohler, A.; Borrmann, S.; Lawrence, M.; Baklanov, A.; Baltensperger, U.: In situ, satellite measurement and model evidence on the dominant regional contribution to fine particulate matter levels in the Paris megacity. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (16), S. 9577 - 9591 (2015)
Worringen, A.; Kandler, K.; Benker, N.; Dirsch, T.; Mertes, S.; Schenk, L.; Kästner, U.; Frank, F.; Nillius, B.; Bundke, U. et al.; Rose, D.; Curtius, J.; Kupiszewski, P.; Weingartner, E.; Vochezer, P.; Schneider, J.; Schmidt, S.; Weinbruch, S.; Ebert, M.: Single-particle characterization of ice-nucleating particles and ice particle residuals sampled by three different techniques. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (8), S. 4161 - 4178 (2015)
Ait-Helal, W.; Borbon, A.; Sauvage, S.; de Gouw, J. A.; Colomb, A.; Gros, V.; Freutel, F.; Crippa, M.; Afif, C.; Baltensperger, U. et al.; Beekmann, M.; Doussin, J.-F.; Durand-Jolibois, R.; Fronval, I.; Grand, N.; Leonardis, T.; Lopez, M.; Michoud, V.; Miet, K.; Perrier, S.; Prévôt, A. S. H.; Schneider, J.; Siour, G.; Zapf, P.; Locoge, N.: Volatile and intermediate volatility organic compounds in suburban Paris: variability, origin and importance for SOA formation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (19), S. 10439 - 10464 (2014)
Harris, E.; Sinha, B.; van Pinxteren, D.; Schneider, J.; Poulain, L.; Collett, J.; D'Anna, B.; Fahlbusch, B.; Foley, S.; Fomba, K. W. et al.; George, C.; Gnauk, T.; Henning, S.; Lee, T.; Mertes, S.; Roth, A.; Stratmann, F.; Borrmann, S.; Hoppe, P.; Herrmann, H.: In-cloud sulfate addition to single particles resolved with sulfur isotope analysis during HCCT-2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (8), S. 4219 - 4235 (2014)
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