Publikationen von Gerhard Lammel

Zeitschriftenartikel (117)

Mayer, L.; Melymuk, L.; Ceburnis, D.; Šmejkalová, A. H.; Přibylová, P.; Šenk, P.; Vinkler, J.; Lammel, G.: Particle size distributions of current-use pesticides in three European atmospheric environments. Atmospheric Environment 334, 120680 (2024)
Schiebel, R.; Aardema, H. M.; Calleja, M. L.; Dragoneas, A.; Heins, L.; Hrabe de Angelis, I.; Pöhlker, C.; Slagter, H.; Vonhof, H.; Walter, D. et al.; Arns, A. I.; Adolphs, N.; Auderset, A.; Basic, S.; Bieler, A.; Brüwer, J. D.; Chaabane, S.; Cheng, Y.; Chiliński, M. T.; Cybulski, J. D.; Disper, T.; Duprey, N.; Eichele, G.; Fiedler, B.; Fischer, A.; Foreman, A. D.; Fuchs, B. M.; Galer, S.; Härri, J.; Jochum, K. P.; Jost, A.; Jung, J.; Kleta, H.; Lammel, G.; Larink, O.; Leibold, P.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Moretti, S.; Müller, J.-G.; Nillius, B.; Pan, X.; Raj, S. S.; Repschläger, J.; Rodrigues, E.; Ruff, S. E.; Schmitt, M.; Schmitter, J. L.; Lara, A. S.; Silva, P.; Smart, S. M.; Sörgel, M.; Stoll, B.; Su, H.; Vogt, M.; Wald, T.; Weber, B.; Weber, J.; Weis, U.; Amann, R.; Arístegui, J.; Dittmar, T.; González, M.; O’Dea, A.; Pöschl, U.; Haug, G. H.: Preface: Special Issue on Probing the Open Ocean With the Research Sailing Yacht Eugen Seibold for Climate Geochemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129 (17), e2023JD040581 (2024)
Shahpoury, P.; Lelieveld, S.; Srivastava, D.; Baccarini, A.; Mastin, J.; Berkemeier, T.; Celo, V.; Dabek-Zlotorzynska, E.; Harner, T.; Lammel, G. et al.; Nenes, A.: Seasonal Changes in the Oxidative Potential of Urban Air Pollutants: The Influence of Emission Sources and Proton- and Ligand-Mediated Dissolution of Transition Metals. ACS ES & T air 1, 4c00093 (2024)
Ivančev‑Tumbas, I.; Lammel, G.; Horváth, K.; de Lange, W. T.; Šebej, P.; Horvat, M.; Ogrinc, N.; Milić, N.; Kallenborn, R.; Stenstrøm, Y.: Academic education in environmental chemistry in Europe—addressing future challenges in research and regulation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 31 (2024)
Lammel, G.; Nillius, B.; Helleis, F.; Šmejkalová, A. H.; Kukučka, P.; Martiník, J.; Přibylová, P.; Prokeš, R.; Shahpoury, P.; Štěpánek, D. et al.; Vinkler, J.: Field validation of a novel passive air sampler and monitoring of semivolatile organic pollutants in the remote marine and continental boundary layer. Atmospheric Pollution Research 16 (5), 102460 (2024)
Mayer, L.; Degrendele , C.; Šenk, P.; Kohoutek, J.; Přibylová, P.; Kukučka, P.; Melymuk, L.; Durand, A.; Ravier, S.; Alastuey, A. et al.; Baker, A. R.; Baltensperger, U.; Baumann-Stanzer, K.; Biermann, T.; Bohlin-Nizzetto, P.; Ceburnis, D.; Conil, S.; Couret, C.; Degórska, A.; Diapouli, E.; Eckhardt, S.; Eleftheriadis, K.; Forster, G. L.; Freier, K.; Gheusi, F.; Gini, M. I.; Hellén, H.; Henne, S.; Herrmann, H.; Šmejkalová, A. H.; Hõrrak, U.; Hüglin, C.; Junninen, H.; Kristensson, A.; Langrene, L.; Levula, J.; Lothon, M.; Ludewig, E.; Makkonen, U.; Matejovičová, J.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Mináriková, V.; Moche, W.; Noe, S. M.; Pérez, N.; Petäjä, T.; Pont, V.; Poulain, L.; Quivet, E.; Ratz, G.; Rehm, T.; Reimann, S.; Simmons, I.; Sonke, J. E.; Sorribas, M.; Spoor, R.; Swart, D. P. J.; Vasilatou, V.; Wortham, H.; Yela, M.; Zarmpas, P.; Fäsi, C. Z.; Tørseth, K.; Laj, P.; Klánová, J.; Lammel, G.: Widespread Pesticide Distribution in the European Atmosphere Questions their Degradability in Air. Environmental Science & Technology 58 (2024)
Mwangi, J. K.; Degrendele, C.; Bandowe, B. A. M.; Bohlin-Nizzetto, P.; Halse, A. K.; Holubová Šmejkalová, A.; Kim, J.-T.; Kukučka, P.; Martiník, J.; Nežiková, B. P. et al.; Přibylová, P.; Prokeš, R.; Sáňka, M.; Tannous, M.; Vinkler, J.; Lammel, G.: Air-soil cycling of oxygenated, nitrated and parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in source and receptor areas. Science of the Total Environment, 170495 (2024)
Shahpoury, P.; Lelieveld, S.; Johannessen, C.; Berkemeier, T.; Celo, V.; Dabek-Zlotorzynska, E.; Harner, T.; Lammel, G.; Nenes, A.: Influence of aerosol acidity and organic ligands on transition metal solubility and oxidative potential of fine particulate matter in urban environments. Science of the Total Environment 906, 167405 (2024)
Yu, H.; Lin, T.; Hu, L.; Lammel, G.; Zhao, S.; Sun, X.; Wu, X.; Guo, Z.: Sources of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sediments of the East China marginal seas: Role of unintentionally-produced PCBs. Environmental Pollution 338, 122707 (2023)
Alarcon, P. C.; Kitanovski, Z.; Padervand, M.; Pöschl, U.; Lammel, G.; Zetzsch, C.: Atmospheric Hydroxyl Radical Reaction Rate Coefficient and Total Environmental Lifetime of α-Endosulfan. Environmental Science & Technology 57 (42), S. 15999 - 16005 (2023)
Sun, Y.; Yang, L.; Zheng, M.; Weber, R.; Falandysz, J.; Lammel, G.; Zhao, C.; Chen, C.; Qiuting , Y.; Liu, G.: Industrial source identification of polyhalogenated carbazoles and preliminary assessment of their global emissions. Nature Communications 14, 3740 (2023)
Pozo, K.; Oyola, G.; Jorquera, H.; Gomez, V.; Galbán-Malagón, C.; Mena-Carrasco, M.; Audy, O.; Příbylová, P.; Guida, Y.; Estellano, V. H. et al.; Lammel, G.; Klánová, J.: Environmental signature and health risk assessment of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) emitted from a landfill fire in Santiago de Chile. Environmental Pollution 330, 121648 (2023)
Baumann, K.; Wietzoreck, M.; Shahpoury, P.; Filippi, A.; Hildmann, S.; Lelieveld, S.; Berkemeier, T.; Tong, H.; Pöschl, U.; Lammel, G.: Is the oxidative potential of components of fine particulate matter surface-mediated? Environmental Science and Pollution Research, S. 16749 - 16755 (2022)
Shahpoury, P.; Zhang, Z. W.; Filippi, A.; Hildmann, S.; Lelieveld, S.; Mashtakov, B.; Patel, B. R.; Traub, A.; Umbrio, D.; Wietzoreck, M. et al.; Wilson, J.; Berkemeier, T.; Celo, V.; Dabek-Zlotorzynska, E.; Evans, G.; Harner, T.; Kerman, K.; Lammel, G.; Noroozifar, M.; Pöschl, U.; Tong, H.: Inter-comparison of oxidative potential metrics for airborne particles identifies differences between acellular chemical assays. Atmospheric Pollution Research 13 (12), 101596 (2022)
Krüger, M.; Wilson, J.; Wietzoreck, M.; Bandowe, B. A. M.; Lammel, G.; Schmidt, B.; Pöschl, U.; Berkemeier, T.: Convolutional neural network prediction of molecular properties for aerosol chemistry and health effects. Natural Sciences 2 (2022)
Wietzoreck, M.; Kyprianou, M.; Bandowe, B. A. M.; Celik, S.; Crowley, J. N.; Drewnick, F.; Eger, P.; Friedrich, N.; Iakovides, M.; Kukučka, P. et al.; Kuta, J.; Nežiková, B.; Pokorná, P.; Přibylová, P.; Prokeš, R.; Rohloff, R.; Tadic, I.; Tauer, S.; Wilson, J.; Harder, H.; Lelieveld, J.; Pöschl, U.; Stephanou, E. G.; Lammel, G.: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their alkylated, nitrated and oxygenated derivatives in the atmosphere over the Mediterranean and Middle East seas. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22 (13), S. 8739 - 8766 (2022)
Sheu, R.; Hass-Mitchell, T.; Ringsdorf, A.; Berkemeier, T.; Machesky, J.; Edtbauer, A.; Kluepfel, T.; Filippi, A.; Bandowe, B. A. M.; Wietzoreck, M. et al.; Kukučka, P.; Tong, H.; Lammel, G.; Pöschl, U.; Williams, J.; Gentner , D. R.: Emerging investigator series: deposited particles and human lung lining fluid are dynamic, chemically-complex reservoirs leading to thirdhand smoke emissions and exposure. Environmental science: Atmospheres (2022)
Jin, R.; Zheng, M.; Yang, L.; Lammel, G.; Zhou, X.; Sun, Y.; Chen, C.; Lin, B.; Liu, G.: Model Evaluation of Indoor Exposure to Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Household Fuel Combustion in Rural Areas of Tibetan Plateau. Exposure and health 14 (2022)
Nezikova , B.; Degrendele, C.; Bandowe, B. A. M.; Smejkalova, A. H.; Kukucka, P.; Martinik, J.; Mayer, L.; Prokes, R.; Pribylova, P.; Klanova, J. et al.; Lammel, G.: Corrigendum to "Three years of atmospheric concentrations of nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and oxygen heterocycles at a Central European background site" [Chemosphere 269 (2021) 128738]. Chemosphere 300, 134757 (2022)
Pozo, K.; Gómez, V.; Tucca, F.; Galbán-Malagón, C.; Ahumada, R.; Rudolph, A.; Klánová, J.; Lammel, G.: Multicompartmental analysis of POPs and PAHs in Concepciόn Bay, central Chile: Part II – Air-sea exchange during Austral summer. Marine Pollution Bulletin 177, 113518 (2022)
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