Publikationen von Klaus Peter Jochum
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Zeitschriftenartikel (190)
39 (4), S. 497 - 500 (2015)
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research Bibliographic Review 2014. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 102.
27 (20), S. 7018 - 7027 (2015)
Influence of Compensating Defect Formation on the Doping Efficiency and Thermoelectric Properties of Cu2-ySe1–xBrx. Chemistry of Materials 103.
397, S. 1 - 13 (2015)
Variability of trace element uptake in marine reptile bones from three Triassic sites (S Poland): Influence of diagenetic processes on the host rock and significance of the applied methodology. Chemical Geology 104.
411, S. 57 - 68 (2015)
Microanalytical methods for in-situ high-resolution analysis of rock varnish at the micrometer to nanometer scale. Chemical Geology 105.
30 (12), S. 2469 - 2480 (2015)
Capability of fs-LA-ICP-MS for sulfide analysis in comparison to ns-LA-ICP-MS: reduction of laser induced matrix effects? Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 106.
396, S. 143 - 151 (2015)
Lead isotope variability in speleothems-A promising new proxy for hydrological change? First results from a stalagmite from western Germany. Chemical Geology 107.
38 (4), S. 513 - 515 (2014)
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research Bibliographic Review 2013. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 108.
38 (3), S. 265 - 292 (2014)
Non-Matrix-Matched Calibration for the Multi-Element Analysis of Geological and Environmental Samples Using 200 nm Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS: A Comparison with Nanosecond Lasers. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 109.
87 (1-2), S. 104 - 116 (2014)
History of bioavailable lead and iron in the Greater North Sea and Iceland during the last millennium - A bivalve sclerochronological reconstruction. Marine Pollution Bulletin 110.
363, S. 213 - 228 (2014)
LA-ICP-MS analysis of rare earth elements in marine reptile bones from the Middle Triassic bonebed (Upper Silesia, S Poland): Impact of long-lasting diagenesis, and factors controlling the uptake. Chemical Geology 111.
383, S. 123 - 131 (2014)
A new technique to determine element amounts down to femtograms in dust using femtosecond laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Chemical Geology 112.
387, S. 74 - 86 (2014)
Diagenesis of speleothems and its effect on the accuracy of 230Th/U-ages. Chemical Geology 113.
399, S. 225 - 235 (2014)
Trace element variability in single ostracod valves as a proxy for hydrochemical change in Nam Co, central Tibet, during the Holocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 114.
37 (4), S. 469 - 473 (2013)
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research Bibliographic Review 2012. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 115.
313, S. 17 - 37 (2013)
Ostracod shell chemistry as proxy for paleoenvironmental change. Quaternary International 116.
380, S. 112 - 123 (2013)
Geochemical and isotopic characterization of the Bodélé Depression dust source and implications for transatlantic dust transport to the Amazon Basin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 117.
375, S. 291 - 302 (2013)
Moroccan speleothem and tree ring records suggest a variable positive state of the North Atlantic Oscillation during the Medieval Warm Period. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 118.
108, S. 172 - 183 (2013)
The solubility of palladium and ruthenium in picritic melts: 2. The effect of sulfur. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 119.
65 (5), S. 382 - 396 (2013)
Self-healing, an intrinsic property of biomineralization processes. IUBMB Life 120.
103, S. 161 - 183 (2013)
Rare earth element systematics of fossil bone revealed by LA-ICPMS analysis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta