Publications of Klaus P. Jochum
All genres
Journal Article (190)
Journal Article
5 (1), 694 (2024)
Dynamic processes determine precipitation variability in Eastern Central European since the Last Glacial Maximum. Communications Earth & Environment 2.
Journal Article
129 (17), e2023JD040581 (2024)
Preface: Special Issue on Probing the Open Ocean With the Research Sailing Yacht Eugen Seibold for Climate Geochemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 3.
Journal Article
9, 583 (2024)
Single chamber Mg/Ca analyses of Globigerinoides ruber for paleo-proxy calibration using femtosecond LA-ICP-MS. Scientific Data 4.
Journal Article
54 (2), pp. 81 - 94 (2024)
Sightings of the Rare Globorotalia Cavernula in the Subantarctic South of Africa: Biogeochemical and Ecological Insights. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 5.
Journal Article
673, pp. 1 - 17 (2023)
Bioproductivity and vegetation changes documented in Eifel maar lake sediments (western Germany) compared with speleothem growth indicating three warm phases during the last glacial cycle. Quaternary International 6.
Journal Article
68 (2023)
Uptake of barium, molybdenum, and lithium and incorporation into scallop shells: Refining proxies for primary production dynamics. Limnology and Oceanography 7.
Journal Article
888, 164011 (2023)
High-resolution history of oxygen depletion in the SW Baltic Sea since the mid-19th century as revealed by bivalve shells. Science of the Total Environment 8.
Journal Article
15 (7), pp. 3263 - 3281 (2023)
HIPPO environmental monitoring: impact of phytoplankton dynamics on water column chemistry and the sclerochronology of the king scallop (Pecten maximus) as a biogenic archive for past primary production reconstructions. Earth System Science Data 9.
Journal Article
24 (7), e2022GC010742 (2023)
Temperature Calibration of Elevated Mg/Ca in Planktic Foraminifera Shells From the Hypersaline Gulf of Aqaba. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.
Journal Article
52 (1), pp. 9 - 22 (2023)
Mg records of two stalagmites from B7-Cave (northwest Germany) indicating long-term precipitation changes during Early to Mid-Holocene. International Journal of Speleology 11.
Journal Article
38 (10), pp. 2188 - 2202 (2023)
Analysis of geological glasses by electron probe microanalysis under low beam current density conditions. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 12.
Journal Article
23 (10), e2021GC010268 (2022)
High Precision Femtosecond Laser Ablation ICP-MS Measurement of Benthic Foraminiferal Mn-Incorporation for Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction: A Case Study From the Plio-Pleistocene Caribbean Sea. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13.
Journal Article
10, 826143 (2022)
Late Quaternary changes in moisture availability and weathering intensity on the central Tibetan Plateau indicated by chemical signatures of ostracod shells. Frontiers in Earth Science 14.
Journal Article
607, 121021 (2022)
Erratum to “Geochemical insights into the relationship of rock varnish and adjacent mineral dust fractions” [Chemical Geology 551 (2020) 119775]. Chemical Geology 15.
Journal Article
46 (2022)
Three Natural Andesitic to Rhyolitic Glasses (OJY-1, OH-1, OA-1) as Reference Materials for In Situ Microanalysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 16.
Journal Article
141, 109121 (2022)
Deciphering the potential of Ba/Ca, Mo/Ca and Li/Ca profiles in the bivalve shell Pecten maximus as proxies for the reconstruction of phytoplankton dynamics. Ecological Indicators 17.
Journal Article
23 (6), e2022GC010445 (2022)
Mesocrystalline Architecture in Hyaline Foraminifer Shells Indicates a Non-Classical Crystallisation Pathway. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18.
Journal Article
593, 120743 (2022)
Ba/Ca profiles in shells of Pecten maximus - A proxy for specific primary producers rather than bulk phytoplankton. Chemical Geology 19.
Journal Article
46 (1), pp. 129 - 134 (2022)
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research Bibliographic Review 2020. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 20.
Journal Article
50 (3), pp. 300 - 304 (2022)
Hadean zircon formed due to hydrated ultramafic protocrust melting. Geology