Publikationen von Stephan Borrmann

Forschungspapier (29)

Schulz, C.; Schneider, J.; Holanda, B. A.; Appel, O.; Costa, A.; de Sá, S. S.; Dreiling, V.; Fütterer, D.; Jurkat-Witschas, T.; Klimach, T. et al.; Krämer, M.; Martin, S. T.; Mertes, S.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Sauer, D.; Voigt, C.; Weinzierl, B.; Ziereis, H.; Zöger, M.; Andreae, M. O.; Artaxo, P.; Machado, L. A. T.; Pöschl, U.; Wendisch, M.; Borrmann, S.: Aircraft-based observations of isoprene epoxydiol-derived secondary organic aerosol (IEPOX-SOA) in the tropical upper troposphere over the Amazon region. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 18 (2018)
Krisna, T. C.; Wendisch, M.; Ehrlich, A.; Jäkel, E.; Werner, F.; Weigel, R.; Borrmann, S.; Mahnke, C.; Pöschl, U.; Andreae, M. O. et al.; Voigt, C.; Machado, L. A. T.: Comparing Airborne and Satellite Retrievals of Optical and Microphysical Properties of Cirrus and Deep Convective Clouds using a Radiance Ratio Technique. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
Andreae, M. O.; Afchine , A.; Albrecht, R.; Holanda, B. A.; Artaxo, P.; Barbosa, H. M. J.; Borrmann, S.; Cecchini, M. A.; Costa, A.; Dollner, M. et al.; Fütterer , D.; Järvinen, E.; Jurkat, T.; Klimach, T.; Könemann, T.; Knote, C.; Krämer, M.; Krisna, T.; Machado, L. A. T.; Mertes, S.; Minikin, A.; Pöhlker, C.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Pöschl, U.; Rosenfeld, D.; Sauer, D.; Schlager, H.; Schnaiter, M.; Schneider, J.; Schulz, C.; Spanu, A.; Sperling, V. B.; Voigt, C.; Walser, A.; Wang, J.; Weinzierl, B.; Wendisch, M.; Ziereis, H.: Aerosol characteristics and particle production in the upper troposphere over the Amazon Basin. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017), 46 S.
Campos Braga, R.; Rosenfeld, D.; Weigel, R.; Jurkat, T.; Andreae, M. O.; Wendisch, M.; Pöschl, U.; Voigt, C.; Mahnke, C.; Borrmann, S. et al.; Albrecht , R. I.; Molleker, S.; Vila, D. A.; Machado, L. A. T.; Grulich, L.: Aerosol concentrations determine the height of warm rain and ice initiation in convective clouds over the Amazon basin. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
Cecchini, M. A.; Machado, L. A. T.; Andreae, M. O.; Martin, S. T.; Albrecht, R. I.; Artaxo, P.; Barbosa, H. M. J.; Borrmann, S.; Fütterer, D.; Jurkat, T. et al.; Mahnke, C.; Minikin, A.; Molleker, S.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Pöschl, U.; Rosenfeld, D.; Voigt, C.; Weinzierl, B.; Wendisch, M.: Sensitivities of Amazonian clouds to aerosols and updraft speed. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
Cecchini, M. A.; Machado, L. A. T.; Wendisch, M.; Costa, A.; Krämer, M.; Andreae, M. O.; Afchine, A.; Albrecht, R. I.; Artaxo, P.; Borrmann, S. et al.; Fütterer, D.; Klimach, T.; Mahnke, C.; Martin, S. T.; Minikin, A.; Molleker, S.; Pardo, L. H.; Pöhlker, C.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Pöschl, U.; Rosenfeld, D.; Weinzierl, B.: Illustration of microphysical processes in Amazonian deep convective clouds in the Gamma phase space: Introduction and potential applications. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
Herenz, P.; Wex, H.; Henning , S.; Kristensen, T. B.; Rubach, F.; Roth, A.; Borrmann, S.; Bozem, H.; Schulz, H.; Stratmann, F.: Measurements of aerosol and CCN properties in the Mackenzie River delta (Canadian Arctic) during Spring-Summer transition in May 2014. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
Jost, A.; Szakáll, M.; Diehl, K.; Mitra, S. K.; Borrmann, S.: Chemistry of Riming: The Retention of Organic and Inorganic Atmospheric Trace Constituents. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
Klingebiel, M.; Ehrlich, A.; Finger, F.; Roeschenthaler, T.; Jakirlic, S.; Voigt, M.; Mueller, S.; Maser, R.; Wendisch, M.; Hoor, P. et al.; Spichtinger, P.; Borrmann, S.: A tandem approach for collocated measurements of microphysical and radiative cirrus properties. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 10 (2017)
Köllner, F.; Schneider, J.; Willis, M. D.; Klimach, T.; Helleis, F.; Bozem, H.; Kunkel, D.; Hoor, P.; Burkart, J.; Leaitch, W. R. et al.; Aliabadi, A. A.; Abbatt, J. P. D.; Herber, B.; Borrmann, S.: Particulate trimethylamine in the summertime Canadian high Arctic lower troposphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
Machado, L. A. T.; Calheiros, A. J. P.; Biscaro, T.; Giangrande, S.; Silva Dias, M. A. F.; Cecchini, M. A.; Albrecht, R.; Andreae, M. O.; Araujo, W. F.; Artaxo, P. et al.; Borrmann, S.; Braga, R.; Burleyson, C.; Eichholz, C. W.; Fan, J.; Feng, Z.; Fisch, G. F.; Jensen, M. P.; Martin , S. T.; Pöschl, U.; Pöhlker, C.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Ribaud, J.-F.; Rosenfeld, D.; Saraiva, J. M. B.; Schumacher, C.; Thalman, R.; Walter, D.; Wendisch, M.: Overview: Precipitation Characteristics and Sensitivities to the Environmental Conditions during GoAmazon2014/5 and ACRIDICON-CHUVA. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
Schütze, K.; Wilson, J. C.; Weinbruch , S.; Benker, N.; Ebert, M.; Weigel, R.; Borrmann, S.: Sub 500 nm refractory carbonaceous particles in the polar stratosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
Ebert, M.; Weigel, R.; Kandler, K.; Guenther, G.; Molleker, S.; Grooss, J.-U.; Vogel, B.; Weinbruch, S.; Borrmann, S.: Chemical analysis of refractory stratospheric aerosol particles collected within the arctic vortex and inside polar stratospheric clouds. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 16 (2016)
Phillips, G. J.; Thieser, J.; Tang, M. J.; Sobanski, N.; Schuster, G.; Fachinger, J.; Drewnick, F.; Borrmann, S.; Bingemer, H.; Lelieveld, J. et al.; Crowley, J. N.: Estimating N2O5 uptake coefficients using ambient measurements of NO3, N2O5, ClNO2 and particle-phase nitrate. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 16 (2016)
Schumann, U.; Kiemle, C.; Schlager, H.; Weigel, R.; Borrmann, S.; D'Amato, F.; Krämer, M.; Matthey, R.; Protat, A.; Voigt, C. et al.; Volk, M.: Long-lived contrails and convective cirrus above the tropical tropopause. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 16 (2016)
Struckmeier, C.; Drewnick, F.; Fachinger, F.; Gobbi, G. P.; Borrmann, S.: Atmospheric aerosols in Rome, Italy: sources, dynamics and spatial variations during two seasons. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 16 (2016)
Woiwode, W.; Hoepfner, M.; Bi, L.; Pitts, M. C.; Poole, L. R.; Oelhaf, H.; Molleker, S.; Borrmann, S.; Klingebiel, M.; Belyaev, G. et al.; Ebersoldt, A.; Griessbach, S.; Grooss, J.-U.; Gulde, T.; Kraemer, M.; Maucher, G.; Piesch, C.; Rolf, C.; Sartorius, C.; Spang, R.; Orphal, J.: Spectroscopic evidence of large aspherical β-NAT particles involved in denitrification in the December 2011 Arctic stratosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 16 (2016)
Weigel, R.; Spichtinger, P.; Mahnke, C.; Klingebiel, M.; Afchine, A.; Petzold , A.; Krämer, M.; Costa, A.; Molleker, S.; Jurkat, T. et al.; Minikin, A.; Borrmann, S.: Thermodynamic correction of particle concentrations measured by underwing probes on fast flying aircraft. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 8 S. 13423 - 13469 (2015), 46 S.
Finger, F.; Werner, F.; Klingebiel, M.; Ehrlich, A.; Jäkel, E.; Voigt, M.; Borrmann, S.; Spichtinger, P.; Wendisch, M.: Spectral optical layer properties of cirrus from collocated airborne measurements – a feasibility study. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 15 S. 19045 - 19077 (2015), 32 S.
Schmidt, S.; Schneider, J.; Klimach, T.; Mertes, S.; Schenk, L. P.; Curtius, J.; Kupiszewski, P.; Hammer, E.; Vochezer, P.; Lloyd, G. et al.; Ebert , M.; Kandler, K.; Weinbruch, S.; Borrmann, S.: In-situ single submicron particle composition analysis of ice residuals from mountain-top mixed-phase clouds in Central Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 15 S. 4677 - 4724 (2015), 47 S.
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