Publikationen von J. Leitner

Zeitschriftenartikel (49)

Hoppe, P., Leitner, J., Meyer, B. S., The, L. S., Lugaro, M. und Amari, S.: An unusual presolar silicon carbide grain from a supernova: implications for the production of silicon-29 in type II supernovae, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 691(1), L20–L23 [online] Available from:, 2009.
Hoppe, P., Leitner, J., Vollmer, C., Gröner, E., Heck, P. R., Gallino, R. und Amari, S.: Heavy Element Abundances in Presolar Silicon Carbide Grains from Low-Metallicity AGB Stars, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 26(3), 284–288 [online] Available from:, 2009.
Kearsley, A. T., Borg, J., Graham, G. A., Burchell, M. J., Cole, M. J., Leroux, H., Bridges, J. C., Horz, F., Wozniakiewicz, P. J., Bland, P. A., Bradley, J. P., Dai, Z. R., Teslich, N., See, T., Hoppe, P., Heck, P. R., Huth, J., Stadermann, F. J., Floss, C., Marhas, K., Stephan, T. und Leitner, J.: Dust from comet Wild 2: Interpreting particle size, shape, structure, and composition from impact features on the Stardust aluminum foils, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 43(1-2), 41–73 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Leitner, J., Stephan, T., Kearsley, A. T., Hoerz, F., Flynn, G. J. und Sandford, S. A.: TOF-SIMS analysis of crater residues from Wild 2 cometary particles on Stardust aluminum foil, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 43(1-2), 161–185 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Stadermann, F. J., Hoppe, P., Floss, C., Heck, P. R., Horz, F., Huth, J., Kearsley, A. T., Leitner, J., Marhas, K. K., Mckeegan, K. D. und Stephan, T.: Stardust in Stardust - The C, N, and O isotopic compositions of Wild 2 cometary matter in Al foil impacts, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 43(1-2), 299–313 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Brownlee, D., Tsou, P., Aleon, J., Alexander, C. M. O., Araki, T., Bajt, S., Baratta, G. A., Bastien, R., Bland, P., Bleuet, P., Borg, J., Bradley, J. P., Brearley, A., Brenker, F., Brennan, S., Bridges, J. C., Browning, N. D., Brucato, J. R., Bullock, E., Burchell, M. J., Busemann, H., Butterworth, A., Chaussidon, M., Cheuvront, A., Chi, M. F., Cintala, M. J., Clark, B. C., Clemett, S. J., Cody, G., Colangeli, L., Cooper, G., Cordier, P., Daghlian, C., Dai, Z. R., D'Hendecourt, L., Djouadi, Z., Dominguez, G., Duxbury, T., Dworkin, J. P., Ebel, D. S., Economou, T. E., Fakra, S., Fairey, S. A. J., Fallon, S., Ferrini, G., Ferroir, T., Fleckenstein, H., Floss, C., Flynn, G., Franchi, I. A., Fries, M., Gainsforth, Z., Gallien, J. P., Genge, M., Gilles, M. K., Gillet, P., Gilmour, J., Glavin, D. P., Gounelle, M., Grady, M. M., Graham, G. A., Grant, P. G., Green, S. F., Grossemy, F., Grossman, L., Grossman, J. N., Guan, Y., Hagiya, K., Harvey, R., Heck, P., Herzog, G. F., Hoppe, P., Horz, F., Huth, J., Hutcheon, I. D., Ignatyev, K., Ishii, H., Ito, M., Jacob, D., Jacobsen, C., Jacobsen, S., Jones, S., Joswiak, D., Jurewicz, A., Kearsley, A. T., Keller, L. P., Khodja, H., Kilcoyne, A. L. D., Kissel, J., Krot, A., Langenhorst, F., Lanzirotti, A., Le, L., Leshin, L. A., Leitner, J., Lemelle, L., Leroux, H., Liu, M. C., Luening, K., u. a.: Comet 81P/Wild 2 under a microscope, Science, 314(5806), 1711–1716 [online] Available from:, 2006.
Flynn, G. J., Bleuet, P., Borg, J., Bradley, J. P., Brenker, F. E., Brennan, S., Bridges, J., Brownlee, D. E., Bullock, E. S., Burghammer, M., Clark, B. C., Dai, Z. R., Daghlian, C. P., Djouadi, Z., Fakra, S., Ferroir, T., Floss, C., Franchi, I. A., Gainsforth, Z., Gallien, J. P., Gillet, P., Grant, P. G., Graham, G. A., Green, S. F., Grossemy, F., Heck, P. R., Herzog, G. F., Hoppe, P., Horz, F., Huth, J., Ignatyev, K., Ishii, H. A., Janssens, K., Joswiak, D., Kearsley, A. T., Khodja, H., Lanzirotti, A., Leitner, J., Lemelle, L., Leroux, H., Luening, K., MacPherson, G. J., Marhas, K. K., Marcus, M. A., Matrajt, G., Nakamura, T., Nakamura-Messenger, K., Nakano, T., Newville, M., Papanastassiou, D. A., Pianetta, P., Rao, W., Riekel, C., Rietmeijer, F. J. M., Rost, D., Schwandt, C. S., See, T. H., Sheffield-Parker, J., Simionovici, A., Sitnitsky, I., Snead, C. J., Stadermann, F. J., Stephan, T., Stroud, R. M., Susini, J., Suzuki, Y., Sutton, S. R., Taylor, S., Teslich, N., Troadec, D., Tsou, P., Tsuchiyama, A., Uesugi, K., Vekemans, B., Vicenzi, E. P., Vincze, L., Westphal, A. J., Wozniakiewicz, P., Zinner, E. und Zolensky, M. E.: Elemental compositions of comet 81P/Wild 2 samples collected by Stardust, Science, 314(5806), 1731–1735 [online] Available from:, 2006.
Hörz, F., Bastien, R., Borg, J., Bradley, J. P., Bridges, J. C., Brownlee, D. E., Burchell, M. J., Chi, M. F., Cintala, M. J., Dai, Z. R., Djouadi, Z., Dominguez, G., Economou, T. E., Fairey, S. A. J., Floss, C., Franchi, I. A., Graham, G. A., Green, S. F., Heck, P., Hoppe, P., Huth, J., Ishii, H., Kearsley, A. T., Kissel, J., Leitner, J., Leroux, H., Marhas, K., Messenger, K., Schwandt, C. S., See, T. H., Snead, C., Stadermann, F. J., Stephan, T., Stroud, R., Teslich, N., Trigo-Rodriguez, J. M., Tuzzolino, A. J., Troadec, D., Tsou, P., Warren, J., Westphal, A., Wozniakiewicz, P., Wright, I. und Zinner, E.: Impact features on Stardust: Implications for comet 81P/Wild 2 dust, Science, 314(5806), 1716–1719 [online] Available from:, 2006.
Hoppe, P., Stadermann, F. J., Stephan, T., Floss, C., Leitner, J., Marhas, K. K. und Hörz, F.: SIMS studies of Allende projectiles fired into Stardust-type aluminum foils at 6 km/sec, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 41(2), 197–209 [online] Available from:, 2006.

Konferenzbeitrag (24)

Leitner, J. und Hoppe, P.: Ca-Isotope Investigation of Silicate Stardust, in 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC). [online] Available from:, 2022.
Leitner, J., Metzler, K. und Hoppe, P.: Characterization of Presolar Grains in Cluster Chondrite Clasts from Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites, in 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2014.
Westphal, A. J., Stroud, R. M., Bechtel, H. A., Brenker, F. E., Butterworth, A. L., Flynn, G. J., Frank, D. R., Gainsforth, Z., Hillier, J. K., Postberg, F., Simionovici, A. S., Sterken, V. J., Allen, C., Anderson, D., Ansari, A., Bajt, S., Bastien, R. K., Bassim, N., Bridges, J., Brownlee, D. E., Burchell, M., Burghammer, M., Changela, H., Cloetens, P., Davis, A. M., Doll, R., Floss, C., Grün, E., Heck, P. R., Hoppe, P., Hudson, B., Huth, J., Kearsley, A., King, A. J., Lai, B., Leitner, J., Lemelle, L., Leonard, A., Leroux, H., Lettieri, R., Marchant, W., Nittler, L. R., Ogliore, R., Ong, W. J., Price, M. C., Sandford, S. A., Sans Tresseras, J.-A., Schmitz, S., Schoonjans, T., Schreiber, K., Silversmit, G., Solé, V. A., Srama, R., Stadermann, F. J., Stephan, T., Stodolna, J., Sutton, S., Trieloff, M., Tsou, P., Tyliszczak, T., Vekemans, B., Vincze, L., Von Korff, J., Wordsworth, N., Zevin, D. und Zolensky, M. E.: Final Reports of the Stardust ISPE: Seven Probable Interstellar Dust Particles, in 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2014.
Hoppe, P., Leitner, J. und Gröner, E.: Search for Small Supernova Silicates in the Acfer 094 Meteorite by High-Resolution NanoSIMS Ion Imaging, in 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2013.
Leitner, J., Metzler, K., Vollmer, C. und Hoppe, P.: Search for Presolar Grains in Fine-Grained Chondrule Rims: First Results from CM Chondrites and Acfer 094, in 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2013.
Gainsforth, Z., Simionovici, A., Brenker, F. E., Schmitz, S., Burghammer, M., Cloetens, P., Lemelle, L., Sans Tresseras, J.-A., Schoonjans, T., Silversmit, G., Sole, V. A., Vekemans, B., Vincze, L., Achilles, C., Allen, C., Ansari, A., Bajt, S., Bassim, N., Bastien, R. S., Bechtel, H. A., Borg, J., Bridges, J., Brownlee, D. E., Burchell, M., Butterworth, A., Changela, H., Davis, A. M., Floss, C., Flynn, G., Fougeray, P., Frank, D., Grun, E., Heck, P. R., Hillier, J. K., Hoppe, P., Hudson, B., Huss, G. R., Huth, J., Hvide, B., Kearsley, A., King, A. J., Lai, B., Leitner, J., Leonard, A., Leroux, H., Lettieri, R., Marchant, W., Nittler, L. R., Ogliore, R., Postberg, F., Price, M. C., Sandford, S. A., Schreiber, K., Srama, R., Stephan, T., Sterken, V., Stodolna, J., Stroud, R. M., Sutton, S., Trieloff, M., Tsou, P., Tsuchiyama, A., Tyliszczak, T., Westphal, A. J., Wordsworth, N., Zevin, D. und Zolensky, M. E.: Identification of crystalline material in two interstellar dust candidates from the Stardust mission, in 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2012.
Leitner, J., Heck, P. R., Hoppe, P. und Huth, J.: The C-, N-, and O-isotopic composition of cometary dust from comet 81P/Wild 2, in 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2012.
Leitner, J., Hoppe, P. und Zipfel, J.: The stardust inventories of Graves Nunataks 95229 and Renazzo: Implications for the distribution of presolar grains in CR chondrites, in 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2012.
Stroud, R. M., Achilles, C., Allen, C., Ansari, A., Bajt, S., Bassim, N., Bastien, R., Bechtel, H. A., Borg, J., Brenker, F. E., Bridges, J., Brownlee, D. E., Burchell, M., Burghammer, M., Butterworth, A., Changela, H., Cloetens, P., Davis, A. M., Floss, C., Flynn, G., Fougeray, P., Frank, D., Gainsforth, Z., Grün, E., Heck, P. R., Hillier, J. K., Hoppe, P., Hudson, B., Huss, G. R., Huth, J., Hvide, B., Kearsley, A., King, A. J., Lai, B., Leitner, J., Lemelle, L., Leonard, A., Leroux, H., Lettieri, R., Marchant, W., Nittler, L. R., Ogliore, R., Ong, W. J., Postberg, F., Price, M. C., Sandford, S. A., Sans Tresseras, J.-A., Schmitz, S., Schoonjans, T., Schreiber, K., Silversmit, K., Simionovici, A., Solé, V. A., Srama, R., Stephan, T., Sterken, V., Stodolna, J., Sutton, S., Trieloff, M., Tsou, P., Tsuchiyama, A., Tyliszczak, T., Vekemans, B., Vincze, L., Westphal, A. J., Wordsworth, N., Zevin, D. und Zolensky, M. E.: Constraining the origin of impact craters on Al foils from the Stardust interstellar dust collector, in 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2012.
Westphal, A. J., Achilles, C., Allen, C., Ansari, A., Bajt, S., Bassim, N., Bastien, R., Bechtel, H. A., Borg, J., Brenker, F. E., Bridges, J., Brownlee, D. E., Burchell, M., Burghammer, M., Butterworth, A., Changela, H., Cloetens, P., Davis, A. M., Floss, C., Flynn, G., Fougeray, P., Frank, D., Gainsforth, Z., Gruen, E., Heck, P. R., Hillier, J. K., Hoppe, P., Hudson, B., Huss, G. R., Huth, J., Hvide, B., Kearsley, A., King, A. J., Lai, B., Leitner, J., Lemelle, L., Leonard, A., Leroux, H., Lettieri, R., Marchant, W., Nittler, L. R., Ogliore, R., Postberg, F., Price, M. C., Sandford, S. A., Sans Tresseras, J.-A., Schmitz, S., Schoonjans, T., Schreiber, K., Silversmit, G., Simionovici, A., Sole, V. A., Srama, R., Stephan, T., Sterken, V., Stodolna, J., Stroud, R. M., Sutton, S., Treiloff, M., Tsou, P., Tsuchiyama, A., Tyliszczak, T., Vekemans, B., Vincze, L., Wordsworth, N., Zevin, D. und Zolensky, M. E.: Status of the Stardust ISPE and the origin of four interstellar dust candidates, in 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2012.
Bechtel, H. A., Allen, C., Bajt, S., Borg, J., Brenker, F., Bridges, J., Brownlee, D. E., Burchell, M., Burghammer, M., Butterworth, A. L., Cloetens, P., Davis, A. M., Floss, C., Flynn, G. J., Frank, D., Gainsforth, Z., Grün, E., Heck, P. R., Hillier, J. K., Hoppe, P., Howard, L., Huss, G. R., Huth, J., Kearsley, A., King, A. J., Lai, B., Leitner, J., Lemelle, L., Leroux, H., Nittler, L. R., Ogliore, R. C., Postberg, F., Price, M. C., Sandford, S. A., Sans Tresseras, J. A., Schmitz, S., Schoonjans, T., Silversmit, G., Simionovici, A., Srama, R., Stadermann, F. J., Stephan, T., Stodolna, J., Stroud, R. M., Sutton, S. R., Toucoulou, R., Trieloff, M., Tsou, P., Tsuchiyama, A., Tyliczszak, T., Vekemans, B., Vincze, L., Westphal, A. J. und Zolensky, M. E.: FTIR analysis of aerogel keystones from the Stardust interstellar dust collector: Assessment of terrestrial organic contamination and X-ray microprobe beam damage, in 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2011.
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