Publikationen von Oliver Eppers

Zeitschriftenartikel (8)

Wendisch, M., Crewell, S., Ehrlich, A., Herber, A., Kirbus, B., Luepkes, C., Mech, M., Abel, S. J., Akansu, E. F., Ament, F., Aubry, C., Becker, S., Borrmann, S., Bozem, H., Brueckner, M., Clemen, H.-C., Dahlke, S., Dekoutsidis, G., Delanoe, J., Castro, E. de la T., Dorff, H., Dupuy, R., Eppers, O., Ewald, F., George, G., Gorodetskaya, I. V., Grawe, S., Gross, S., Hartmann, J., Henning, S., Hirsch, L., Jaekel, E., Joppe, P., Jourdan, O., Juranyi, Z., Karalis, M., Kellermann, M., Klingebiel, M., Lonardi, M., Lucke, J., Luebke, A. E., Maahn, M., Maherndl, N., Maturilli, M., Mayer, B., Mayer, J., Mertes, S., Michaelis, J., Michalkov, M., Mioche, G., Moser, M., Mueller, H., Neggers, R., Ori, D., Paul, D., Paulus, F. M., Pilz, C., Pithan, F., Poehlker, M., Poertge, V., Ringel, M., Risse, N., Roberts, G. C., Rosenburg, S., Roettenbacher, J., Rueckert, J., Schaefer, M., Schaefer, J., Schemann, V., Schirmacher, I., Schmidt, J., Schmidt, S., Schneider, J., Schnitt, S., Schwarz, A., Siebert, H., Sodemann, H., Sperzel, T., Spreen, G., Stevens, B., Stratmann, F., Svensson, G., Tatzelt, C., Tuch, T., Vihma, T., Voigt, C., Volkmer, L., Walbroel, A., Weber, A., Wehner, B., Wetzel, B., Wirth, M. und Zinner, T.: Overview: quasi-Lagrangian observations of Arctic air mass transformations – introduction and initial results of the HALO–(AC)3 aircraft campaign, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24(15), 8865–8892, doi:10.5194/acp-24-8865-2024, 2024.
Zanatta, M., Mertes, S., Jourdan, O., Dupuy, R., Jaervinen, E., Schnaiter, M., Eppers, O., Schneider, J., Juranyi, Z. und Herber, A.: Airborne investigation of black carbon interaction with low-level,persistent, mixed-phase clouds in the Arctic summer, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23(14), 7955–7973, doi:10.5194/acp-23-7955-2023, 2023.
Zanatta, M., Herber, A., Jurányi, Z., Eppers, O., Schneider, J. und Schwarz, J. P.: Technical note: Sea salt interference with black carbon quantification in snow samples using the single particle soot photometer, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(12), 9329–9342, doi:10.5194/acp-21-9329-2021, 2021.
Szakáll, M., Debertshäuser, M., Lackner, C. P., Mayer, A., Eppers, O., Diehl, K., Theis , A., Mitra, S. K. und Borrmann, S.: Comparative Study On Immersion Freezing Utilizing Single-Droplet Levitation Methods, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(5), 3289–3316, doi:10.5194/acp-21-3289-2021, 2021.
Schneider, J., Weigel, R., Klimach, T., Dragoneas, A., Appel, O., Hünig, A., Molleker, S., Köllner, F., Clemen, H.-C., Eppers, O., Hoppe, P., Hoor, P., Mahnke, C., Krämer, M., Rolf, C., Grooß, J.-U., Zahn, A., Obersteiner, F., Ravegnani, F., Ulanovsky, A., Schlager, H., Scheibe, M., Diskin, G. S., DiGangi, J. P., Nowak, J. B., Zöger, M. und Borrmann, S.: Aircraft-based observation of meteoric material in lower stratospheric aerosol particles between 15 and 68° N, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(2), 989–1013, doi:10.5194/acp-21-989-2021, 2021.
Hartmann, M., Adachi, K., Eppers, O., Haas, C., Herber, A., Holzinger, R., Huenerbein, A., Jaekel, E., Jentzsch, C., van Pinxteren, M., Wex, H., Willmes, S. und Stratmann, F.: Wintertime Airborne Measurements of Ice Nucleating Particles in the High Arctic: A Hint to a Marine, Biogenic Source for Ice Nucleating Particles, Geophysical Research Letters, 47(13), doi:10.1029/2020GL087770, 2020.
Nakoudi, K., Ritter, C., Boeckmann, C., Kunkel, D., Eppers, O., Rozanov, V., Mei, L., Pefanis, V., Jaekel, E., Herber, A., Maturilli, M. und Neuber, R.: Does the Intra-Arctic Modification of Long-Range Transported Aerosol Affect the Local Radiative Budget? (A Case Study), Remote Sensing, 12(13), doi:10.3390/rs12132112, 2020.
Ehrlich, A., Wendisch, M., Lüpkes, C., Buschmann, M., Bozem, H., Chechin, D., Clemen, H.-C., Dupuy, R., Eppers, O., Hartmann, J., Herber, A., Jäkel, E., Järvinen, E., Jourdan, O., Kästner, U., Kliesch, L.-L., Köllner, F., Mech, M., Mertes, S., Neuber, R., Ruiz-Donoso, E., Schnaiter, M., Schneider, J., Stapf, J. und Zanatta, M.: A comprehensive in situ and remote sensing data set from the Arctic CLoud Observations Using airborne measurements during polar Day (ACLOUD) campaign, Earth System Science Data, 11(4), 1853–1881, doi:10.5194/essd-11-1853-2019, 2019.

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Ekinci, F., Köllner, F., Eppers, O., Appel, O., Brauner, P., Dragoneas, A., Molleker, S., Lauther, V., Volk, C. M., Hoor, P., Schneider, J. und Borrmann, S.: Transport of ammonium nitrate and organic aerosol into the extratropical stratosphere associated with the Asian monsoon outflow, in EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online., 2024.
Meeting Abstract
Eppers, O., Köllner, F., Appel, O., Brauner, P., Ekinci, F., Molleker, S., Dragoneas, A., Hünig, A., Smith, W., Ueyama, R., Schneider, J. und Borrmann, S.: Chemical composition and processing of aerosol particles in the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer inferred from airborne measurements during the ACCLIP campaign, in EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, 2023.

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Eppers, O.: Chemical composition and origin of aerosol particles involved in summertime Arctic cloud processes, Doktorarbeit, Universität, Mainz. [online] Available from:, 2021.

Hochschulschrift - Diplom (1)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom
Eppers, O.: Experimentelle Untersuchung des Kontaktgefrierens durch Illit- und Cellulose-Partikel am vertikalen Windkanal, Diplomarbeit, Universität, Mainz. [online] Available from:, 2016.

Forschungspapier (3)

Schneider, J., Weigel, R., Klimach, T., Dragoneas, A., Appel, O., Hünig, A., Molleker, S., Köllner, F., Clemen, H.-C., Eppers, O., Hoppe, P., Hoor, P., Mahnke, C., Krämer, M., Rolf, C., Grooß, J.-U., Zahn, A., Obersteiner, F., Ravegnani, F., Ulanovsky, A., Schlager, H., Scheibe, M., Diskin, G. S., DiGangi, J. P., Nowak, J. B., Zöger, M. und Borrmann, S.: Aircraft-based observation of meteoric material in lower stratospheric aerosol particles between 15 and 68° N, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 20, doi:10.5194/acp-2020-660, 2020.
Szakáll, M., Debertshäuser, M., Lackner, C. P., Mayer, A., Eppers, O., Diehl, K., Theis , A., Mitra, S. K. und Borrmann, S.: Comparative Study On Immersion Freezing Utilizing Single Droplet Levitation Methods, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 20, doi:10.5194/acp-2020-671, 2020.
Schneider, J., Weigel, R., Klimach, T., Dragoneas, A., Appel, O., Hünig, A., Molleker, S., Köllner, F., Clemen, H.-C., Eppers, O., Hoppe, P., Hoor, P., Mahnke, C., Krämer, M., Rolf, C., Grooß, J.-U., Zahn, A., Obersteiner, F., Ravegnani, F., Ulanovsky, A., Schlager, H., Scheibe, M., Diskin, G. S., DiGangi, J. P., Nowak, J. B., Zöger, M. und Borrmann, S.: Aircraft-based observation of meteoric material in lower stratospheric aerosol particles between 15 and 68°N, Earth and Space Science Open Archive, in review, doi:10.1002/essoar.10501338.1, 2019.
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