Chronological Archive
Opinion: Improved scientific discourse and quality assurance by interactive open access publishing with community-based multi-stage open peer review in an open science landscape , EGUsphere, preprint,, 202517th Berlin Open Access Conference, Welcome & Opening Remarks by Ulrich Pöschl , Harnack-Haus, Berlin-Dahlem, 5 February 2025 B16 Conference Report , Berlin 16th Open Access Conference, 6 June 2023Welcome Speech Martin Stratmann , Welcome & Opening Ulrich Pöschl, Berlin 16 Open Access Conference , 6 June 2023Scholarly & Policy Perspectives of Open Access: Innovation & Transformation: Perspektive offene Wissenschaft, Rhein-Main-Universitäten, 30 November 2022EGU expands open access to scientific knowledge and discussion , Conference of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), 19 September 2022Scientific Openness and Integrity: Two Decades of Interactive Open Access Publishing and Open Peer Review , Conference of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), 19 September 2022Interactive Open Access Publishing & Multi-Stage Open Peer Review: Critical Rationalism at Work in Scientific Publishing & Quality Assurance: Second International Conference on the work of Karl Popper, 25 September 2021“It’s hard to explain why this is taking so long” , FWF Interview, 10 December 2020 (German version: here )Scholarly and Policy Perspectives of Open Access : FWF Open Access Policy, 26 November 2020A Scientist's Perspective on Open Access & OA2020 : GSSI Open Access Workshop, 14 July 2020A Scientist’s Perspective on Open Access & OA2020 : OA2020 Meeting, Berlin, October 2019Scholarly & Policy Perspectives of Open Access : Couperin, Strasbourg, 21 June 201914th Berlin Open Access Conference, Berlin, 3 December 2018Laudatio zur Verleihung der Karl-Preusker-Medaille an die Allianz der Wissenschaftsorganisationen, Humboldt Universität, Ulrich Pöschl, 14 November 201813th Berlin Open Access Conference , Welcome and Opening by Ulrich Pöschl, 22 March 2017 Multi-stage open peer review integrating the strengths of traditional peer review : OpenAIRE workshop “Open Peer Review: Models, Benefits and Limitations”, 7 June 2016Copernicus Medal 2015 Ceremony, EGU Vienna, 2015Multi-stage open peer review:scientific evaluation integrating the strengths of traditional peer review with the virtues of transparency and self-regulation, Frontiers of Computational Neuroscience, 6, 33, doi:10.3389/fncom.2012.00033, 2012A Short History of Interactive Open Access Publishing, Copernicus Publications, 2011Is Interactive Open Access Publishing Able to Identify High-Impact Submissions?, Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 62, 61–71, 2011Interactive open access publishing and public peer review: The effectiveness of transparency and self-regulation in scientific quality assurance , IFLA Journal, 36, 40–46, 2010"Arne Richter – A multi-talented character who has made a difference in scientific publishing" (EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 5 May 2010)"Interactive Open Access Publishing and Peer Review: The Effectiveness and Perspectives of Transparency and Self-Regulation in Scientific Communication and Evaluation" (Liber Quarterly, 19, 293–314, 2010)"Bringing Down Geoscientific Barriers" (International Innovation, December 2009, pp. 24-25, Research Media, Bristol, UK)"Interactive Open Access Publishing & Public Peer Review: The Effectiveness of Transparency and Self-Regulation in Scientific Quality Assurance" (World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Council, 25 August 2009, Milan, Italy) "Interactive Open Access Publishing & Collaborative Peer Review for Improved Scientific Communication and Quality Assurance" (Information Services & Use, 28, 105–107, 2008)"Open Access – Opportunities and challenges – A handbook" (European Commission and the German Commission for UNESCO, 2008)"Interactive Open Access Publishing & Collaborative Peer Review for Improved Scientific Communication and Quality Assurance" (Open Access Days, Berlin, 09 October 2008) "Public Peer Review and Interactive Discussion: The Effectiveness of Transparency and Self-Regulation" (Academic Publishing in Europe, Berlin, 22 January 2008)"Interactive Open Access Publishing & Collaborative Peer Review for Improved Scientific Communication and Quality Assurance" (International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI), Public Conference 2007, Nancy, 21 June 2007)"Mehr Transparenz und Effizienz" (Forschung und Lehre, June 2007)"Open Access - Chancen und Herausforderungen" (Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission, June 2007)"Peer review steps out of the shadows" (Physics World, 29–30, January 2007)"Interactive Open Access Publishing & Collaborative Peer Review for Improved Scientific Communication and Quality Assurance" (German E-Science Conference (GES), Baden-Baden, 03 May 2007) "Open Access to New Knowledge" (Max-Planck Research, 4/2006, 26-31)"Open Access" (Wissenschaftsmanagement Special, 1/2006, 26-31)"Peer Review Revisited" (DFG-iFQ Working paper No. 1, December 2006)"Interactive Open Access Publishing & Collaborative Peer Review" (Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF), Munich, 16 July 2006)"An open, two-stage peer-review journal" (Nature Web Debate on Peer-Review, June 2006)"Open Access, Public Peer Review and Interactive Discussion for Improved Scientific Communication and Quality Assurance" (IFQ-DFG-WZB Workshop "Peer-Review Revisited", Berlin, 16 May 2006)"Quality Assurance & Peer Review in Open Access" (Berlin 4 Open Access Conference, Potsdam, 29-31 March 2006) "Collaborative Peer Review & Quality Assurance" (E-Journal Summit, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, 20 March 2006)"Interactive Open Access Journal of the European Geosciences Union" (UNESCO Workshop on the "Information Commons, Paris, 01–02 September 2005)"ISI Special Report on ACP" (Interview with U. Pöschl) (ISI Essential Science Indicators, InCites Journals, August 2005)"Frei zugänglich und transparent begutachtet" (Forschung & Lehre (German), March 2005)"Why and how shall open access publishing improve scientific communication and quality assurance?" (US National Academy of Sciences and National Research Council, Chemical Sciences Roundtable, Washington, 25 October 2004)"Interactive peer review enhances journal quality" (Research Information, September/October 2004) "Interactive journal concept for improved scientific publishing and quality assurance" (Learned Publishing, 17, 105-113, April 2004)"Open access: scientific quality assurance by interactive peer review and public discussion" (German Physical Society (DPG), Munich, 23 March 2004)"Peer Trouble" (The Guardian, 11 February 2003)"Deutschlandfunk Report on ACP" (Interview with P. Crutzen and R. Sander, in German) (Deutschlandfunk, 02 May 2002) "Peer review unmasked" (Nature, 416, 258-260, March 2002)"Free online availability substantially increases a paper's impact" (Nature, 411, 521-522, 31 May 2001)"On the lack of accountability in meteorological research" (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 81, 1333-1337, June 2000)