Publikationen von Francois Fripiat

Poster (3)

Ai, X.; Sigman, D. M.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Studer, A. S.; Fripiat, F.; Lamy, F.; Schmitt, M.; Oleynik, S.; Haug, G. H.: Progressive Declines in Pacific Antarctic Zone Upwelling Intensity During Each Glaciation of the Last 460 ka. AGU Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2024)
Fripiat, F.; Sigman, D. M.; Ai, X.; Dumoulin, C.; Moretti, S.; Studer, A. S.; Diekmann, B.; Esper, O.; Lamy, F.; Liu, L. et al.; Pattyn, F.; Schmitt, M.; Tiedemann, R.; Haug, G. H.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Ice age and deglacial stratification of the polar Antarctic Zone. AGU Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2024)
Pico, T.; Farmer, J. R.; Underwood, O. M.; Stout, R. C.; Granger, J.; Cronin, T. M.; Fripiat, F.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Haug, G. H.; Sigman, D. M. et al.; Kodama, S.; Vigilia, C.; Robel, A.: Knowns and Unknowns on Bering Strait Relative Sea Level and Cordilleran Ice Sheet Size across Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3). AGU Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2024)

Sonstige (4)

Farmer, J. R.; Pico, T.; Underwood, O. M.; Cleveland-Stout, R.; Sigman, D. M.; Granger, J.; Fripiat, F.; Cronin, T. M.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Haug, G. H.: Arctic Ocean 50 ka foram-bound nitrogen isotope data, core age models, and Bering Strait sea level simulations [Dataset], Pangaea, (2023)
Farmer, J. R.; Pico, T.; Underwood, O. M.; Cleveland-Stout, R.; Sigman, D. M.; Granger, J.; Fripiat, F.; Cronin, T. M.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Haug, G. H.: Bering Strait sea level simulations [Dataset], Pangaea, (2023)
Farmer, J. R.; Pico, T.; Underwood, O. M.; Cleveland-Stout, R.; Sigman, D. M.; Granger, J.; Fripiat, F.; Cronin, T. M.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Haug, G. H.: Foraminifera-bound nitrogen isotope ratios of sediment from the Arctic Ocean [Dataset], Pangaea, (2023)
Farmer, J. R.; Pico, T.; Underwood, O. M.; Cleveland-Stout, R.; Sigman, D. M.; Granger, J.; Fripiat, F.; Cronin, T. M.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Haug, G. H.: Primary and alternative 14C Bayesian age-depth models of sediment from the Arctic Ocean [Dataset], Pangaea, (2023)

Preprint (1)

Wald, T.; Fripiat, F.; Foreman, A. D.; Ryu, Y.; Marconi, D.; Tanhua, T.; Sisma-Ventura, G.; Sigman, D. M.; Haug, G. H.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Origins of the nitrate 15 N depletion in the Mediterranean Sea. ESS Open Archive (2025)
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