Publikationen von Thomas Wagner

Zeitschriftenartikel (209)

Lauster, B.; Dörner, S.; Enell, C.-F.; Frieß, U.; Gu, M.; Pukite, J.; Raffalski, U.; Wagner, T.: Occurrence of polar stratospheric clouds as derived from ground-based zenith DOAS observations using the colour index. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22 (24), S. 15925 - 15942 (2022)
Herrmann, M.; Schöne, M.; Borger, C.; Warnach, S.; Wagner, T.; Platt, U.; Gutheil, E.: Ozone depletion events in the Arctic spring of 2019: A new modeling approach to bromine emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22 (20), S. 13495 - 13526 (2022)
Borger, C.; Beirle, S.; Wagner, T.: Analysis of global trends of total column water vapour from multiple years of OMI observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22 (16), S. 10603 - 10621 (2022)
Pinardi, G.; Roozendael, M. V.; Hendrick, F.; Richter, A.; Valks, P.; Alwarda, R.; Bognar, K.; a; Frieß, U.; Granville, J. et al.; Gu, M.; Johnston, P.; Prados-Roman, C.; Querel, R.; Strong, K.; Wagner, T.; Wittrock, F.; Gonzalez, M. Y.: Ground-based validation of the MetOp-A and MetOp-B GOME-2 OClO measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 15 (11), S. 3439 - 3463 (2022)
Kuhlmann, G.; Chan, K. L.; Donner, S.; Zhu, Y.; Schwaerzel, M.; Dörner, S.; Chen, J.; Hueni, A.; Nguyen, D. H.; Damm, A. et al.; Schuett, A.; Dietrich, F.; Brunner, D.; Liu, C.; Buchmann, B.; Wagner, T.; Wenig, M.: Mapping the spatial distribution of NO2 with in situ and remote sensing instruments during the Munich NO2 imaging campaign. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 15 (6), S. 1609 - 1629 (2022)
Kuhn, L.; Kuhn, J.; Wagner, T.; Platt, U.: The NO2 camera based on gas correlation spectroscopy. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 15 (5), S. 1395 - 1414 (2022)
Karagkiozidis, D.; Friedrich, M. M.; Beirle, S.; Bais, A.; Hendrick, F.; Voudouri, K. A.; Fountoulakis, I.; Karanikolas, A.; Tzoumaka, P.; Van Roozendael, M. et al.; Balis, D.; Wagner, T.: Retrieval of tropospheric aerosol, NO2, and HCHO vertical profiles from MAX-DOAS observations over Thessaloniki, Greece: intercomparison and validation of two inversion algorithms. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 15 (5), S. 1269 - 1301 (2022)
Karagkiozidis, D.; Friedrich, M. M.; Beirle, S.; Bais, A.; Hendrick, F.; Voudouri, K. A.; Fountoulakis, I.; Karanikolas, A.; Tzoumaka, P.; Roozendael, M. V. et al.; Balis, D.; Wagner, T.: Retrieval of tropospheric aerosol, NO2, and HCHO vertical profiles from MAX-DOAS observations over Thessaloniki, Greece: intercomparison and validation of two inversion algorithms. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 15 (5), S. 1269 - 1301 (2022)
Beirle, S.; Borger, C.; Dörner, S.; Kumar, V.; Wagner, T.: Calculating the vertical column density of O4 during daytime from surface values of pressure, temperature, and relative humidity. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 15 (4), S. 987 - 1006 (2022)
Van Malderen, R.; Pottiaux, E.; Stankunavicius, G.; Beirle, S.; Wagner, T.; Brenot, H.; Bruyninx, C.; Jones, J.: Global Spatiotemporal Variability of Integrated Water Vapor Derived from GPS, GOME/SCIAMACHY and ERA-Interim: Annual Cycle, Frequency Distribution and Linear Trends. Remote Sensing 14 (4), 1050 (2022)
Liu, F.; Tao, Z.; Beirle, S.; Joiner, J.; Yoshida, Y.; Smith, S. J.; Knowland, K. E.; Wagner, T.: A new method for inferring city emissions and lifetimes of nitrogen oxides from high-resolution nitrogen dioxide observations: a model study. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22 (2), S. 1333 - 1349 (2022)
Küchler, T.; Noel, S.; Bovensmann, H.; Burrows, J. P.; Wagner, T.; Borger, C.; Borsdorff, T.; Schneider, A.: Total water vapour columns derived from Sentinel 5P using the AMC-DOAS method. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 15 (2), S. 297 - 320 (2022)
Pukite, J.; Borger, C.; Dörner, S.; Gu, M.; Wagner, T.: OClO as observed by TROPOMI: a comparison with meteorological parameters and polar stratospheric cloud observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22 (1), S. 245 - 272 (2022)
Latsch, M.; Richter, A.; Eskes, H.; Sneep, M.; Wang, P.; Veefkind, P.; Lutz, R.; Loyola, D.; Argyrouli, A.; Valks, P. et al.; Wagner, T.; Sihler, H.; van Roozendael, M.; Theys, N.; Yu, H.; Siddans, R.; Burrows, J. P.: Intercomparison of Sentinel-5P TROPOMI cloud products for tropospheric trace gas retrievals. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 15 (21), S. 6257 - 6283 (2022)
Kuhn, J.; Bobrowski, N.; Wagner, T.; Platt, U.: Mobile and high-spectral-resolution Fabry-Perot interferometer spectrographs for atmospheric remote sensing. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14 (12), S. 7873 - 7892 (2021)
Lerot, C.; Hendrick, F.; Van Roozendael, M.; Alvarado, L. M. A.; Richter, A.; De Smedt, I.; Theys, N.; Vlietinck, J.; Yu, H.; Van Gent, J. et al.; Stavrakou, T.; Muller, J.-F.; Valks, P.; Loyola, D.; Irie, H.; Kumar, V.; Wagner, T.; Schreier, S. F.; Sinha, V.; Wang, T.; Wang, P.; Retscher, C.: Glyoxal tropospheric column retrievals from TROPOMI - multi-satellite intercomparison and ground-based validation. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14 (12), S. 7775 - 7807 (2021)
Pukite, J.; Borger, C.; Dörner, S.; Gu, M.; Friess, U.; Meier, A. C.; Enell, C.-F.; Raffalski, U.; Richter, A.; Wagner, T.: Retrieval algorithm for OClO from TROPOMI (TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument) by differential optical absorption spectroscopy. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14 (12), S. 7595 - 7625 (2021)
Liu, S.; Valks, P.; Pinardi, G.; Xu, J.; Chan, K. L.; Argyrouli, A.; Lutz, R.; Beirle, S.; Khorsandi, E.; Baier, F. et al.; Huijnen, V.; Bais, A.; Donner, S.; Dörner, S.; Gratsea, M.; Hendrick, F.; Karagkiozidis, D.; Lange, K.; Piters, A. J. M.; Remmers, J.; Richter, A.; Roozendael, M. V.; Wagner, T.; Wenig, M.; Loyola, D. G.: An improved TROPOMI tropospheric NO2 research product over Europe. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14 (11), S. 7297 - 7327 (2021)
Theys, N.; Fioletov, V.; Li, C.; Smedt, I. D.; Lerot, C.; McLinden, C.; Krotkov, N.; Griffin, D.; Clarisse, L.; Hedelt, P. et al.; Loyola, D.; Wagner, T.; Kumar, V.; Innes, A.; Ribas, R.; Hendrick, F.; Vlietinck, J.; Brenot, H.; Roozendael, M. V.: A sulfur dioxide Covariance-Based Retrieval Algorithm (COBRA): application to TROPOMI reveals new emission sources. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (22), S. 16727 - 16744 (2021)
Platt, U.; Wagner, T.; Kuhn, J.; Leisner, T.: The “ideal” spectrograph for atmospheric observations. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14 (10), S. 6867 - 6883 (2021)
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