Publikationen von Franz Slemr
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Zeitschriftenartikel (55)
48 (13), S. 7204 - 7206 (2014)
Progress on Understanding Atmospheric Mercury Hampered by Uncertain Measurements. Environmental Science & Technology 22.
13 (13), S. 6421 - 6428 (2013)
222Rn-calibrated mercury fluxes from terrestrial surface of southern Africa. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23.
39, L10813 (2012)
Estimating the contribution of monsoon-related biogenic production to methane emissions from South Asia using CARIBIC observations. Geophysical Research Letters 24.
12 (16), S. 7465 - 7474 (2012)
Emissions of mercury in southern Africa derived from long-term observations at Cape Point, South Africa. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 25.
5 (7), S. 1753 - 1760 (2012)
Carbon monoxide measurements onboard the CARIBIC passenger aircraft using UV resonance fluorescence. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 26.
116, D20308 (2011)
Characterization and source regions of 51 high-CO events observed during Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container (CARIBIC) flights between south China and the Philippines, 2005-2008. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 27.
11 (2), S. 503 - 518 (2011)
Characterization of non-methane hydrocarbons in Asian summer monsoon outflow observed by the CARIBIC aircraft. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 28.
11 (15), S. 8053 - 8074 (2011)
Acetone variability in the upper troposphere: analysis of CARIBIC observations and LMDz-INCA chemistry-climate model simulations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 29.
11 (10), S. 4779 - 4787 (2011)
Worldwide trend of atmospheric mercury since 1995. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 30.
3 (1), S. 311 - 321 (2010)
Analysis of non-methane hydrocarbons in air samples collected aboard the CARIBIC passenger aircraft. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 31.
10 (3), S. 1121 - 1131 (2010)
Gaseous elemental mercury depletion events observed at Cape Point during 2007-2008. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 32.
10 (10), S. 4699 - 4713 (2010)
Observations of the 2008 Kasatochi volcanic SO2 plume by CARIBIC aircraft DOAS and the GOME-2 satellite. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 33.
10 (24), S. 12037 - 12057 (2010)
Global atmospheric model for mercury including oxidation by bromine atoms. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 34.
10 (4), S. 1649 - 1660 (2010)
Pollution events observed during CARIBIC flights in the upper troposphere between South China and the Philippines. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 35.
10 (8), S. 3965 - 3984 (2010)
Greenhouse gas relationships in the Indian summer monsoon plume measured by the CARIBIC passenger aircraft. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 36.
9 (21), S. 8413 - 8430 (2009)
Origin of aerosol particles in the mid-latitude and subtropical upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere from cluster analysis of CARIBIC data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 37.
2, S. 449 - 464 (2009)
Greenhouse gas analysis of air samples collected onboard the CARIBIC passenger aircraft. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 38.
9 (6), S. 1957 - 1969 (2009)
Gaseous mercury distribution in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere observed onboard the CARIBIC passenger aircraft. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 39.
35 (11), L11807 (2008)
Total gaseous mercury concentrations at the Cape Point GAW station and their seasonality. Geophysical Research Letters 40.
60 (1), S. 106 - 117 (2008)
Submicrometer aerosol particle distributions in the upper troposphere over the mid-latitude North Atlantic - Results from the third route of 'CARIBIC'. Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology