Publikationen von G. Schuster

Zeitschriftenartikel (31)

Tang, M. J.; Thieser, J.; Schuster, G.; Crowley, J. N.: Uptake of NO3 and N2O5 to Saharan dust, ambient urban aerosol and soot: a relative rate study. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (6), S. 2965 - 2974 (2010)
Wagner, C.; Schuster, G.; Crowley, J. N.: An aerosol flow tube study of the interaction of N2O5 with calcite, Arizona dust and quartz. Atmospheric Environment 43 (32), S. 5001 - 5008 (2009)
Schuster, G.; Labazan, I.; Crowley, J. N.: A cavity ring down / cavity enhanced absorption device for measurement of ambient NO3 and N2O5. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2, S. 1 - 13 (2009)
von Hessberg, P.; Pouvesle, N.; Winkler, A. K.; Schuster, G.; Crowley, J. N.: Interaction of formic and acetic acid with ice surfaces between 187 and 227 K. Investigation of single species- and competitive adsorption. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10 (17), S. 2345 - 2355 (2008)
Wagner, C.; Hanisch, F.; Holmes, N.; de Coninck, H.; Schuster, G.; Crowley, J. N.: The interaction of N2O5 with mineral dust: aerosol flow tube and Knudsen reactor studies. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (1), S. 91 - 109 (2008)
Braban, C. F.; Adams, J. W.; Rodriguez, D.; Cox, R. A.; Crowley, J. N.; Schuster, G.: Heterogeneous reactions of HOI, ICl and IBr on sea salt and sea salt proxies. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9 (24), S. 3136 - 3148 (2007)
Klemm, O.; Held, A.; Forkel, R.; Gasche, R.; Kanter, H. J.; Rappenglück, B.; Steinbrecher, R.; Müller, K.; Plewka, A.; Cojocariu, C. et al.; Kreuzwieser, J.; Valverde-Canossa, J.; Schuster, G.; Moortgat, G. K.; Graus, M.; Hansel, A.: Experiments on forest/atmosphere exchange: Climatology and fluxes during two summer campaigns in NE Bavaria. Atmospheric Environment 40 (Suppl. Suppl. 1), S. S3 - S20 (2006)
Valverde-Canossa, J.; Ganzeveld, L.; Rappenglück, B.; Steinbrecher, R.; Klemm, O.; Schuster, G.; Moortgat, G. K.: First measurements of H2O2 and organic peroxides surface fluxes by the relaxed eddy-accumulation technique. Atmospheric Environment 40 (Suppl. Suppl. 1), S. S55 - S67 (2006)
Bonn, B.; Schuster, G.; Moortgat, G. K.: Influence of water vapor on the process of new particle formation during monoterpene ozonolysis. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 106 (12), S. 2869 - 2881 (2002)
Poisson, N.; Kanakidou, M.; Bonsang, B.; Behmann, T.; Burrows, J.; Fischer, H.; Gölz, C.; Harder, H.; Lewis, A.; Moortgat, G. K. et al.; Nunes, T.; Pio, C.; Platt, U.; Sauer, F.; Schuster, G.; Seakins, P.; Senzig, J.; Seuwen, R.; Trapp, D.; Volz-Thomas, A.; Zenker, T.; Zitzelsberger, R.: The impact of natural nonmethane hydrocarbon oxidation on the free radical and ozone budgets above an Eucalyptus forest. Chemosphere - Global Change Science 3, S. 353 - 366 (2001)
Sauer, F.; Beck, J.; Schuster, G.; Moortgat, G. K.: Hydrogen peroxide, organic peroxides and organic acids in a forested area during FIELDVOC '94. Chemosphere - Global Change Science 3, S. 309 - 326 (2001)

Buchkapitel (1)

Tuckermann, R.; Neeb, P.; Schuster, G.; Moortgat, G. K.: Retrieval analysis of aerosol-size-distribution from extinction measurements in gas-phase ozonolysis of monoterpenes. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop of the EUROTRAC-2 Subproject Chemical Mechanism Development (CMD), Karlsruhe/Germany 1998, S. HEP21 1 - HEP21 4 (Hg. Schurath, U.; Roselieb, R.). FZ Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe (1998)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Valverde-Canossa, J.; Moortgat, G. K.; Schuster, G.: First Measurements of H2O2 Surface Fluxes by the Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Technique. In: Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere. Proceedings of the EUROTRAC-2 Symposium 2002 in Garmisch Partenkirchen, 11-15 March 2002., GUEST 294 (Hg. Midgley, P. M.; Reuther, M.). EUROTRAC-2 Symposium, Garmisch Partenkirchen, 11. März 2002 - 15. März 2002. Markgraf Verlag, Weikersheim/Germany (2002)

Forschungspapier (5)

Eger, P. G.; Helleis, F.; Schuster, G.; Phillips, G. J.; Lelieveld, J.; Crowley, J. N.: Chemical ionisation quadrupole mass spectrometer with an electrical discharge ion source for atmospheric trace gas measurement. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 11 (2018), 35 S.
Liebmann, J. M.; Schuster, G.; Schuladen, J.; Sobanski, N.; Lelieveld, J.; Crowley, J. N.: Measurement of ambient NO3 reactivity: design, characterization and first deployment of a new instrument. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 9 (2016)
Phillips, G. J.; Thieser, J.; Tang, M. J.; Sobanski, N.; Schuster, G.; Fachinger, J.; Drewnick, F.; Borrmann, S.; Bingemer, H.; Lelieveld, J. et al.; Crowley, J. N.: Estimating N2O5 uptake coefficients using ambient measurements of NO3, N2O5, ClNO2 and particle-phase nitrate. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 16 (2016)
Sobanski, N.; Schuladen, J.; Schuster, G.; Lelieveld, J.; Crowley, J. N.: A five-channel cavity ring-down spectrometer for the detection of NO2, NO3, N2O5, total peroxy nitrates and total alkyl nitrates. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 9 (2016)
Thieser, J.; Schuster, G.; Phillips, G. J.; Reiffs, A.; Parchatka, U.; Pöhler, D.; Lelieveld, J.; Crowley, J. N.: A two-channel, thermal dissociation cavity-ringdown spectrometer for the detection of ambient NO2, RO2NO2 and RONO2. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 8 S. 11533 - 11596 (2015), 63 S.
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