Publikationen von G. Lammel

Zeitschriftenartikel (117)

Stemmler, I.; Lammel, G.: Air-sea exchange of semivolatile organic compounds - Wind and/or sea surface temperature control of volatilisation studied using a coupled general circulation model. Journal of Marine Systems 85 (1-2), S. 11 - 18 (2011)
Behrendt, A.; Pal, S.; Wulfmeyer, V.; Valdebenito, A. M.; Lammel, G.: A novel approach for the characterization of transport and optical properties of aerosol particles near sources – 1. Measurement of particle backscatter coefficient maps with a scanning UV lidar. Atmospheric Environment 45, S. 2795 - 2802 (2011)
Dvorská, A.; Lammel, G.; Klánová, J.: Use of diagnostic ratios for studying source apportionment and reactivity of ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons over Central Europe. Atmospheric Environment 45 (2), S. 420 - 427 (2011)
Lammel, G.; Klánová, J.; Ilić, P.; Kohoutek, J.; Gasić, B.; Kovacić, I.; Škrdlíková, L.: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air on small spatial and temporal scales - II. Mass size distributions and gas-particle partitioning. Atmospheric Environment 44 (38), S. 5022 - 5027 (2010)
Lammel, G.; Klánová, J.; Ilić, P.; Kohoutek, J.; Gasić, B.; Kovacić, I.; Lakić, N.; Radić, R.: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air on small spatial and temporal scales - I. Levels and variabilities. Atmospheric Environment 44 (38), S. 5015 - 5021 (2010)
Gasić, B.; MacLeod, M.; Klánová, J.; Scheringer, M.; Ilić, P.; Lammel, G.; Pajović, A.; Breivik, K.; Holoubek, I.; Hungerbühler, K.: Quantification of sources of PCBs to the atmosphere in urban areas: A comparison of cities in North America, Western Europe and former Yugoslavia. Environmental Pollution 158 (10), S. 3230 - 3235 (2010)
Kukučka, P.; Lammel, G.; Dvorská, A.; Klánová, J.; Möller, A.; Fries, E.: Contamination of Antarctic snow by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons dominated by combustion sources in the polar region. Environmental Chemistry 7 (6), S. 504 - 513 (2010)
Stemmler, I.; Lammel, G.: Pathways of PFOA to the Arctic: variabilities and contributions of oceanic currents and atmospheric transport and chemistry sources. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (20), S. 9965 - 9980 (2010)
Lammel, G.; Klánová, J.; Kohoutek, J.; Prokeš, R.; Ries, L.; Stohl, A.: Observation and origin of organochlorine compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the free troposphere over central Europe. Environmental Pollution 157 (12), S. 3264 - 3271 (2009)
Stemmler, I.; Lammel, G.: Cycling of DDT in the global environment 1950-2002: World ocean returns the pollutant. Geophysical Research Letters 36, L24602 (2009)
Guglielmo, F.; Lammel, G.; Maier-Reimer, E.: Global environmental cycling of gamma-HCH and DDT in the 1980s-A study using a coupled atmosphere and ocean general circulation model. Chemosphere 76 (11), S. 1509 - 1517 (2009)
Dvorská, A.; Lammel, G.; Holoubek, I.: Recent trends of persistent organic pollutants in air in central Europe - Air monitoring in combination with air mass trajectory statistics as a tool to study the effectivity of regional chemical policy. Atmospheric Environment 43 (6), S. 1280 - 1287 (2009)
Lammel, G.; Dobrovolný, P.; Dvorská, A.; Chromá, K.; Brázdil, R.; Holoubek, I.; Hosek, J.: Monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in Africa. Part 2: Design of a network to monitor the continental and intercontinental background. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 11 (11), S. 1964 - 1972 (2009)
Dvorská, A.; Lammel, G.; Klánová, J.; Holoubek, I.: Košetice, Czech Republic - ten years of air pollution monitoring and four years of evaluating the origin of persistent organic pollutants. Environmental Pollution 156 (2), S. 403 - 408 (2008)
Lammel, G.; Feichter, J.; Kurtenbach, R.; Wiesen, P.; Kreuzig, R.; Müller, S.; Zachmann, D.; Knocker, T.; Lamshoft, M.; Schaeffer, A. et al.; Endres, F.; Goss, K. U.; Palm, W. U.; Scheringer, M.: Environmental chemistry 2007. Nachrichten aus der Chemie 56 (3), S. 346 - 352 (2008)
Ilyina, T.; Lammel, G.; Pohlmann, T.: Mass budgets and contribution of individual sources and sinks to the abundance of α-HCH, γ-HCH and PCB-153 in the North Sea. Chemosphere 72, S. 1132 - 1137 (2008)
Růžičková, P.; Klánová, J.; Čupr, P.; Lammel, G.; Holoubek, I.: An assessment of air-soil exchange of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides across central and southern Europe. Environmental Science & Technology 42, S. 179 - 185 (2008)

Buchkapitel (1)

Pöhlker, C.; Baumann, K.; Lammel, G.: Methods of sampling trace substances in air. In: Handbook of Atmospheric Measurements, S. 567 - 610 (Hg. Foken, T.). Springer, Cham (2021)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Lammel, G.; Alarcon, P. C.; Padervand, M.; Pöschl, U.; Zetzsch, C.: Why is the pesticide endosulfan not disappearing from the global environment after ban? In EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU24-20039. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, 14. April 2024 - 19. April 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Lammel, G.; Bandowe, B. A. M.; Bohlin-Nizzetto, P.; Degrendele, C. .; Halse, A. K.; Iakovides, M.; Kukučka, P.; Kyprianou, M.; Martiník, J.; Mwangi, J. K. et al.; Nežiková, B. P.; Přibylová, P.; Prokeš, R.; Sáňka, M.; Sobotka, J.; Vinkler, J.; Wietzoreck, M.; Pöschl, U.; Stephanou, E. G.; Tsapakis, M.; Vrana, B.: Soils and surface waters are secondary sources of polycyclic aromatic compounds. In EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU24-17795. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, 14. April 2024 - 19. April 2024. (2024)
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