Publikationen von G. Lammel
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (117)
85 (1-2), S. 11 - 18 (2011)
Air-sea exchange of semivolatile organic compounds - Wind and/or sea surface temperature control of volatilisation studied using a coupled general circulation model. Journal of Marine Systems 102.
45, S. 2795 - 2802 (2011)
A novel approach for the characterization of transport and optical properties of aerosol particles near sources – 1. Measurement of particle backscatter coefficient maps with a scanning UV lidar. Atmospheric Environment 103.
45 (2), S. 420 - 427 (2011)
Use of diagnostic ratios for studying source apportionment and reactivity of ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons over Central Europe. Atmospheric Environment 104.
44 (38), S. 5022 - 5027 (2010)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air on small spatial and temporal scales - II. Mass size distributions and gas-particle partitioning. Atmospheric Environment 105.
44 (38), S. 5015 - 5021 (2010)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air on small spatial and temporal scales - I. Levels and variabilities. Atmospheric Environment 106.
158 (10), S. 3230 - 3235 (2010)
Quantification of sources of PCBs to the atmosphere in urban areas: A comparison of cities in North America, Western Europe and former Yugoslavia. Environmental Pollution 107.
7 (6), S. 504 - 513 (2010)
Contamination of Antarctic snow by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons dominated by combustion sources in the polar region. Environmental Chemistry 108.
10 (20), S. 9965 - 9980 (2010)
Pathways of PFOA to the Arctic: variabilities and contributions of oceanic currents and atmospheric transport and chemistry sources. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 109.
157 (12), S. 3264 - 3271 (2009)
Observation and origin of organochlorine compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the free troposphere over central Europe. Environmental Pollution 110.
36, L24602 (2009)
Cycling of DDT in the global environment 1950-2002: World ocean returns the pollutant. Geophysical Research Letters 111.
76 (11), S. 1509 - 1517 (2009)
Global environmental cycling of gamma-HCH and DDT in the 1980s-A study using a coupled atmosphere and ocean general circulation model. Chemosphere 112.
43 (6), S. 1280 - 1287 (2009)
Recent trends of persistent organic pollutants in air in central Europe - Air monitoring in combination with air mass trajectory statistics as a tool to study the effectivity of regional chemical policy. Atmospheric Environment 113.
11 (11), S. 1964 - 1972 (2009)
Monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in Africa. Part 2: Design of a network to monitor the continental and intercontinental background. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 114.
156 (2), S. 403 - 408 (2008)
Košetice, Czech Republic - ten years of air pollution monitoring and four years of evaluating the origin of persistent organic pollutants. Environmental Pollution 115.
56 (3), S. 346 - 352 (2008)
Environmental chemistry 2007. Nachrichten aus der Chemie 116.
72, S. 1132 - 1137 (2008)
Mass budgets and contribution of individual sources and sinks to the abundance of α-HCH, γ-HCH and PCB-153 in the North Sea. Chemosphere 117.
42, S. 179 - 185 (2008)
An assessment of air-soil exchange of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides across central and southern Europe. Environmental Science & Technology Buchkapitel (1)
Methods of sampling trace substances in air. In: Handbook of Atmospheric Measurements, S. 567 - 610 (Hg. Foken, T.). Springer, Cham (2021)
Meeting Abstract (2)
Meeting Abstract
Why is the pesticide endosulfan not disappearing from the global environment after ban? In EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU24-20039. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, 14. April 2024 - 19. April 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Soils and surface waters are secondary sources of polycyclic aromatic compounds. In EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU24-17795. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, 14. April 2024 - 19. April 2024. (2024)