Publikationen von T. Berkemeier

Forschungspapier (4)

Berkemeier, T., Ammann, M., Krieger, U. K., Peter, T., Spichtinger, P., Pöschl, U., Shiraiwa, M. und Huisman, A. J.: Technical note: Monte Carlo genetic algorithm (MCGA) for model analysis of multiphase chemical kinetics to determine transport and reaction rate coefficients using multiple experimental data sets, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 17, doi:10.5194/acp-2017-45, 2017.
Hodas, N., Zuend, A., Schilling, K., Berkemeier, T., Shiraiwa, M., Flagan, R. C. und Seinfeld, J. H.: Discontinuities in hygroscopic growth below and above water saturation for laboratory surrogates of oligomers in organic atmospheric aerosols, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, doi:10.5194/acp-2016-236, 2016.

Preprint (7)

Kuntic , M., Kuntic , I., Cleppien , D., Pozzer, A., Nußbaum , D., Oelze  , M., Junglas , T., Strohm , L., Ubbens  , H., Daub , S., Jimenez  , M. T. B., Danckwardt , S., Berkemeier, T., Hahad  , O., Kohl  , M., Steven , S., Stroh , A., Lelieveld, J., Münzel , T. und Daiber  , A.: Differential cardiovascular effects of nano- and micro-particles in mice: Implications for ultrafine and fine particle disease burden in humans: Version 1, ChemRxiv: the Preprint Server for Chemistry, doi:10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-hhn4v , 2024.
Octaviani, M., Bandowe, B. A. M., Mu, Q., Wilson, J., Tost, H., Su, H., Cheng, Y., Shiraiwa, M., Pöschl, U., Berkemeier, T. und Lammel, G.: Heterogeneous reaction kinetics influencing benzo(a)pyrene global atmospheric distribution and related lifetime lung cancer risk, EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2025-186, 2024.
Knopf, D. A., Ammann, M., Berkemeier, T., Pöschl, U. und Shiraiwa, M.: Desorption Lifetimes and Activation Energies Influencing Gas-Surface Interactions and Multiphase Chemical Kinetics, , doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-2314, 2023.
Krüger, M., Mishra, A., Spichtinger , P., Pöschl, U. und Berkemeier, T.: A kinetic compass for the design of experiments to determine kinetic parameters, Research Square, doi:10.21203/, 2023.
Kang, H. G., Chen, Y., Jeong, J., Park, Y., Berkemeier, T. und Kim, H.: Volatile Oxidation Products and Secondary Organosiloxane Aerosol from D5 + OH at Varying OH Exposures, , doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-1033, 2023.
Milsom, A., Qi, S., Mishra, A., Berkemeier, T., Zhang, Z. und Pfrang, C.: Technical note: in-situ measurements and modelling of the oxidation kinetics in films of a cooking aerosol proxy using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation monitoring (QCM-D), , doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-1207, 2023.
Berkemeier, T., Krüger, M., Feinberg, A., Müller, M., Pöschl, U. und Krieger, U. K.: Accelerating models for multiphase chemical kinetics through machine learning with polynomial chaos expansion and neural networks, EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2022-1093, 2022.
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