Publikationen von Simone Moretti

Meeting Abstract (5)

Meeting Abstract
Rao, Z., Kast, E. R., Mateo, P., Keller, G., Moretti, S., Martinez-Garcia, A., Haug, G. H. und Sigman, D. M.: Foraminifera-Bound Organic Matter Nitrogen Isotopic Composition Records Marine Environmental Perturbations Across the Cretaceous/Paleogene Boundary, in AGU Fall Meeting 2022. [online] Available from:, 2022.
Meeting Abstract
Auderset, A., Moretti, S., Taphorn, B., Ebner, P.-R., Kast , E. R., Wang, X. T., Schiebel, R., Sigman, D. M., Haug, G. H. und Martinez-Garcia, A.: Contracted oxygen-deficient zones during Cenozoic climate optima, in Goldschmidt Hawaii 2022. [online] Available from:, 2022.

Poster (2)

Fripiat, F., Sigman, D. M., Ai, X., Dumoulin, C., Moretti, S., Studer, A. S., Diekmann, B., Esper, O., Lamy, F., Liu, L., Pattyn, F., Schmitt, M., Tiedemann, R., Haug, G. H. und Martinez-Garcia, A.: Ice age and deglacial stratification of the polar Antarctic Zone, AGU Annual Meeting 2024 [online] Available from:, 2024.
Moretti, S., Auderset, A., Deutsch, C. A., Schmitz, R., Thomas, E., Gerber, L., Luciani, V., Petrizzo, M. R., Schiebel, R., Tripati, A. K., Sexton, P. F., Norris, R. D., D'Onofrio, R., Zachos, J. C., Sigman , D. M., Haug, G. H. und Martinez-Garcia, A.: Fossil-bound nitrogen isotope and foraminifera size evidence for oxygenated tropical subsurface waters during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024 [online] Available from:, 2024.

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Moretti, S.: Application of fossil-bound nitrogen isotopes to the reconstruction of the marine nitrogen cycle dynamics during warming and cooling phases in Earth’s Cenozoic history, Doktorarbeit, ETH, Zürich. [online] Available from:, 2021.

Preprint (4)

Hoogakker, B., Davis, C., Wang, Y., Kusch, S., Nilsson-Kerr, K., Hardisty, D., Jacobel, A., Macaya, D. R., Glock, N., Ni, S., Sepúlveda, J., Ren, A., Auderset, A., Hess, A., Meissner, K., Cardich, J., Anderson, R., Barras, C., Basak, C., Bradbury, H., Brinkmann, I., Castillo, A., Cook, M., Costa, K., Choquel, C., Diz, P., Donnenfield, J., Elling, F., Erdem, Z., Filipsson, H., Garrido, S., Gottschalk, J., Menon, A. G., Groeneveld, J., Hallman, C., Hendy, I., Hennekam, R., Lu, W., Lynch-Stieglitz, J., Matos, L., Martinez-Garcia, A., Molina, G., Muñoz, P., Moretti, S., Morford, J., Nuber, S., Radionovskaya, S., Raven, M., Somes, C., Studer, A., Tachikawa, K., Tapia, R., Tetard, M., Vollmer, T., Wu, S., Zhang, Y., Zheng, X.-Y. und Zhou, Y.: Reviews and syntheses: Review of proxies for low-oxygen paleoceanographic reconstructions, EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-2981, 2024.
Jung, J., Zoppe, S., Söte, T., Moretti, S., Duprey, N., Foreman, A., Wald, T., Vonhof, H., Haug, G., Sigman, D., Schindler, E., Janussen, D. und Martinez-Garcia, A.: Coral Photosymbiosis on Mid-Devonian Reefs, Research Square, doi:10.21203/, 2023.
Moretti, S., Duprey, N. N., Foreman, A. D., Arns, A., Brömme, S., Jung, J., Ai, X. E., Auderset, A., Bieler, A. L., Eck, C., Farmer, J., Hinnenberg, B., Lacerra, M., Leichliter, J., Lüdecke, T., Oleynik, S., Rubach, F., Schmitt, M., Vink, M., Wald, T., Yehudai, M., Sigman , D. und Martinez-Garcia, A.: Analytical improvements and assessment of long-term performance of the oxidation-denitrifier method, Authorea, doi:10.22541/au.168616993.39320235/v1, 2023.
Thöle, L., Ai, X., Auderset, A., Schmitt, M., Moretti, S., Studer, A., Michel, E., Wegmann, M., Mazaud, A., Bijl, P., Sigman, D., Martinez-Garcia, A. und Jaccard, S. L.: Migration of the Antarctic Polar Front over the last glacial cycle, , doi:10.21203/, 2022.
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