Cirrus in High Latitudes

June/July 2021
CIRRUS-HL is a DFG-funded HALO mission with the objective to study high latitude cirrus clouds. The mission is coordinated by Prof. C. Voigt (DLR/JGU Mainz).
The mission was conducted in June/July 2021 out of Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. Although the schedule had to be modified several times due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the mission was very successful with 24 flights (2 test flights and 22 scientific flights).
Involved staff of research group Schneider:
H..C. Clemen, J. Schneider

C. Voigt, T. Jurkat-Witschas, L. Bugliaro, S. Kaufmann, L. Tomsche, M. Heckl, E. de la Torre, V. Hahn, M. Moser, J. Lucke, R. Märkl, M. Papke, J. Mayer, Z. Wang, R. Dischl, DLR-IPA/JGU Mainz
A. Fix, S. Gross, DLR-IPA
D. Sauer, C. Heckl, J. Wolf, DLR-IPA
T. Klausner, H. Ziereis, DLR-IPA
B. Mayer, T. Zinner, V. Prtge, A. Weber, L. Forster, C. Emde, LMU Munich
A. Ehrlich, U Leipzig
S. Mertes, F. Stratmann, S Grawe, TROPOS Leipzig
M. Krämer, FJZ Julich
E. Järvinen, M. Schnaiter, KIT