Profile Ulrich Pöschl

Ulrich Pöschl is director at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) in Mainz, Germany. He studied chemistry at the Technical University of Graz and was postdoctoral researcher, group leader, and university lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Departments of Chemistry and of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPIC), Atmospheric Chemistry and Biogeochemistry Departments; and the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Institute of Hydrochemistry. Among other internationally leading scientists, Pöschl worked with the Nobel laureates Paul Crutzen and Mario Molina. His current research and teaching are focused on the effects of multiphase processes, i.e., interactions between gases, liquids, and solids, in the Earth system, climate, life & health. He is engaged in numerous international scientific collaborations, has been honored with prestigious scientific awards, and is among the world’s most highly cited researchers  (Web of Science; Google Scholar). Pöschl has advised and mentored numerous students and postdoctoral researchers, many of whom are now faculty members or senior researchers in scientific leadership positions around the world (Alumni). In accordance with Pöschl’s open and equitable approach of scientific teaching and mentoring, his students, postdocs, and alumni successfully pursuing an academic career come from a wide range of ethnic and societal backgrounds (~50% international) with a fairly even gender balance (~50% female). Pöschl actively promotes open science, and he initiated the innovative and successful approach of interactive open access publishing with public peer review and online discussion (multi-stage open peer review) as established in the leading international scientific journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP, and the European Geosciences Union (EGU, Moreover, Pöschl initiated and co-chairs the global open access initiative OA2020 (

Professional Career

since 2012         
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany.
Director of the newly founded Multiphase Chemistry Department. Research & teaching: multiphase chemistry in the Earth system, climate and public health, i.e., chemical reactions, mass transport and phase transitions of gases, liquids and solids linking the atmosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere on molecular to global scales. Focal points: biological and organic aerosols, aerosol-cloud-climate interactions, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, protein nitration and oxidation, inflammatory and allergic reactions. Methods: environmental observations, laboratory experiments, mathematical models. Managing director/deputy managing director of the Institute (rotating).

since 2007        
Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany.
Faculty member of the Department of Chemistry, Pharmacy and Geosciences. Habilitation & venia legendi in Geochemistry (17.01.2007).

2005 - 2012  
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany.
Research group leader in the Biogeochemistry Department (Meinrat O. Andreae). Research & teaching: chemistry, physics and biology of aerosols and clouds; biogeochemical cycling of gases and particles; field measurements, kinetic and thermodynamic experiments and models.

1999 - 2005  
Technical University of Munich, Germany.
Research group leader at the Institute of Hydrochemistry (Reinhard Niessner) and
head of an independent junior research group. Habilitation & venia legendi in Chemistry (21.06.2006). Research & teaching: analytical and physical chemistry, environmental science and technology; formation, aging and measurement of aerosols and nanoparticles in ambient air and combustion exhaust.

1997 - 1998  
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany.
Research scientist with Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen, Atmospheric Chemistry Department. Research: reaction mechanisms and numerical simulation of atmospheric chemistry and transport; photochemistry of ozone and organic trace gases; polar stratospheric clouds and denitrification.

1996 - 1997  
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Postdoctoral fellow with Nobel laureate Mario Molina, Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory & Center for Global Change Science, Department of Chemistry and Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. Research: experimental chemical kinetics and mass spectrometry; formation and condensation of sulfuric acid.

1993 - 1996  
Technical University of Graz, Austria.
Research assistant in the group of Karl Hassler, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry. Research: organometallic chemistry and molecular spectroscopy; synthesis and structure elucidation of cyclic silicon compounds.


1993 - 1995   
Doctoral Studies in Chemistry, Technical University of Graz, Austria.
Doctoral thesis at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (Karl Hassler) on the subject “Synthesis, spectroscopy, and structure of selectively functionalized cyclosilanes“; doctoral exams (07.11.1995) and graduation with distinction as "Doctor technicae“
(PhD equivalent).

1991 - 1993   
Diploma Studies in French, Karl Franzens University of Graz, Austria.
Institute of Romance Languages.

1988 - 1993   
Diploma Studies in Technical Chemistry, Technical University of Graz, Austria.
Diploma thesis at the Institute of Inorganic Chemical Technology (Gerhard Herzog) on the subject “Thermoelectricity of oxidic semiconductor ceramics“; diploma exams (04.06.1993) and graduation with distinction as ­"Diplom-Ingenieur" (MSc equivalent).

1980 - 1988   
Secondary School, Klagenfurt, Austria. Foreign language focus (English, French, Latin), final exams (23.06.1988) and graduation with distinction.

1976 - 1980   
Elementary School, Klagenfurt, Austria.

Awards and Honors

Highly Cited Researcher 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 (Web of Science)

Union Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2023

Copernicus Medal of the Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V., 2015

Pius XI Gold Medal of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, 2012            

Union Service Award of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2005

Young Scientist Award of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 2000

Schrödinger Scholarship of the Austrian Science Foundation, 1996

Research Awards of the Austrian Federal Minister of Arts and Science, the Industrial Union of Carinthia and the Josef Krainer Foundation, 1996

Graduation “Sub Auspiciis Praesidentis” by the Austrian Federal President (highest award in the Austrian educational system), 1996

Student and research scholarships of the Technical University of Graz, the Pro Scientia Foundation, and the Austrian Science Foundation, 1991-1994

Miscellaneous Professional Activities

Lecturer & student advisor at the Technical Universities of Munich and Vienna (1999-2005), Inter­na­tional Max Planck Research School (since 2005), and University of Mainz (since 2007).

Faculty Member (since 2009), Steering Committee Member (since 2012), and Steering Committee Chair (2020-2022), Max Planck Graduate Center with the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz,

Quality assurance manager, Institute of Hydrochemistry, Technical University of Munich (2000-2005).

Referee for international scientific journals and funding organizations (since 1996).

Coordinator of international scientific projects and conferences (since 2000).

Initiator and promoter of interactive open access publishing with a two-stage process of publication, public peer review, and interactive discussion (since 2000).

Conference (Co-)Chair, Berlin Open Access Conferences (since 2015),

Initiator (2013) and Co-Coordinator (since 2016), Global Open Access Initiative OA2020,

Founder (2000/2001), chief executive editor (2001-2022), and advisory board member (since 2022) of the international scientific journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP),

Executive Editor, EGU Letters (since 2020),                          

Scientific Coordinator, EGUsphere (since 2022),

Atmospheric sciences division president (2003-2007), council member (2003-2014), and publications committee chair (2006-2014) of the European Geosciences Union (EGU),

Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Karl Popper Foundation (KPF), University of Klagenfurt (AAU), (since 2023).

Member, Consortium Council (Konsortialrat), Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus (UFS), (since 2023).

Member, University Council (Universitätsrat), Augsburg University, (since 2023).

Language Skills

German (native), English (fluent), French (conversation level).


Scientific Publications
Over 400 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles that received over 40.000 citations with h-index 106 according to the Web of Science (>58.000 citations with h-index 125 according to Google Scholar) and several hundred contributions to conferences, proceedings, and books. Highly Cited Researcher 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 (Web of Science).
Comprehensive lists of publications & statistical parameters:
Publication list


Selected Publications

Pöschl, Ulrich: Air Quality, Climate, and Health in the Anthropocene. The Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Acta, in press, 2024.

Knopf, D. A., M. Ammann, T. Berkemeier, U. Pöschl & M. Shiraiwa: Desorption lifetimes and activation energies influencing gas-surface interactions and multiphase chemical kinetics. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24 (6), doi: 10.5194/acp-24-3445-2024, 2024.

Pöhlker, M. L., C. Pöhlker, O. O. Krüger, J. Förster, T. Berkemeier, W. Elbert, J. Fröhlich-Nowoisky, U. Pöschl, G. Bagheri, E. Bodenschatz, J. A. Huffman, S. Scheithauer & E. Mikhailov: Respiratory aerosols and droplets in the transmission of infectious diseases. Reviews of Modern Physics, 95, doi:, 2023.

Pöhlker, M. L., C. Pöhlker, J. Quaas, J. Mülmenstädt, A. Pozzer, M. O. Andreae, P. Artaxo, K. Block, H. Coe, B. Ervens, P. Gallimore, C. J. Gaston, S. S. Gunthe, S. Henning, H. Herrmann, O. O. Krüger, G. Mc Figgans, L. Poulain, S. S. Raj, E. Reyes-Villegas, H. M. Royer, D. Walter, Y. Wang & U. Pöschl: Global organic and inorganic aerosol hygroscopicity and its effect on radiative forcing. Nature Communications, 14, doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-41695-8, 2023.

Mishra, A., S. Lelieveld, U. Pöschl & T. Berkemeier: Multiphase Kinetic Modeling of Air Pollutant Effects on Protein Modification and Nitrotyrosine Formation in Epithelial Lining Fluid. Environmental Science and Technology, 57, 34, 12642–12653, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.3c03556, 2023.

Reinmuth-Selzle, K., I. Bellinghausen, A. Leifke, A. T. Backes, N. Bothen, K. Ziegler, M. G. Weller, J. Saloga, D. Schuppan, K. Lucas, U. Pöschl & J. Fröhlich-Nowoisky: Chemical modification by peroxynitrite enhances TLR4 activation of the grass pollen allergen Phl p 5. Frontiers in Allergy, 4, doi: 10.3389/falgy.2023.1066392, 2023.

Kuntic, M., I. Kuntic, R. Krishnankutty, A. Gericke, M. Oelze, T. Junglas, M. T. B. Jimenez, P. Stamm, M. Nandudu, O. Hahad, K. Keppeler, S. Daub, K. Vujacic-Mirski, S. Rajlic, L. Strohm, H. Ubbens, Q. Tang, S. Jiang, Y. Ruan, K.  G. Macleod, S. Steven, T. Berkemeier, U. Pöschl, J. Lelieveld, H. Kleinert, A. von Kriegsheim, A. Daiber & T. Münzel:  Co-exposure to urban particulate matter and aircraft noise adversely impacts the cerebro-pulmonary-cardiovascular axis in mice. Redox Biology, 59, doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2022.102580, 2023.

Dovrou, E., S. Lelieveld, A. Mishra, U. Pöschl & T. Berkemeier: Influence of ambient and endogenous H2O2 on reactive oxygen species concentrations and OH radical production in the respiratory tract. Environmental Science: Atmospheres, doi: 10.1039/D2EA00179A, 2023.

McLeod, R. S., C. J. Hopfe, E. Bodenschatz, H. Moriske, U. Pöschl, T. Salthammer, J. Curtius, F. Helleis, J. Niessner, C. Herr, T. Klimach, M. Seipp, T. Steffens, C. Witt & S. N. Willich: A multi-layered strategy for COVID-19 infection prophylaxis in schools: A review of the evidence for masks, distancing, and ventilation. Indoor Air, 32 (10), doi: 10.1111/ina.13142, 2022.

Rodriguez-Caballero, E., T. Stanelle, S. Egerer, Y. Cheng, H. Su, Y. Canton, J. Belnap, M. O. Andreae, I. Tegen, C. H. Reick, U. Pöschl & B. Weber: Global cycling and climate effects of aeolian dust controlled by biological soil crusts. Nature Geoscience, doi: 10.1038/s41561-022-00942-1, 2022.

Maier, S., A. M. Kratz, J. Weber, M. Prass, F. Liu, A. T. Clark, R. M. M. Abed, H. Su, Y. Cheng, T. Eickhorst, S. Fiedler, U. Pöschl & B. Weber: Water-driven microbial nitrogen transformations in biological soil crusts causing atmospheric nitrous acid and nitric oxide emissions. ISME Journal, 16, 1012–1024, doi: 10.1038/s41396-021-01127-1, 2022.

Helleis, F., T. Klimach & U. Pöschl: Vergleich verschiedener Lüftungsmethoden gegen die Aerosolübertragung von COVID-19 und für erhöhte Luftqualität in Klassenräumen: Fensterlüften, Abluftventilatoren, Raumlufttechnik und Luftreiniger (2.0). Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6049289, 2022.

Klimach, T., F. Helleis, R. S. McLeod, C. J. Hopfe & U. Pöschl: The Max Planck Institute for Chemistry mechanical extract ventilation (MPIC-MEV) system against aerosol transmission of COVID-19. Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6545276 , 2022.

Reinmuth-Selzle, K., T. Tchipilov, A. T. Backes, G. Tscheuschner, K. Tang, K. Ziegler, K. Lucas, U. Pöschl, J. Fröhlich-Nowoisky & M. G. Weller: Determination of the protein content of complex samples by aromatic amino acid analysis, liquid chromatography-UV absorbance, and colorimetry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, doi: 10.1007/s00216-022-03910-1, 2022.

Su, H., Y. Cheng C. Witt, N. Ma & U. Pöschl: Synergetic measures needed to contain highly transmissible variants of SARS-CoV-2. medRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2021.11.24.21266824, 2021.

Lelieveld, S., J. Wilson, E. Dovrou, A. Mishra, P. S. J. Lakey, M. Shiraiwa, U. Pöschl & T. Berkemeier: Hydroxyl Radical Production by Air Pollutants in Epithelial Lining Fluid Governed by Interconversion and Scavenging of Reactive Oxygen Species. Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 14069-14079, doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c03875, 2021.

Cheng, Y., N. Ma, C. Witt, S. Rapp, P. Wild, M. O. Andreae, U. Pöschl & H. Su: Face masks effectively limit the probability of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Science, doi: 10.1126/science.abg6296, 2021.

Pöhlker, M. L., O. O. Krüger, J. Förster, W. Elbert, J. Fröhlich-Nowoisky, U. Pöschl, C. Pöhlker, G. Bagheri, E. Bodenschatz, J. A. Huffman, S. Scheithauer & E. Mikhailov: Respiratory aerosols and droplets in the transmission of infectious diseases. Medical Physics, arXiv:2103.01188, 2021.

Shiraiwa, M. and Pöschl, U.: Mass accommodation and gas–particle partitioning in secondary organic aerosols: dependence on diffusivity, volatility, particle-phase reactions, and penetration depth. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 21, 1565–1580,, 2021.

Wang, S., S. Hang, C. Chen, W. Tao, D. G. Streets, Z. Lu, B. Zheng, G. R. Carmichael, J. Lelieveld, U. Pöschl & Y. Cheng: Natural gas shortages during the “coal-to-gas” transition in China have caused a large redistribution of air pollution in winter 2017. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2007513117, 2020.

Lelieveld, J., F. Helleis, S. Borrmann, Y. Cheng, F. Drewnick, G. Haug, T. Klimach, J. Sciare, H. Su & U. Pöschl: Model Calculations of Aerosol Transmission and Infection Risk of COVID-19 in Indoor Environments. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health 17, 8114; doi: 10.3390/ijerph17218114, 2020.

Zheng, G., H. Su, S. Wang, M. O. Andreae, U. Pöschl & YF. Cheng: Multiphase buffer theory explains contrasts in atmospheric aerosol acidity. Science 369 (6509), 1374-1377, doi: 10.1126/science.aba3719, 2020.

Su, H., YF. Cheng & U. Pöschl: New Multiphase Chemical Processes Influencing Atmospheric Aerosols, Air Quality, and Climate in the Anthropocene. Accounts of Chemical Research, doi: 10.1021/acs.accounts.0c00246, 2020.

Lelieveld, J., A. Pozzer, U. Pöschl, M. Fnais, A. Haines & T. Münzel: Loss of life expectancy from air pollution compared to other risk factors: a worldwide perspective. Cardiovascular Research 116 (7), 1334, doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvaa073, 2020.

Pöschl, U.: Air Pollution, Oxidative Stress, and Public Health in the Anthropocene. Health of People, Health of Planet and Our Responsibility. Springer, Al-Delaimy W., Ramanathan V., Sánchez Sorondo M. (eds), doi:10.1007/978-3-030-31125-4_7, 2020.

Ziegler, K., A. T. Kunert, K. Reinmuth-Selzle, A. Leifke, D. Widera, M. G. Weller, D. Schuppan, J. Fröhlich-Nowoisky, K. Lucas & U. Pöschl: Chemical modification of pro-inflammatory proteins by peroxynitrite increases activation of TLR4 and NF-κB: Implications for the health effects of air pollution and oxidative stress. Redox Biology, doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2020.101581, 2020.

Lelieveld, J., K. Klingmüller, A. Pozzer, U. Pöschl, M. Fnais, A. Daiber & T. Münzel: Cardiovascular disease burden from ambient airpollution in Europe reassessed using novel hazard ratio functions. European Heart Journal 40, 1590–1596, doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehz135, 2019.

Wang, X., K. Binder, C. Chen, T. Koop, U. Pöschl, H. Su & Y. Cheng: Second inflection point of water surface tension in the deeply supercooled regime revealed by entropy anomaly and surface structure using molecular dynamics simulations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (6), 3360-3369, doi: 10.1039/c8cp05997g, 2019.

Ziegler, K., J. Neumann, F. Liu, J. Fröhlich-Nowoisky, C. Cremer, J. Saloga, K. Reinmuth-Selzle, U. Pöschl, D. Schuppan, I. Bellinghausen & K. Lucas: Nitration of Wheat Amylase Trypsin Inhibitors Increases Their Innate and Adaptive Immunostimulatory Potential in vitro. Frontiers in Immunology 9, 3174, doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.03174, 2019.

Andreae, M. O., A. Afchine, R. Albrecht, B. A. Holanda, P. Artaxo,  H. M. J. Barbosa, S. Borrmann, M. A. Ceccini, A. Costa, M. Dollner, D. Futterer, E. Jarvinen, T. Jurkat, T. Klimach, T. Könemann, C. Knote, M. Krämer, T. Krisna, L. A. T. Machado, S. Mertes, A. Minikin, C. Pöhlker, M. L. Pöhlker, U. Pöschl, D. Rosenfeld, D. Sauer, H. Schlager, M. Schnaiter, J. Schneider, C. Schulz, A. Spanu, V. B. Sperling, C. Voigt, A. Walser, J. Wang, B. Weinzierl, M. Wendisch & H. Ziereis: Aerosol characteristics and particle production in the upper troposphere over the Amazon Basin. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 18 (2), 921-61, doi: 10.5194/acp-18-921-2018, 2018.

Ditas, J., N. Ma, Y. Zhang, D. Assmann, M. Neumeier, H. Riede, E. Karu, J. Williams, D. Scharffe, Q. Wang, J. Saturno, J. P. Schwarz, J. M. Katich, G. R. McMeeking, A. Zahn, M. Hermann, C. A. M. Brenninkmeijer, M. O. Andreae, U. Pöschl, H. Su & YF. Cheng: Strong impact of wildfires on the abundance and aging of black carbon in the lowermost stratosphere. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (50), E11595-E11603, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1806868115, 2018.

Fan, JW., D. Rosenfeld, YW. Zhang, S. E. Giangrande, ZQ Li, L. A. T. Machado, S. T. Scot, Y. Yang, J. Wang, P. Artaxo, H. M. J. Barbosa, R. C. Braga, J. M. Comstock, Z. Feng, WH. Gao, H. B. Gomes, F. Mei, C. Pöhlker, M. L. Pöhlker, U. Pöschl & R. A. F. de Souza: Substantial convection and precipitation enhancements by ultrafine aerosol particles. Science 359, 411+-, doi: 10.1126/science.aan8461, 2018.

Mu, Q. , M. Shiraiwa, M. Octaviani, N. Ma, AJ. Ding, H. Su, G. Lammel, U. Pöschl & YF. Cheng: Temperature effect on phase state and reactivity controls atmospheric multiphase chemistry and transport of PAHs. Science Advances 4 (3), UNSPeaap7314, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aap7314, 2018.

Pöhlker, M. L., F. Ditas, J. Saturno, T. Klimach, I. Hrabe de Angelis, A. C. Araujo, J. Brito, S. Carbone, YF Cheng, XG Chi, R. Ditz, S. S. Gunthe, B. A. Holanda, K. Kandler, J. Kesselmeier, T. Könemann, O. O. Krüger, J. V. Lavric, S. T. Martin, E. Mikhailov, D. Moran-Zuloaga, L. V. Rizzo, D. Rose, H. Su, R. Thalmann, D. Walter, J. Wang, S. Wolff, H. M. J. Barbosa, P. Artaxo, M. O. Andreae, U. Pöschl & C. Pöhlker: Long-term observations of cloud condensation nuclei over the Amazon rain forest - Part 2: Variability and characteristics of biomass burning, long-range transport, and pristine rain forest aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 18 (14), 10289-10331, doi: 10.5194/acp-18-10289-2018, 2018.

Rodriguez-Caballero, E., J. Belnap, B. Budel, PJ. Crutzen, M. O. Andreae, U. Pöschl & B. Weber: Dryland photoautotrophic soil surface communities endangered by global change. Nature Geoscience 11 (3), 185+, doi: 10.1038/s41561-018-0072-1, 2018.

Lelieveld, J. & U. Pöschl: Chemists can help to solve the air-pollution health crisis. Nature 551, 291-293, 2017.

Liu, F., P. S. J. Lakey, T. Berkemeier, HJ. Tong, A. T. Kunert, H. Meusel, YF. Cheng, H. Su, J. Fröhlich-Nowoisky, SC. Lai, M. G. Weller, M. Shiraiwa, U. Pöschl & C. J. Kampf: Atmospheric protein chemistry influenced by anthropogenic air pollutants: nitration and oligomerization upon exposure to ozone and nitrogen dioxide. Faraday Discussions 200, 413-27, doi: 10.1039/c7fd00005g, 2017.

Mikhailov, E. F.; S. Mironova, G. Mironov, S. Vlasenko , A. Panov, X. Chi, D. Walter, D. Carbone, P. Artaxo, U. Pöschl & M. O. Andreae: Long-term measurements (2010–2014) of carbonaceous aerosol and carbon monoxide at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) in central Siberia. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 17 (23), 14365-14392, doi: 10.5194/acp-17-14365-2017, 2017.

Reinmuth-Selzle, K., C. J. Kampf, K. Lucas, N. Lang-Yona, J. Fröhlich-Nowoisky, M. Shiraiwa, P. S. J. Lakey, S. Lai, F. Liu, A. T. Kunert, K. Ziegler, F. Shen, R. Sagarbanti, B. Weber, I. Bellinghausen, J. Saloga, M. G. Weller, A. Duschl, D. Schuppan and U. Pöschl: Air Pollution and Climate Change Effects on Allergies in the Anthropocene: Abundance, Interaction, and Modification of Allergens and Adjuvants. Environmental Science & Technology 51 (8), 4119-4141, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04908, 2017.

Shiraiwa, M., Y. Li, A. P. Tsimpidi, T. Berkemeier, S. N. Pandis, J. Lelieveld, T. Koop and u. Pöschl: Global distribution of particle phase state in atmospheric secondary organic aerosols: Nature Communications 8, 15002, doi: 10.1038/ncomms15002, 2017.

Shiraiwa, M., K. Ueda, A. Pozzer, G. Lammel, C. J. Kampf, A. Fushimi, S. Enami, A. M. Arangio, J. Fröhlich-Nowoisky, Y. Fujitani, A. Furuyama, P. S. J. Lakey, J. Lelieveld, K. Lucas, Y. Morino, U. Pöschl, S. Takahama, A. Takami, H. Tong, B. Weber & A. Yoshino, K. Sato: Aerosol Health Effects from Molecular to Global Scales. Environmental Science & Technology 51, 13545-13567, doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b04417, 2017.

Socorro, J., P. S. J. Lakey, L. Han, T. Berkemeier, G. Lammel, C. Zetzsch, U. Pöschl and M. Shiraiwa: Heterogeneous OH oxidation, shielding effects and implications for the atmospheric fate of terbuthylazine and other pesticides. Environmental Science & Technology 51, 13749-13754, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.7b04307, 2017.

Tong, HJ., P. S. J. Lakey, A. M. Arangio, J. Socorro, C. J. Kampf, T. Berkemeier, W. H. Brune, U. Pöschl & M. Shiraiwa: Reactive oxygen species formed in aqueous mixtures of secondary organic aerosols and mineral dust influencing cloud chemistry and public health in the Anthropocene. Faraday Discussions 200, 251-70, doi: 10.1039/c7fd00023e, 2017.

Cheng, YF., G. Zhen, C. Wie, Q. Mu, B. Zheng, ZB. Wang, M. Gao, Q. Zhang, K. He, G. Carmichael, U. Pöschl and H. Su: Reactive nitrogen chemistry in aerosol water as a source of sulfate during haze events in China, Science Advances 2 (12), e1601530, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1601530, 2016.

Meusel, H., U. Kuhn, A. Reiffs, C. Mallik, H. Harder, M. Martinez, J. Schuladen, B. Bohn, U. Parchatka, J. N. Crowley, H. Fischer, L. Tomsche, A. Novelli, T. Hoffmann, R. H. H. Janssen, O. Hartogensis, M. Pikridas, M. Vrekoussis, E. Bourtsoukidis, B. Weber, J. Lelieveld, J. Williams, U. Pöschl, YF. Cheng and H. Su: Daytime formation of nitrous acid at a coastal remote site in Cyprus indicating a common ground source of atmospheric HONO and NO, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 16 (22), 14475-14493, 2016.

Pöhlker, M., C. Pöhlker, F. Ditas, T. Klimach, I. Hrabe de Angelis, A. Araújo, J. Brito, S. Carbone, Y. Cheng, X. Chi, R. Ditz, S. S. Gunthe, J. Kesselmeier, T. Könemann, J. V. Lavric, S. T. Martin, E. Mikhailov, D. Moran-Zuloaga, D. Rose, J. Saturno, H. Su, R. Thalman, D. Walter, J. Wang, S. Wolff, H. M. J. Barbosa, P. Artaxo, M. O. Andreae & U. Pöschl: Long-term observations of cloud condensation nuclei in the Amazon rain forest – Part 1: Aerosol size distribution, hygroscopicity, and new model parametrizations for CCN prediction, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 16, 15709-15740, doi: 10.5194/acp-16-15709-2016, 2016.

Lakey, P. S. J., T. Berkemeier, H. Tong, A. M. Arangio, K. Lucas, U. Pöschl and M. Shiraiwa: Chemical exposure-response relationship between air pollutants and reactive oxygen species in the human respiratory tract, Scientific Reports 6: 32916, 2016.

West, J. J., A. Cohen, F. Dentener, B. Brunekreef, T. Zhu, B. Armstrong, M. L. Bell, M. Brauer, G. Carmichael, D. L. Costa, D. W. Dockery, M. Kleeman, M. Krzyzanowski, N. Kunzli, C. Liousse, S.C.C. Lung, R. V. Martin, U. Pöschl, C. A. Pope, J. M. Roberts, A. G. Russell, C. Wiedinmyer: “What We Breathe Impacts Our Health: Improving Understanding of the Link between Air Pollution and Health”, Environmental Science & Technology 50 (10), 4895-4904, 2016.

Rosenfeld, D; YT. Zheng, E. Hashimshoni,M. L. Pöhlker, A. Jefferson, C. Pöhlker, X. Yu, YN. Zhu, GH. Liu, ZG. Yue, B. Fischman, ZQ. Li, T. Giguzin, T. Goren, P. Artaxo, H. M. J. Barbosa, U. Pöschl and M. O. Andreae: Satellite retrieval of cloud condensation nuclei concentrations by using clouds as CCN chambers, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (21), 5828-5834, 2016.

Liu, F., S. Lai, K. Reinmuth-Selzle, J. F. Scheel, J. Fröhlich-Nowoisky, V. R. Després, T. Hoffmann, U. Pöschl and C. J. Kampf: Metaproteomic analysis of atmospheric aerosol samples, Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry 408 (23), 6337-6348, 2016. 

Fröhlich-Nowoisky J., C. J. Kampf, B. Weber, J. A. Huffman, C. Pöhlker, M. O. Andreae, N. Lang-Yona, S. M. Burrows, S. S. Gunthe, W. Elbert, H. Su, P. Hoor, E. Thines, T. Hoffmann, V. R. Després and U. Pöschl: Bioaerosols in the Earth system: Climate, health, and ecosystem interactions, Atmospheric Research 182, 346-376, 2016.

Berkemeier, T., S.S. Steimer, U. K. Krieger, T. Peter, U. Pöschl, M. Ammann, and M. Shiraiwa: Ozone uptake on glassy, semi-solid and liquid organic matter and the role of reactive oxygen intermediates in atmospheric aerosol chemistry, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (18), 12662-12674, 2016.

Weber, B., D. Wu, A. Tamm, N. Ruckteschler, E. Rodriguez-Caballero, J. Steinkamp, H. Meusel, W. Elbert, T. Behrendt, M. Sörgel, Y. Cheng, P. J. Crutzen, H. Su and U. Pöschl: Biological soil crusts accelerate the nitrogen cycle through large NO and HONO emissions in drylands, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 15384-15389, 2015.

Kampf, C. J., F. Liu, K. Reinmuth-Selzle, T. Berkemeier, H. Meusel, M. Shiraiwa and U. Pöschl: Protein Cross-Linking and Oligomerization through Dityrosine Formation upon Exposure to Ozone, Environmental Science & Technology 49, 10859–10866, 2015.

Knopf, D. A., U. Pöschl, M. Shiraiwa: Radial Diffusion and Penetration of Gas Molecules and Aerosol Particles through Laminar Flow Reactors, Denuders, and Sampling Tubes, Analytical Chemistry 87, 3746-3754, 2015.

Pöschl, U. and M. Shiraiwa: Multiphase Chemistry at the Atmosphere−Biosphere Interface Influencing Climate and Public Health in the Anthropocene, Chemical Reviews 115, 4440−4475, 2015.

Cheng, Y., Su, H., Koop, T., Mikhailov, E., and Pöschl, U.: Size dependence of phase transitions in aerosol nanoparticles, Nature Communications 6, doi:10.1038/ncomms6923, 2015.

Shiraiwa, M., Berkemeier, T., Schilling-Fahnestock, K. A., Seinfeld, J. H., Pöschl, U.: Molecular corridors and kinetic regimes in the multiphase chemical evolution of secondary organic aerosol, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 14, 8323-8341, 2014.

Huffman, J. A., Prenni, A. J., DeMott, P. J., Pöhlker, C., Mason, R. H., Robinson, N. H., Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J., Tobo, Y., Després, V. R., Garcia, E., Gochis, D. J., Harris, E., Müller-Germann, I., Ruzene, C., Schmer, B., Sinha, B., Day, D. A., Andreae, M. O., Jimenez, J. L., Gallagher, M., Kreidenweis, S. M., Bertram, A. K., Pöschl, U.: High concentrations of biological aerosol particles and ice nuclei during and after rain, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 13, 6151-6164, 2013.

Pöhlker, C., Wiedemann, K.T., Sinha, B., Shiraiwa, M., Gunthe, S. S., Smith, M., Su, H., Artaxo, P., Chen, Q., Cheng, Y., Elbert, W., Gilles, M.K;., Kilcoyne, A.L.D., Moffet, R.C., Weigand, M., Martin, S.T., Pöschl, U., and Andreae, M.O.: Biogenic potassium salt particles as seeds for secondary organic aerosol in the Amazon, Science, 337, 1075-1078, 2012.

Elbert, W., Weber, B., Burrows, S., Steinkamp, J., Büdel, B., Andreae, M.O., and Pöschl, U.: Contribution of cryptogamic covers to the global cycles of carbon and nitrogen, Nature Geoscience 5, 459-462, 2012.

Shiraiwa, M., Pfrang, C., Koop, T., and Pöschl, U.: Kinetic multilayer model of gas-particle interactions in aerosols and clouds (KM-GAP): linking condensation, evaporation and chemical reactions of organics, oxidants and water, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 12, 2777-2794, 2012.

Shiraiwa, M., Selzle, K., and Pöschl, U.: Hazardous components and health effects of atmospheric aerosol particles: reactive oxygen species, soot, polycyclic aromatic compounds, and allergenic proteins, Free Radical Research 46, 927-939, 2012.

Pöschl, U.: Multi-stage open peer review: scientific evaluation integrating the strengths of traditional peer review with the virtues of transparency and self-regulation, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, DOI: 10.3389/fncom.2012.00033, 2012.

Su, H., Cheng, Y., Oswald, R., Behrendt, T., Trebs, I., Meixner, F.X., Andreae, M.O., Cheng, P., Zhang, Y., and Pöschl, U.: Soil nitrite as a source of atmospheric HONO and OH radicals, Science 333, 1616-1618, 2011.

Shiraiwa, M., Ammann, M., Koop, T., and Pöschl, U: Gas uptake and chemical aging of semi-solid organic aerosol particles, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, 11003 - 11008, 2011.

Shiraiwa, M., Sosedova, Y., Rouvière, A., Yang, H, Zhang, Y., Abbatt, J. P. D., Ammann, M., and Pöschl, U.: The role of longlived reactive oxygen intermediates in the reaction of ozone with aerosol particles, Nature Chemistry 3, 291-295, 2011.

Zhang, Y.Y., Yang, H., and Pöschl, U.: Analysis of nitrated proteins and tryptic peptides by HPLC-chip-MS/MS: site-specific quantification, nitration degree, and reactivity of tyrosine residues, Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry 399, 459-471, 2011.

Pöschl, U., Martin, S.T., Sinha, B., Chen, Q., Gunthe, S.S., Huffman, J.A., Borrmann, S., Farmer, D.K., Garland, R.M., Helas, G., Jimenez, J.L., King, S.M., Manzi, A., Mikhailov, E., Pauliquevis, T., Petters, M.D., Prenni, A.J., Roldin, P., Rose, D., Schneider, J., Su, H., Zorn, S.R., Artaxo, P., and Andreae, M.O.: Rainforest aerosols as biogenic nuclei of clouds and precipitation in the Amazon Science 429, 1513-1516, 2010.

Virtanen, A., Joutsensaari, J., Koop, T., Kannosto, J., Yli-Pirilä, P., Leskinen, J., Mäkelä, , J.M., Holopainen, J.K., Pöschl, U., Kulmala, M., Worsnop, D.R., and Laaksonen, A.: An amorphous solid state of biogenic secondary organic aerosol particles, Nature 467, 824-827, 2010.

Mikhailov, E., Vlasenko, S., Martin, S.T., Koop, T., and Pöschl, U.: Amorphous and crystalline aerosol particles interacting with water vapour: conceptual framework and experimental evidence for restructuring, phase transitions and kinetic limitations, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 9, 9491-9522, 2009.

Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J., Pickersgill, D.A., Despés, R.V. and Pöschl, U.: High diversity of fungi in air particulate matter, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106, 12814-12819, 2009.

Rose, D., S.S. Gunthe, E. Mikhailov, G.P. Frank, U. Dusek, M.O. Andreae and U. Pöschl, Calibration and measurement uncertainties of a continuous-flow cloud condensation nuclei counter (DMTCCNC): CCN activation of ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride aerosol particles in theory and experiment, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 8, 1153-1179, 2008.

Pöschl, U., Y. Rudich and M. Ammann: Kinetic model framework for aerosol and cloud surface chemistry and gas-particle interactions - Part 1: General equations, parameters, and terminology, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 7, 5989–6023, 2007.

Gruijthuijsen, Y.K., I. Grieshuber, A. Stöcklinger, U. Tischler, T. Fehrenbach, M.G. Weller, L. Vogel, S. Vieths, U. Pöschl and A. Duschl: Nitration enhances the allergenic potential of proteins, International Archives of Allergy & Immunology 141, 265-275, 2006.

Messerer, A., R. Niessner and U. Pöschl: Comprehensive kinetic characterisation of the oxidation and gasification of model and real diesel soot by nitrogen oxides and oxygen under diesel engine exhaust conditions: measurement, Langmuir-Hinshelwood, and Arrhenius parameters, Carbon 44, 307-324, 2006.

Sadezky, A., H. Muckenhuber, H. Grothe, R. Niessner and U. Pöschl: Raman microspectroscopy of soot and related carbonaceous materials: spectral analysis and structural information, Carbon 43, 1731-1742, 2005.

Franze, T., M.G. Weller, R. Niessner and U. Pöschl: Protein nitration by polluted air, Environmental Science & Technology 39, 1673- 1678, 2005.

Pöschl, U.: Atmospheric aerosols: composition, transformation, climate and health effects, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 44, 7520-7540, 2005.


Selected Presentations

U. Pöschl, Air Quality, Climate & Health in the Anthropocene, Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Plenary Session, Vatican, 24 September 2024

U. Pöschl, Aerosole, Klima und Gesundheit im Anthropozän, MPIC Tag der offenen Tür, 9. Juli 2023

U. Pöschl, Welcome & Opening, Berlin 16 Open Access Conference, 6 June 2023

U. Pöschl, Klimawandel, Gesundheit, Kommunikation und Kritischer Rationalismus im Anthropozän, 17. April 2023

U. Pöschl, Scholarly & Policy Perspectives of Open Access: Innovation & Transformation: Perspektive offene Wissenschaft, Rhein-Main-Universitäten, 30 November 2022

U. Pöschl, Multiphase Chemistry at the Interface of Earth & Life Sciences, MPIC Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, 23 February 2021

U. Pöschl, Copernicus Medal Lecture: Multiphase Chemistry & Open Access at the Interface of Earth & Life Science, 17 April 2015

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