Publications of N. von Blohn

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
von Blohn, N.; Diehl, K.; Nölscher, A.; Jost, A.; Mitra, S. K.; Borrmann, S.: The retention of ammonia and sulfur dioxide during riming of ice particles and dendritic snow flakes: laboratory experiments in the Mainz vertical wind tunnel. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 70 (2), pp. 131 - 150 (2013)
Journal Article
Enzmann, F.; Miedaner, M. M.; Kersten, M.; von Blohn, N.; Diehl, K.; Borrmann, S.; Stampanoni, M.; Ammann, M.; Huthwelker, T.: 3-D imaging and quanification of graupel porosity by synchrhrotron-based micro-tomography. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 4, pp. 2225 - 2234 (2011)
Journal Article
von Blohn, N.; Diehl, K.; Mitra, S. K.; Borrmann, S.: Wind tunnel experiments on the retention of trace gases during riming: nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, and hydrogen peroxide. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (22), pp. 11569 - 11579 (2011)
Journal Article
von Blohn, N.; Diehl, K.; Mitra, S. K.; Borrmann, S.: Riming of Graupel: Wind Tunnel Investigations of Collection Kernels and Growth Regimes. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 66 (8), pp. 2359 - 2366 (2009)
Journal Article
von Blohn, N.; Mitra, S. K.; Diehl, K.; Borrmann, S.: The ice nucleating ability of pollen: Part III: New laboratory studies in immersion and contact freezing modes including more pollen types. Atmospheric Research 78 (3-4), pp. 182 - 189 (2005)

Thesis - Diploma (1)

Thesis - Diploma
von Blohn, N.: Experimentelle Untersuchungen der Eiskeimfähigkeit verschiedener Pollenarten im Immersions- und Kontaktgefrierprozess. Diploma, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2003)
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