Emeritus Scientific Members
The institute's high standing is due in no small part to its renowned Emeritus Scientific Members. Albrecht Hofmann and Meinrat O. Andreae are still active researchers.

Meinrat O. Andreae, Director of the Biogeochemistry Department from 1987 until 2017
Born on May 19, 1949 in Augsburg. Study of mineralogy/geochemistry Karlsruhe and Göttingen Univ., doctorate in oceanography at Scripps Inst. of Oceanography (1977), Assistant Professor of Oceanography (1978-1982), Associate Professor (1982-1986), Professor of Oceanography Florida State Univ. (1986-1987), Director and Scientific Member at the Max Planck Institute of Chemistry (1987 - 2017).

Albrecht W. Hofmann, Director of the Geochemistry Department from 1980 until 2007
Albrecht W. Hofmann (born in 1939) was appointed Director of the newly founded Geochemistry Department in 1980. His department researches large-scale geological processes, such as the formation of continental and oceanic crusts, the chemical differentiation of the Earth's mantle and the circulation of present-day and former oceans. The department uses mass spectrometric measurements of isotopic abundancies to determine the absolute age of rocks. It also uses isotopic abundancies and trace element contents to determine the origin of volcanic lava from the Earth's mantle or crust and studies the long-term processes used by the Earth's mantle to recycle old crust. The department also performs experiments to study the pressure, temperature and other physical-chemical properties in fusions and mineral transformations that take place deep inside the Earth. Albrecht Hofmann retired in 2007.

Paul J. Crutzen, Director of the Atmospheric Chemistry Department 1980 bis 2000
Paul J. Crutzen (1933-2021) succeeded Christian Junge as Director of the Atmospheric Chemistry Department in 1980. This department performs laboratory experiments to determine the absorption of UV and infrared radiation by atmospheric trace elements, as well as the speed at which elements react in the atmosphere. For detailed information pleas click here: https://www.mpic.de/3864923/paul-crutzen