This is where we do our research: Our institute is located on the campus of Mainz University.
We investigate the interactions between air, water, soil, life and climate in the course of the Earth's history up to the present human-dominated era, the Anthropocene.
With the help of the ATTO climate research tower, we want to find out how the rainforest, the atmosphere and the global climate influence each other.
We collect seawater, plankton and air samples with our deep-sea research yacht Eugen Seibold.


Complex Impact of Large Wildfires on Ozone Layer Dynamics
Huge smoke-charged vortex doubles aerosol burden in the middle stratosphere and buffers ozone depletion.
Hergersberg,  Möbius, Benner - winner of the idw-prize
Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (idw) honors the best scientific press releases of the past year.
Yafang Cheng elected AAAS Fellow 2023
Aerosol researcher recognized for distinguished scientific achievements.
Searching for clues in the history book of the ocean
Increased oxygenation of the tropical ocean during a geological episode of abrupt global warming.
COVID-19: Calculating aerosol infection risk yourself
Algorithm to estimate coronavirus infection risk from aerosol transmission in the indoor environment and under different safety measures

Seminars & Events

Long-range atmospheric transport of current-use pesticides

Jul 24, 2024 02:15 PM (Local Time Germany)
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Room: online
Earth and Solar System Research Partnership
The MPIC is member of the Earth and Solar system Research Partnership.

Job Offers

See German page!
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