This is where we do our research: Our institute is located on the campus of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

This is where we do our research: Our institute is located on the campus of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

We investigate the interactions between air, water, soil, life and climate in the course of the Earth's history up to the present human-dominated era, the Anthropocene.

We investigate the interactions between air, water, soil, life and climate in the course of the Earth's history up to the present human-dominated era, the Anthropocene.

We conduct lab experiments analyzing, for example, water samples to determine past climates.

We conduct lab experiments analyzing, for example, water samples to determine past climates.

Our scientists also conduct research in many exciting places on Earth, such as high above the Brazilian rainforest.

Our scientists also conduct research in many exciting places on Earth, such as high above the Brazilian rainforest.

Using the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory ATTO, we aim to understand the interactions between the rainforest, atmosphere, and global climate.

Using the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory ATTO, we aim to understand the interactions between the rainforest, atmosphere, and global climate.

We collect seawater, plankton and air samples with our deep-sea research sailing yacht Eugen Seibold.

We collect seawater, plankton and air samples with our deep-sea research sailing yacht Eugen Seibold.

We also carry out experiments on board aircraft, which we use to study natural and anthropogenic aerosol particles and chemical processes in the atmosphere.

We also carry out experiments on board aircraft, which we use to study natural and anthropogenic aerosol particles and chemical processes in the atmosphere.

Scientific curiosity and teamwork are our focus, but we also embrace the spirit of adventure on our expeditions.

Scientific curiosity and teamwork are our focus, but we also embrace the spirit of adventure on our expeditions.


Twelve newly appointed female directors of the Max Planck Society
Twelve Max Planck researchers were appointed between January 2024 and 2025. Their research areas are as diverse as their scientific backgrounds
From soot particle filters to renewable fuels
Unravelling the chemical processes in soot particle filters reveals new ways to produce synthetic fuels
Tina Lüdecke searching for suitable sampled teeth in the hominin vault of the Evolutionary Studies Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Nitrogen isotopes in tooth enamel show no evidence of meat consumption in Australopithecus
EU-funded project to research health damage caused by traffic noise and air pollution 
MARKOPOLO: Successful application for European consortium for environmental research as part of the “Horizon Europe” funding program with the participation of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
COVID-19: Calculating aerosol infection risk yourself
Algorithm to estimate coronavirus infection risk from aerosol transmission in the indoor environment and under different safety measures

Seminars & Events

Vegetation-Chemistry-Climate Interactions: 
The Role of Natural Emissions in Shaping the Climate System

Mar 26, 2025 02:15 PM - 03:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Room: Seminar rooms 2/3

Korallen als Müllkippe – Was sagt die Forschung über die Bedrohung durch Mikroplastik?

Apr 10, 2025 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Room: Hermann-Staudinger-Hörsaal
Earth and Solar System Research Partnership
The MPIC is member of the Earth and Solar system Research Partnership.

Job Offers

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