Publications of V. G. Khamaganov
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
15 (25), pp. 10500 - 10509 (2013)
Pressure dependent photolysis quantum yields for CH3C(O)CH3 at 300 and 308 nm and at 298 and 228 K. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2.
Journal Article
13 (41), pp. 18600 - 18608 (2011)
Removal of the potent greenhouse gas NF3 by reactions with the atmospheric oxidants O(1D), OH and O3. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 3.
Journal Article
42 (9), pp. 575 - 585 (2010)
Rate Coefficients for the Reactions CH3 + Br2 (224-358 K), CH3CO + Br2 (228 and 298K), and Cl + Br2 (228 and 298 K). International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 4.
Journal Article
11 (29), pp. 6173 - 6181 (2009)
Photolysis of CH3C(O)CH3 at 248 and 266 nm: pressure and temperature dependent overall quantum yields. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 5.
Journal Article
9 (31), pp. 4098 - 4113 (2007)
Photolysis of CH3C(O)CH3 (248 nm, 266 nm), CH3C(O)C2H5 (248 nm) and CH3C(O)Br (248 nm): pressure dependent quantum yields of CH3 formation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics