Publications of M. Grzegorski
All genres
Journal Article (10)
Journal Article
112 (6), pp. 1119 - 1137 (2011)
The Monte Carlo atmospheric radiative transfer model McArtim: Introduction and validation of Jacobians and 3D features. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 2.
Journal Article
4 (3), pp. 463 - 483 (2011)
MERIS albedo climatology for FRESCO+ O2 A-band cloud retrieval. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 3.
Journal Article
9 (21), pp. 8223 - 8234 (2009)
Satellite measurements of formaldehyde linked to shipping emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4.
Journal Article
10 (10), 104019 (2008)
Monitoring of atmospheric trace gases, clouds, aerosols and surface properties from UV/vis/NIR satellite instruments. Journal of Optics A-Pure and Applied Optics 5.
Journal Article
Global monitoring of atmospheric trace gases, clouds and aerosols from UV/vis/NIR satellite instruments: Currents status and near future perspectives. RIAO/OPTILAS 2007, pp. 1160 - 1165 (2008)
Journal Article
8 (9), pp. 2299 - 2312 (2008)
Dependence of cloud properties derived from spectrally resolved visible satellite observations on surface temperature. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7.
Journal Article
7, pp. 69 - 79 (2007)
Satellite monitoring of different vegetation types by differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) in the red spectral range. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8.
Journal Article
6, pp. 1075 - 1089 (2006)
Estimating the NOx produced by lightning from GOME and NLDN data: a case study in the Gulf of Mexico. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9.
Journal Article
6, pp. 4461 - 4476 (2006)
The Heidelberg iterative cloud retrieval utilities (HICRU) and its application to GOME data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10.
Journal Article
111, D12102 (2006)
Global trends (1996 to 2003) of total column precipitable water observed by GOME on ERS-2 and their relation to surface temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research Conference Paper (2)
Conference Paper
Impact of Clouds on Tropospheric Tracegas Retrievals. In: Proceedings „ENVISAT Symposium 2007“, Montreux, Switzerland, 23-27 April 2007 (ESA SP-636, July 2007), 463690 (Eds. Lacoste, H.; Ouwehand, L.). ESA Communication Production Office, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (2007)
Conference Paper
SCIAMACHY limb measurements as a new tool for stratospheric ozone studies. In: Sustainable development in the Baltic and beyond, pp. 493 - 502 (Eds. Leal-Filho, W.; Ubelis, A.; Berzina, D.). Lang, Berlin (2006)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Cloud retrieval from UV/VIS satellite instruments (SCIAMACHY and GOME). Dissertation, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg (2009)