Publications of A. W. Hofmann
All genres
Journal Article (95)
Journal Article
169, pp. 187 - 209 (2000)
High precision lead isotope systematics of lavas from the Hawaiian Scientific Drilling Project. Chemical Geology 82.
Journal Article
24, pp. 87 - 133 (2000)
The Preparation and Preliminary Characterisation of Eight Geological MPI-DING Reference Glasses for In-Situ Microanalysis. Geostandards Newsletter 83.
Journal Article
179, pp. 139 - 152 (2000)
Osmium isotopes in hydrothermal fluids from the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 84.
Journal Article
404, pp. 986 - 990 (2000)
Recycled oceanic crust observed in ’ghost plagiclase‘ within the source of Mauna Loa lavas. Nature 85.
Journal Article
170, pp. 447 - 461 (1999)
Precise Re-Os mineral isochron and Pb-Nd-Os isotope systematics of a mafic-ultramafic sill in the 2.0 Ga Onega plateau (Baltic Shield). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 86.
Journal Article
63, pp. 3579 - 3595 (1999)
Combined mantle plume-island arc model for the formation of the 2.9 Ga Sumozero-Kenozero greenstone belt, SE Baltic Shield: Isotope and trace element constraints. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 87.
Journal Article
63, pp. 4005 - 4012 (1999)
Himalayan Uplift and Osmium isotopes in oceans and rivers. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 88.
Journal Article
62 A, pp. 335 - 336 (1998)
Triple-spike Pb isotope data on Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project (HSDP) lavas: The roles of upper mantle and lower oceanic crust. Mineralogical Magazine 89.
Journal Article
19, pp. 369 - 415 (1998)
Neotectonic crustal uplift on the continents and its possible mechanisms.: The case of Southern Africa. Surveys in Geophysics 90.
Journal Article
158, pp. 91 - 100 (1998)
Os Isotopic composition and Os and Re distribution in the active mound of the Tag hydrothermal system, mid-atlantic ocean ridge. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results 91.
Journal Article
62 A, pp. 335 - 336 (1998)
High resolution 230Th/232Th and 234U/238U chronology of a hydrogeneous Fe-Mn crust from the NE Atlantic. Mineralogical Magazine 92.
Journal Article
62 A, pp. 640 - 641 (1998)
Geochemical reservoirs and whole-mantle convection. Mineralogical Magazine 93.
Journal Article
130, pp. 134 - 153 (1998)
Petrology of mafic lavas within the Onega plateau, Central Karelia: evidence for 2.0 Ga plume-related continental crustal growth in the Baltic Shield. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 94.
Journal Article
155, pp. 57 - 74 (1998)
Oceanic plateau model for continental crustal growth in the Archaean: A case study from the Kostumuksha greenstone belt, NW Baltic Shield. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 95.
Journal Article
163, pp. 33 - 45 (1998)
Isotopic contrasts within the Internal Liguride ophiolite (N. Italy): the lack of a genetic mantle-crust link. Earth and Planetary Science Letters Book Chapter (5)
Book Chapter
Geodynamic setting of the tertiary Hocheifel volcanism (Germany), Part II: Geochemistry and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions. In: Mantle Plumes - A Multidisciplinary Approach, pp. 207 - 239 (Eds. Ritter, J. R. R.; Christensen, U.R.). Springer, Heidelberg (2007)
Book Chapter
Sampling mantle heterogeneity through oceanic basalts: Isotopes and trace elements. In: The Mantle and Core, pp. 61 - 101 (Ed. Carlson, R. W.). Elsevier-Pergamon, Oxford (2003)
Book Chapter
Das Erdinnere bis zum Kern. In: Erde. Schriftenreihe Forum, Band 11, pp. 73 - 87 (Eds. Busch, B.; Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH). Wienand Verlag, Köln (2003)
Book Chapter
Lead isotopes and the age of the Earth - a geochemical accident. In: The Age of the Earth: from 4004 BC to AD 2002, pp. 223 - 236 (Eds. Lewis, C. L. E.; Knell, S. J.). Geological Society, London (2001)
Book Chapter
Funkenmassenspektrometrie mit Multi-Ionenzählung (MIC-SSMS) - ein neues Multielementverfahren zur Lösung zukünftiger geochemischer Aufgaben. In: Festkörperanalytik, pp. 51 - 60 (Eds. Jährling, R.; Schiel, D.). Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig (1997)