Publications of S. Beirle
All genres
Journal Article (109)
Journal Article
108 (11-12), pp. 54 - 59 (2012)
Re-evaluating the NO2 hotspot over the South African Highveld. South African Journal of Science 82.
Journal Article
5 (2), pp. 457 - 485 (2012)
The Cabauw Intercomparison campaign for Nitrogen Dioxide measuring Instruments (CINDI): design, execution, and early results. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 83.
Journal Article
5 (11), pp. 2779 - 2807 (2012)
Tropospheric BrO column densities in the Arctic derived from satellite: retrieval and comparison to ground-based measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 84.
Journal Article
333 (6050), pp. 1737 - 1739 (2011)
Megacity Emissions and Lifetimes of Nitrogen Oxides Probed from Space. Science 85.
Journal Article
112 (6), pp. 1119 - 1137 (2011)
The Monte Carlo atmospheric radiative transfer model McArtim: Introduction and validation of Jacobians and 3D features. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 86.
Journal Article
11 (23), pp. 12475 - 12498 (2011)
Determination of tropospheric vertical columns of NO2 and aerosol optical properties in a rural setting using MAX-DOAS. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 87.
Journal Article
11 (12), pp. 6083 - 6114 (2011)
Application of SCIAMACHY and MOPITT CO total column measurements to evaluate model results over biomass burning regions and Eastern China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 88.
Journal Article
11 (21), pp. 10871 - 10887 (2011)
Estimation of NOx emissions from Delhi using Car MAX-DOAS observations and comparison with OMI satellite data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 89.
Journal Article
4 (12), pp. 2685 - 2715 (2011)
Inversion of tropospheric profiles of aerosol extinction and HCHO and NO2 mixing ratios from MAX-DOAS observations in Milano during the summer of 2003 and comparison with independent data sets. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 90.
Journal Article
11 (6), pp. 2603 - 2624 (2011)
Comparison of ambient aerosol extinction coefficients obtained from in-situ, MAX-DOAS and LIDAR measurements at Cabauw. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 91.
Journal Article
10 (22), pp. 10965 - 10986 (2010)
Direct satellite observation of lightning-produced NOx. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 92.
Journal Article
3 (1), pp. 283 - 299 (2010)
Retrieval of tropospheric column densities of NO2 from combined SCIAMACHY nadir/limb measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 93.
Journal Article
3 (6), pp. 1723 - 1751 (2010)
A sensitivity analysis of Ring effect to aerosol properties and comparison to satellite observations. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 94.
Journal Article
9 (3), pp. 1077 - 1094 (2009)
Sensitivity of satellite observations for freshly produced lightning NOx. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 95.
Journal Article
9 (11), pp. 3641 - 3662 (2009)
Tropospheric NO2 column densities deduced from zenith-sky DOAS measurements in Shanghai, China, and their application to satellite validation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 96.
Journal Article
9 (17), pp. 6459 - 6477 (2009)
Analysing spatio-temporal patterns of the global NO2-distribution retrieved from GOME satellite observations using a generalized additive model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 97.
Journal Article
9 (4), pp. 1393 - 1406 (2009)
Severe ozone air pollution in the Persian Gulf region. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 98.
Journal Article
9 (21), pp. 8223 - 8234 (2009)
Satellite measurements of formaldehyde linked to shipping emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 99.
Journal Article
9 (24), pp. 9555 - 9567 (2009)
UV Aerosol Indices from SCIAMACHY: introducing the SCattering Index (SCI). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 100.
Journal Article
2, pp. 113 - 124 (2009)
Three-dimensional simulation of the Ring effect in observations of scattered sun light using Monte Carlo radiative transfer models. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques