Publications of J. Pukite

Journal Article (23)

Journal Article
Wagner, T.; Beirle, S.; Deutschmann, T.; Frankenberg, C.; Grzegorski, M.; Khokhar, M. F.; Kühl, S.; Marbach, T.; Mies, K.; Penning de Vries, M. et al.; Platt, U.; Pukite, J.; Sanghavi, S.: Global monitoring of atmospheric trace gases, clouds and aerosols from UV/vis/NIR satellite instruments: Currents status and near future perspectives. RIAO/OPTILAS 2007, pp. 1160 - 1165 (2008)
Journal Article
Wagner, T.; Burrows, J. P.; Deutschmann, T.; Dix, B.; von Friedeburg, C.; Frieß, U.; Hendrick, F.; Heue, K. P.; Irie, H.; Iwabuchi, H. et al.; Kanaya, Y.; Keller, J.; McLinden, C. A.; Oetjen, H.; Palazzi, E.; Petritoli, A.; Platt, U.; Postylyakov, O.; Pukite, J.; Richter, A.; van Roozendael, M.; Rozanov, A.; Rozanov, V.; Sinreich, R.; Sanghavi, S.; Wittrock, F.: Comparison of box-air-mass-factors and radiances for Multiple-Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) geometries calculated from different UV/visible radiative transfer models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (7), pp. 1809 - 1833 (2007)
Journal Article
Butz, A.; Bösch, H.; Camy-Peyret, C.; Chipperfield, M.; Dorf, M.; Dufour, G.; Grunow, K.; Jeseck, P.; Kühl, S.; Payan, S. et al.; Pepin, I.; Pukite, J.; Rozanov, A.; von Savigny, C.; Sioris, C.; Wagner, T.; Weidner, F.; Pfeilsticker, K.: Inter-comparison of stratospheric O3 and NO2 abundances retrieved from balloon borne direct sun observations and Envisat/SCIAMACHY limb measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6, pp. 1293 - 1314 (2006)

Conference Paper (4)

Conference Paper
Kühl, S.; Pukite, J.; Deutschmann, T.; Dorf, M.; Platt, U.; Wagner, T.: Vertical Profiles of BrO and OClO Measured by SCIAMACHY. In: Proceedings „ENVISAT Symposium 2007“, Montreux, Switzerland, 23-27 April 2007 (ESA SP-636, July 2007), 461267 (Eds. Lacoste, H.; Ouwehand, L.). ESA Communication Production Office, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (2007)
Conference Paper
Kühl, S.; Pukite, J.; Deutschmann, T.; Dorf, M.; Hendrick, F.; Platt, U.; Wagner, T.: Stratospheric profiles of OClO and BrO analysed from Sciamachy Limb observations. In: Proceedings of the Third Workshop on the Atmospheric Chemistry Validation of Envisat (ACVE-3), ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, Dec.4-7, 2006 (ESA SP-642, February 2007), SCIA35 (Ed. Danesy, D.). ESA Communication Production Office, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (2007)
Conference Paper
Puķīte, J.; Kühl, S.; Deutschmann, T.; Platt, U.; Wagner, T.: Application of 3D MC RTM "Tracy-II" on SCIAMACHY Limb Measurements in the UV/VIS Spectral Range. In: Proceedings "Envisat Symposium 2007", Montreux, Switzerland, 23-27 April 2007 (ESA SP-636, July 2007), 458270 (Eds. Lacoste, H.; Ouwehand, L.). ESA Communication Production Office, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (2007)
Conference Paper
Pukite, J.; Kühl, S.; Wilms-Grabe, W.; von Friedeburg, C.; Deutschmann, T.; Sanghavi, S.; Hollwedel, J.; Beirle, S.; Frankenberg, C.; Khokhar, M. F. et al.; Grzegorski, M.; Marbach, T.; Kirchhof, B.; Kraus, S.; Platt, U.; Wagner, T.: SCIAMACHY limb measurements as a new tool for stratospheric ozone studies. In: Sustainable development in the Baltic and beyond, pp. 493 - 502 (Eds. Leal-Filho, W.; Ubelis, A.; Berzina, D.). Lang, Berlin (2006)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Pukite, J.: Retrieval of vertical profiles of stratospheric trace gases from limb observations of the SCIAMACHY instrument on ENVISAT. Dissertation, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg (2010)

Working Paper (3)

Working Paper
Wagner, T.; Beirle, S.; Benavent, N.; Bösch, T.; Chan, K. L.; Donner, S.; Dörner, S.; Fayt, C.; Frieß, U.; García-Nieto, D. et al.; Gielen, C.; González-Bartolome, D.; Gomez, L.; Hendrick, F.; Henzing, B.; Jin, J. L.; Lampel, J.; Ma, J.; Mies, K.; Navarro, M.; Peters, E.; Pinardi, G.; Puentedura, O.; Pukite, J.; Remmers, J.; Richter , A.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Shaiganfar, R.; Sihler, H.; Van Roozendael, M.; Wang, Y.; Yela, M.: Is a scaling factor required to obtain closure between measured and modelled atmospheric O4 absorptions? – A case study for two days during the MADCAT campaign. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 11 (2018), 85 pp.
Working Paper
Lampel, J.; Wang, Y.; Hilboll, A.; Beirle, S.; Pukite, J.; Platt, U.; Wagner, T.: The tilt-effect in DOAS observations. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 10 (2017)
Working Paper
Pukite, J.; Wagner, T.: Quantification and parametrization of non-linearity effects by higher-order sensitivity terms in scattered light differential optical absorption spectroscopy. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 9 (2016)

Preprint (4)

Wagner, T.; Pukite, J.: Absolute radiance calibration in the UV and visible spectral range using atmospheric observations during twilight. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 16 (2023)
Wagner, T.; Warnach, S.; Beirle, S.; Bobrowski, N.; Jost, A.; Pukite, J.; Theys, N.: Investigation of 3D-effects for UV/vis satellite and ground based observations of volcanic plumes. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 15 (2022)
Lauster, B.; Dörner, S.; Enell, C.-F.; Frieß, U.; Gu, M.; Pukite, J.; Raffalski, U.; Wagner, T.: Occurrence of Polar Stratospheric Clouds as derived from Ground-based Zenith DOAS Observations using the Colour Index. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 22 (2022)
Pukite, J.; Borger, C.; Dörner, S.; Gu, M.; Wagner, T.: OClO as observed by TROPOMI: a comparison with meteorological parameters and PSC observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 21 (2021)
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