Publications of Jos Lelieveld
All genres
Book Chapter (16)
Book Chapter
Traffic-related environmental risk factors and their impact on oxidative stress and cardiovascular health. In: Oxidative Stress: Eustress and Distress, pp. 489 - 510 (Ed. Sies, H.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2020)
Book Chapter
Luftverschmutzung und Klimawandel. In: Die Zukunft des Klimas, pp. 105 - 122 (Eds. Marotzke, J.; Stratmann, M.). C.H. Beck, München (2015)
Book Chapter
Impact of different physical parameterizations on the global modeling of desert dust – Importance of the initialization fields. In: Air pollution modeling and its application XXII. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, pp. 119 - 123 (Eds. Steyn, D. G.; Builtjes, P. J. H.; Timmermans, R. M. A.). Springer, Dordrecht (2014)
Book Chapter
Impacts of climate change over the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region using the Hadley Centre PRECIS RCM. In: Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, pp. 457 - 463 (Eds. Helmis, C. G.; Nastos, P. T.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg (2013)
Book Chapter
Air Pollution from Space. In: Remote Sensing of Environment - Integrated Approaches, pp. 181 - 211 (Ed. Hadjimitsis, D. G.). InTech, Rijeka, Croatia (2013)
Book Chapter
Assessment of climate change extremes over the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region using the Hadley Centre PRECIS Regional Climate Model. In: Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, pp. 547 - 554 (Eds. Helmis, C. G.; Nastos, P. T.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg (2013)
Book Chapter
Weltweites Risiko durch radioactive Fallouts nach katastrophalen Kernreaktorunfällen. In: Perspektiven fortschrittlicher und kritischer Wissenschaft und Kultur. Tagungsband 8. Offene Akademie 2013, pp. 142 - 148 (Eds. Klug, C.; Lutz, J.; Krusewitz, K.). Arbeiterbildungszentrum e.V., Recklinghausen (2013)
Book Chapter
The summer circulation over the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East: Influence of the South Asian monsoon and mid-latitude dynamics. In: Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, pp. 793 - 802 (Eds. Helmis, C. G.; Nastos, P. T.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg (2013)
Book Chapter
Land-atmosphere coupling: The feedback of soil moisture on surface temperature in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. In: Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, pp. 833 - 839 (Eds. Helmis, C. G.; Nastos, P. T.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg (2013)
Book Chapter
Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions in a Chemistry-Climate Model. In: Twenty Years of Ozone Decline. Proceedings of the Symposium for the 20th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol, pp. 327 - 347 (Eds. Zerefos, C.; Contopoulos, G.; Skalkeas, G.). Springer, Dordrecht (2009)
Book Chapter
Air pollution and climate. In: The Physical Geography of the Mediterranean, pp. 599 - 614 (Ed. Woodward, J. C.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2009)
Book Chapter
Globaler und regionaler Spurenstofftransport in der Atmosphäre: Die INDOEX und MINOS Kampagnen. In: Stofftransport und Transformation in der Atmosphäre, pp. 9 - 34 (Eds. Behret, H.; Kördel, W.; Stock, B.; Zellner, R.). Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Frankfurt am Main (2004)
Book Chapter
Self-cleaning capacity of the atmosphere and land-biosphere processes. In: Proceedings of ILEAPS: Integrated Land Ecosystem – Atmosphere Processes Study. International Open Science Conference, Helsinki 29 September – 3 October 2002, Finland. Report Series in Aerosol Science 62A, pp. P22 - P24 (Ed. Arneth, A.). Aerosolitutkimusseura, Helsinki (2003)
Book Chapter
European studies on trace gases and atmospheric chemistry as a contribution to the large scale biosphere-atmosphere experiment in Amazonia (EUSTACH-LBA). In: Proceedings of the European Climate Science Conference, Vienna, 19-23 October 1998, Article 86 (Eds. Gazhi, A.; Troen, I.). European Commission, Research DG, Biodiversity and Global Change Unit DI/1, Brussels (2000)
Conference Paper (16)
Conference Paper
Timely Update of Emission Inventories with the Use of Satellite Data. In: Air pollution modeling and its application XXVII, pp. 401 - 406. 37th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and its Application , Hamburg, Germany, September 23, 2019 - September 27, 2019. (2021)
Conference Paper
Tropopause Folds Over the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East in EMAC Simulations: Implications for Summertime Tropospheric Ozone. In: Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics (COMECAP 2016) that is held in Thessaloniki from 19 to 21 September 2016, pp. 975 - 981 (Ed. Karacostas, T.). (2017)
Conference Paper
The Impact of Fine Particulate Outdoor Air Pollution to Premature Mortality. In: Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics (COMECAP 2016) that is held in Thessaloniki from 19 to 21 September 2016, pp. 1021 - 1026 (Ed. Karacostas, T.). (2017)
Conference Paper
Exploration of 12-km ERA-Interim Simulations from CORDEX Over the Levant. In: Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics (COMECAP 2016) that is held in Thessaloniki from 19 to 21 September 2016, pp. 643 - 648 (Ed. Karacostas , T.). (2017)
Conference Paper
Comparative Forecasts of a Local Area Model (WRF) in Summer for Cyprus. In: Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics (COMECAP 2016) that is held in Thessaloniki from 19 to 21 September 2016, pp. 151 - 157 (Ed. Karacostas, T.). (2017)
Conference Paper
High-Resolution Simulations of Recent Past Extreme Precipitation Events Over Cyprus. In: Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics (COMECAP 2016) that is held in Thessaloniki from 19 to 21 September 2016, pp. 483 - 489 (Ed. Karacostas, T.). 13th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and
Atmospheric Physics (COMECAP), Aristotle Univ Res Disseminat Ctr, Thessaloniki, GREECE, September 19, 2016 - September 21, 2016. (2017)