Publications of Oliver Lauer
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
299, 107196 (2024)
Secondary droplet activation during condensational growth in convective clouds and its detection from satellites. Atmospheric Research 2.
Journal Article
127, e2022JD036519 (2022)
Satellite-based detection of secondary droplet activation in convective clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 3.
Journal Article
58 (4), pp. 887 - 902 (2019)
Automated Mapping of Convective Clouds (AMCC) Thermodynamical, Microphysical, and CCN Properties from SNPP/VIIRS Satellite Data. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Aerosol effects on microphysical properties of Amazonian clouds. Dissertation, 132 pp., Universität, Mainz (2023)
Preprint (1)
21 (2021)
Cloud droplet number closure for tropical convective clouds during the ACRIDICON–CHUVA campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions