Publications of Achim Edtbauer

Journal Article (23)

Journal Article
Curtius, J.; Heinritzi, M.; Beck, L. J.; Pöhlker , M. L.; Tripathi, N.; Krumm, B. E.; Holzbeck, P.; Nussbaumer, C. M.; Pardo, L. H.; Klimach, T. et al.; Barmpounis, K.; Andersen, S. T.; Bardakov, R.; Bohn, B.; Cecchini, M. A.; Chaboureau, J.-P.; Dauhut, T.; Dienhart, D.; Dörich, R.; Edtbauer, A.; Giez, A.; Hartmann, A.; Holanda, B. A.; Joppe, P.; Kaiser, K.; Keber, T.; Klebach, H.; Krüger, O. O.; Kürten, A.; Mallaun, C.; Marno, D.; Martinez, M.; Monteiro, C.; Nelson, C.; Ort, L.; Raj, S. S.; Richter, S.; Ringsdorf, A.; Rocha, F.; Simon, M.; Sreekumar, S.; Tsokankunku, A.; Unfer, G. R.; Valenti, I. D.; Wang, N.; Zahn, A.; Zauner-Wieczorek, M.; Albrecht, R. I.; Andreae, M. O.; Artaxo, P.; Crowley, J. N.; Fischer, H.; Harder, H.; Herdies, D. L.; Machado, L. A. T.; Pöhlker, C.; Pöschl, U.; Possner, A.; Pozzer, A.; Schneider, J.; Williams, J.; Lelieveld, J.: Isoprene nitrates drive new particle formation in Amazon’s upper troposphere. Nature 636, pp. 124 - 130 (2024)
Journal Article
Machado, L. A. T.; Unfer, G. R.; Brill, S.; Hildmann, S.; Pöhlker, C.; Cheng, Y.; Williams, J.; Harder, H.; Andreae, M. O.; Artaxo, P. et al.; Curtius, J.; Franco, M. A.; Cecchini, M. A.; Edtbauer, A.; Hoffmann, T.; Holanda, B.; Khadir, T.; Krejci, R.; Kremper, L. A.; Liu, Y.; Meller, B. B.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Quesada, C. A.; Ringsdorf, A.; Riipinen, I.; Trumbore, S.; Wolff, S.; Lelieveld, J.; Pöschl, U.: Frequent rainfall-induced new particle formation within the canopy in the Amazon rainforest. Nature Geoscience 17 (2024)
Journal Article
Ringsdorf, A.; Edtbauer, A.; Holanda, B.; Pöhlker, C.; Sá, M. O.; Araújo, A.; Kesselmeier, J.; Lelieveld, J.; Williams, J.: Investigating carbonyl compounds above the Amazon rainforest using a proton-transfer-reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometer (PTR-ToF-MS) with NO+ chemical ionization. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 24 (20), pp. 11883 - 11910 (2024)
Journal Article
Machado, L. A. T.; Kesselmeier, J.; Botía, S.; van Asperen, H.; Andreae, M. O.; de Araújo, A. C.; Artaxo, P.; Edtbauer, A.; Ferreira, R. R.; Franco, M. A. et al.; Harder, H.; Jones, S. P.; Dias-Júnior, C. Q.; Haytzmann, G. G.; Quesada, C. A.; Komiya, S.; Lavrič, J. V.; Lelieveld, J.; Levin, I.; Nölscher, A.; Pfannerstill, E. Y.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Pöschl, U.; Ringsdorf, A.; Rizzo, L.; Yáñez-Serrano, A. M.; Trumbore, S. E.; Valenti, W. I. D.; de Arellano , J. V.-G.; Walter, D.; Williams, J.; Wolff, S.; Pöhlker, C.: How rainfall events modify trace gas mixing ratios in central Amazonia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 24 (15), pp. 8893 - 8910 (2024)
Journal Article
de Arellano, J. V.-G.; Hartogensis, O. K.; de Boer, H.; Moonen, R.; González-Armas, R.; Janssens, M.; Adnew, G. A.; Bonell-Fontás, D. J.; Botía, S.; Jones, S. P. et al.; van Asperen, H.; Komiya, S.; de Feiter, V. S.; Rikkers, D.; de Haas, S.; Machado, L. A. T.; Dias-Junior, C. Q.; Giovanelli-Haytzmann , G.; Valenti, W. I. D.; Figueiredo, R. C.; Farias, C. S.; Hall, D. H.; Mendonça, A. C. S.; da Silva, F. A. G.; da Silva, J. L. M.; Souza, R.; Martins, G.; Miller, J. N.; Mol, W. B.; Heusinkveld, B.; van Heerwaarden, C. C.; D’Oliveira, F. A. F.; Ferreira, R. R.; Gotuzzo, R. A.; Pugliese, G.; Williams, J.; Ringsdorf, A.; Edtbauer, A.; Quesada, C. A.; Portela, B. T. T.; Alves, E. G.; Pöhlker, C.; Trumbore, S.; Lelieveld, J.; Röckmann, T.: CloudRoots-Amazon22: Integrating clouds with photosynthesis by crossing scales. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 105 (7), pp. E1275 - E1302 (2024)
Journal Article
Carter, T. S.; Heald, C. L.; Kroll, J. H.; Apel, E. C.; Blake, D.; Coggon, M.; Edtbauer, A.; Gkatzelis, G.; Hornbrook, R. S.; Peischl, J. et al.; Pfannerstill, E. Y.; Piel, F.; Reijrink, N. G.; Ringsdorf, A.; Warneke, C.; Williams, J.; Wisthaler , A.; Xu, L.: An Improved Representation of Fire Non-Methane Organic Gases (NMOGs) in Models: Emissions to Reactivity. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22 (18), pp. 12093 - 12111 (2022)
Journal Article
Sheu, R.; Hass-Mitchell, T.; Ringsdorf, A.; Berkemeier, T.; Machesky, J.; Edtbauer, A.; Kluepfel, T.; Filippi, A.; Bandowe, B. A. M.; Wietzoreck, M. et al.; Kukučka, P.; Tong, H.; Lammel, G.; Pöschl, U.; Williams, J.; Gentner , D. R.: Emerging investigator series: deposited particles and human lung lining fluid are dynamic, chemically-complex reservoirs leading to thirdhand smoke emissions and exposure. Environmental science: Atmospheres (2022)
Journal Article
Dewald, P.; Nussbaumer, C. M.; Schuladen, J.; Ringsdorf, A.; Edtbauer, A.; Fischer, H.; Williams, J.; Lelieveld, J.; Crowley, J. N.: Fate of the nitrate radical at the summit of a semi-rural mountain site in Germany assessed with direct reactivity measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22 (10), pp. 7051 - 7069 (2022)
Journal Article
Voigt, C.; Lelieveld, J.; Schlager, H.; Schneider, J.; Curtius, J.; Meerkötter, R.; Sauer, D.; Bugliaro, L.; Bohn, B.; Crowley, J. N. et al.; Erbertseder, T.; Groβ, S.; Hahn, V.; Li, Q.; Mertens, M.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Pozzer, A.; Schumann, U.; Tomsche, L.; Williams, J.; Zahn, A.; Andreae, M.; Borrmann, S.; Bräuer, T.; Dörich, R.; Dörnbrack, A.; Edtbauer, A.; Ernle, L.; Fischer, H.; Giez, A.; Granzin, M.; Grewe, V.; Harder, H.; Heinritzi, M.; Holanda, B. A.; Jöckel, P.; Kaiser, K.; Krüger, O. O.; Lucke, J.; Marsing, A.; Martin, A.; Matthes, S.; Pöhlker, C.; Pöschl, U.; Reifenberg, S.; Ringsdorf, A.; Scheibe, M.; Tadic, I.; Zauner-Wieczorek, M.; Henke, R.; Rapp, M.: Cleaner skies during the COVID-19 lockdown. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 103 (2022)
Journal Article
Edtbauer, A.; Pfannerstill, E. Y.; Florentino, A. P. P.; Barbosa, C. G. G.; Rodriguez-Caballero, E.; Zannoni, N.; Alves, R. P.; Wolff, S.; Tsokankunku, A.; Aptroot, A. et al.; de Sá, M. O.; de Araújo, A. C.; Sörgel, M.; de Oliveira, S. M.; Weber, B.; Williams, J.: Cryptogamic organisms are a substantial source and sink for volatile organic compounds in the Amazon region. Communications Earth and Environment 2, 258 (2021)
Journal Article
Dienhart, D.; Crowley, J. N.; Bourtsoukidis, E.; Edtbauer, A.; Eger, P. G.; Ernle, L.; Harder, H.; Hottmann, B.; Martinez, M.; Parchatka, U. et al.; Paris, J.-D.; Pfannerstill, E. Y.; Rohloff, R.; Schuladen, J.; Stönner, C.; Tadic, I.; Tauer, S.; Wang, N.; Williams, J.; Lelieveld, J.; Fischer, H.: Measurement report: Observation-based formaldehyde production rates and their relation to OH reactivity around the Arabian Peninsula. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (23), pp. 17373 - 17388 (2021)
Journal Article
Ringsdorf, A.; Edtbauer, A.; Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J.; Pfannerstill, E. Y.; Gromov, S.; Kumar, V.; Pozzer, A.; Wolff, S.; Tsokankunku, A.; Sörgel, M. et al.; Sá , M. O.; Araújo, A.; Ditas, F.; Pöhlker, C.; Lelieveld, J.; Williams, J.: Inferring the diurnal variability of OH radical concentrations over the Amazon from BVOC measurements. Scientific Reports 13, 14900 (2021)
Journal Article
Nussbaumer, C.; Tadic, I.; Dienhart, D.; Wang, N.; Edtbauer, A.; Ernle, L.; Williams, J.; Obersteiner, F.; Gutiérrez-Álvarez, I.; Harder, H. et al.; Lelieveld, J.; Fischer, H.: Measurement report: In situ observations of deep convection without lightning during the tropical cyclone Florence 2018. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (10), pp. 7933 - 7945 (2021)
Journal Article
Pfannerstill, E. Y.; Reijrink, N. G.; Edtbauer, A.; Ringsdorf, A.; Zannoni, N.; Araujo , A.; Ditas, F.; Holanda, B. A.; Sa, M. O.; Tsokankunku, A. et al.; Walter, D.; Wolff, S.; Lavric , J. V.; Pöhlker, C.; Sörgel, M.; Williams, J.: Total OH reactivity over the Amazon rainforest: variability with temperature, wind, rain, altitude, time of day, season, and an overall budget closure. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (8), pp. 6231 - 6256 (2021)
Journal Article
Zannoni, N.; Wikelski , M.; Gagliardo , A.; Raza, A.; Kramer, S.; Seghetti, C.; Wang, N.; Edtbauer, A.; Williams, J.: Identifying volatile organic compounds used for olfactory navigation by homing pigeons. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 15879 (2020)
Journal Article
Wang, N.; Edtbauer, A.; Stönner, C.; Pozzer, A.; Bourtsoukidis, E.; Ernle, L.; Dienhart, D.; Hottmann, B.; Fischer, H.; Schuladen, J. et al.; Crowley, J. N.; Paris, J.-D.; Lelieveld, J.; Williams, J.: Measurements of carbonyl compounds around the Arabian Peninsula: overview and model comparison. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (18), pp. 10807 - 10829 (2020)
Journal Article
Edtbauer, A.; Stönner, C.; Pfannerstill, E.; Berasategui, M.; Walter, D.; Crowley, J. N.; Lelieveld, J.; Williams, J.: A new marine biogenic emission: methane sulfonamide (MSAM), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), and dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2) measured in air over the Arabian Sea. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (10), pp. 6081 - 6094 (2020)
Journal Article
Bourtsoukidis, E.; Pozzer, A.; Sattler, T.; Matthaios, V. N.; Ernle, L.; Edtbauer, A.; Fischer, H.; Könemann, T.; Osipov, S.; Paris, J.-D. et al.; Pfannerstill, E. Y.; Stönner, C.; Tadic, I.; Walter, D.; Wang, N.; Lelieveld, J.; Williams, J.: The Red Sea Deep Water is a potent source of atmospheric ethane and propane. Nature Communications 11 (1), 447 (2020)
Journal Article
Berasategui, M.; Amedro, D.; Edtbauer, A.; Williams, J.; Lelieveld, J.; Crowley, J. N.: Kinetic and mechanistic study of the reaction between methane sulfonamide (CH3S(O)2NH2) and OH. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (5), pp. 2695 - 2707 (2020)
Journal Article
Pfannerstill, E. Y.; Wang, N.; Edtbauer, A.; Bourtsoukidis, E.; Crowley, J. N.; Dienhart, D.; Eger, P. G.; Ernle, L.; Fischer, H.; Hottmann, B. et al.; Paris, J.-D.; Stönner, C.; Tadic, I.; Walter, D.; Williams, J.: Shipborne measurements of total OH reactivity around the Arabian Peninsula and its role in ozone chemistry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19 (17), pp. 11501 - 11523 (2019)
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