Publications of Paul D. Zander

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Zander, P. D., Rubach, F. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Large-Volume Injection and Assessment of Reference Standards for n-Alkane δD and δ13C Analysis via Gas Chromatography Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 39, doi:10.1002/rcm.9943, 2024.
Journal Article
Zander, P. D., Rubach, F. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Large-Volume Injection and Assessment of Reference Standards for n-Alkane δD and δ13C Analysis via Gas Chromatography Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 39(3), doi:10.1002/rcm.9943, 2024.
Journal Article
Zander, P. D., Zarczynski, M., Tylmann, W., Vogel, H. and Grosjean, M.: Subdecadal Holocene Warm-Season Temperature Variability in Central Europe Recorded by Biochemical Varves, Geophysical Research Letters, 51(22), doi:10.1029/2024GL110871, 2024.
Journal Article
Zander, P. D., Böhl, D., Sirocko, F., Auderset, A., Haug, G. H. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Reconstruction of warm-season temperatures in central Europe during the past 60 000 years from lacustrine branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs), Climate of the Past, 20(4), 841–864, doi:10.5194/cp-20-841-2024, 2024.
Journal Article
Tu, L., Moyle, M., Boyle, J. F., Zander, P. D., Huang, T., Meng, L., Huang, C., Zhou, X. and Grosjean, M.: Anthropogenic modification of phosphorus sequestration in lake sediments during the Holocene: A global perspective, Global and Planetary Change, 229, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104222, 2023.

Poster (2)

Zander, P., Sirocko, F., Du, X., Sun, C., Rubach, F., Britzius, S., Haug, G. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Millennial-scale changes in hydroclimate during the last glacial period in central Europe reconstructed from leaf wax δD, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10704, 2024.
Zander, P. D., Böhl, D., Sirocko, F., Haug, G. H. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Improved calibration of the GDGT paleothermometer in lake sediments and reconstruction of warm season temperatures in Europe during the past 60,000 years, Goldschmidt Lyon 2023 [online] Available from:, 2023.

Preprint (1)

Zander, P. D., Böhl, D., Sirocko, F., Auderset, A., Haug, G. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Reconstruction of warm season temperatures in central Europe during the past 60,000 years from lacustrine GDGTs, , doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-1960, 2023.
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