Publications of S. Borrmann

Journal Article (194)

Journal Article
Curtius, J., Weigel, R., Vössing, H. J., Wernli, H., Werner, A., Volk, C. M., Konopka, P., Krebsbach, M., Schiller, C., Roiger, A., Schlager, H., Dreiling, V. and Borrmann, S.: Observations of meteoric material and implications for aerosol nucleation in the winter Arctic lower stratosphere derived from in situ particle measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 5, 3053–3069 [online] Available from:, 2005.
Journal Article
Schneider, J., Hock, N., Weimer, S. and Borrmann, S.: Nucleation particles in diesel exhaust: Composition inferred from in situ mass spectrometric analysis, Environmental Science & Technology, 39(16), 6153–6161 [online] Available from:, 2005.
Journal Article
Drewnick, F., Hings, S. S., DeCarlo, P., Jayne, J. T., Gonin, M., Fuhrer, K., Weimer, S., Jimenez, J. L., Demerjian, K. L., Borrmann, S. and Worsnop, D. R.: A new time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (TOF-AMS) - Instrument description and first field deployment, Aerosol Science and Technology, 39(7), 637–658 [online] Available from:, 2005.
Journal Article
Voigt, C., Schlager, H., Luo, B. P., Dörnbrack, A. D., Roiger, A., Stock, P., Curtius, J., Vössing, H., Borrmann, S., Davies, S., Konopka, P., Schiller, C., Shur, G. and Peter, T.: Nitric Acid Trihydrate (NAT) formation at low NAT supersaturation in Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 5, 1371–1380 [online] Available from:, 2005.
Journal Article
Ettner, M., Mitra, S. K. and Borrmann, S.: Heterogeneous freezing of single sulfuric acid solution droplets: laboratory experiments utilizing an acoustic levitator, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 4, 1925–1932 [online] Available from:, 2004.
Journal Article
Stefanutti, L., MacKenzie, A. R., Santacesaria, V., Adriani, A., Balestri, S., Borrmann, S., Khattatov, V., Mazzinghi, P., Mitev, V., Rudakov, V., Schiller, C., Toci, G., Volk, C. M., Yushkov, V., Flentje, H., Kiemle, C., Redaelli, G., Carslaw, K. S., Noone, K. and Peter, T.: The APE-THESEO tropical campaign: An overview, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 48(1), 1–33 [online] Available from:, 2004.
Journal Article
Schneider, J., Borrmann, S., Wollny, A. G., Blasner, M., Mihalopoulos, N., Oikonomou, K., Sciare, J., Teller, A., Levin, Z. and Worsnop, D. R.: Online mass spectrometric aerosol measurements during the MINOS campaign (Crete, August 2001), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 4, 65–80 [online] Available from:, 2004.
Journal Article
Luo, B. P., Peter, T., Fueglistaler, S., Wernli, H., Wirth, M., Kiemle, C., Flentje, H., Yushkov, V. A., Khattatov, V., Rudakov, V., Thomas, A., Borrmann, S., Toci, G., Mazzinghi, P., Beuermann, J., Schiller, C., Cairo, F., Di Donfrancesco, G., Adriani, A., Volk, C. M., Strom, J., Noone, K., Mitev, V., MacKenzie, R. A., Carslaw, K. S., Trautmann, T., Santacesaria, V. and Stefanutti, L.: Dehydration potential of ultrathin clouds at the tropical tropopause, Geophysical Research Letters, 30(11), doi:10.1029/2002GL016737, 2003.
Journal Article
Luo, B. P., Peter, T., Wernli, H., Fueglistaler, S., Wirth, M., Kiemle, C., Flentje, H., Yushkov, V. A., Khattatov, V., Rudakov, V., Thomas, A., Borrmann, S., Toci, G., Mazzinghi, P., Beuermann, J., Schiller, C., Cairo, F., Di Don-Francesco, G., Adriani, A., Volk, C. M., Strom, J., Noone, K., Mitev, V., MacKenzie, R. A., Carslaw, K. S., Trautmann, T., Santacesaria, V. and Stefanutti, L.: Ultrathin Tropical Tropopause Clouds (UTTCs): II. Stabilization mechanisms, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 3(4), 1093–1100, doi:10.1029/2002GL016737, 2003.
Journal Article
Peter, T., Luo, B. P., Wirth, M., Kiemle, C., Flentje, H., Yushkov, V. A., Khattatov, V., Rudakov, V., Thomas, A., Borrmann, S., Toci, G., Mazzinghi, P., Beuermann, J., Schiller, C., Cairo, F., Di Donfrancesco, G., Adriani, A., Volk, C. M., Strom, J., Noone, K., Mitev, V., MacKenzie, R. A., Carslaw, K. S., Trautmann, T., Santacesaria, V. and Stefanutti, L.: Ultrathin Tropical Tropopause Clouds (UTTCs): I. Cloud morphology and occurrence, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 3(4), 1083–1091 [online] Available from:, 2003.
Journal Article
Thomas, A., Borrmann, S., Kiemle, C., Cairo, F., Volk, M., Beuermann, J., Lepuchov, B., Santacesaria, V., Matthey, R., Rudakov, V., Yushkov, V., MacKenzie, A. R. and Stefanutti, L.: In situ measurements of background aerosol and subvisible cirrus in the tropical tropopause region, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D24), doi:10.1029/2001JD001385, 2002.
Journal Article
Lelieveld, J., Berresheim, H., Borrmann, S., Crutzen, P. J., Dentener, F. J., Fischer, H., Feichter, J., Flatau, P. J., Heland, J., Holzinger, R., Korrmann, R., Lawrence, M. G., Levin, Z., Markowicz, K. M., Mihalopoulos, N., Minikin, A., Ramanathan, V., de Reus, M., Roelofs, G. J., Scheeren, H. A., Sciare, J., Schlager, H., Schultz, M., Siegmund, P., Steil, B., Stephanou, E. G., Stier, P., Traub, M., Warneke, C., Williams, J. and Ziereis, H.: Global air pollution crossroads over the Mediterranean, Science, 298(5594), 794–799 [online] Available from:, 2002.
Journal Article
Borrmann, S. and Curtius, J.: Atmospheric science - Lasing on a cloudy afternoon, Nature, 418(6900), 826–827 [online] Available from:, 2002.
Journal Article
de Reus, M., Dentener, F. J., Thomas, A., Borrmann, S., Ström, J. and Lelieveld, J.: Airborne observations of dust aerosol over the North Atlantic Ocean during ACE-2: Indications for heterogeneous ozone destruction, Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 15263–15275 [online] Available from:, 2000.

Book Chapter (7)

Book Chapter
Theis, A., Diehl, K., Mitra, S. K., Borrmann, S. and Szakáll, M.: Melting of atmospheric ice particles, in Precipitation Science: Measurement, Remote Sensing, Microphysics and Modeling, edited by S. Michaelides, pp. 423–471, Elsevier, Amsterdam., 2022.
Book Chapter
Borrmann, S.: High altitude atmospheric observation, in McGraw-Hill 2005 Yearbook of Science & Technology, edited by McGraw-Hill, pp. 137–139, McGraw-Hill, New York. [online] Available from:, 2005.
Book Chapter
Wachtel, H., Kuhn, A.-C. and Borrmann, S.: Inhaler Characterization by Particle Counting: Opportunities and Challenges, in Respiratory Drug Delivery IX, Vol. 2, edited by R. N. Dalby, P. R. Byron, J. Peart, J. D. Suman, and S. J. Farr, pp. 389–392, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. [online] Available from:, 2004.
Book Chapter
Borrmann, S., Vössing, H. J., Uhlig, E. M. and Jaenicke, R.: In-situ measurements of the cloud microphsical structure using holography, in Dynamics and Chemistry of Hydrometeors, edited by R. Jaenicke, pp. 196–209, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. [online] Available from:, 2001.
Book Chapter
Borrmann, S., Thomas, A., Rudakov, V., Galaktionov, V., Yushkov, V., Merkulov, S., Lepuchov, B., Baumgardner, D., Vinnichenko, N., Khattatov, V., Stefanutti, L., Adriani, A., Peter, T. and MacKenzie, R.: On the correlation between ozone and aerosol in the northern hemispheric stratosphere: Results from the 1996/97 airborne polar experiment with the M-55 Geophysika, in Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium "Polar stratospheric ozone 1997", Schliersee, Germany, September 22-26, 1997, Air Pollution Research Report 66, edited by N. R. P. Harris, I. Kilbane-Dawe, and G. T. Amanatidis, pp. 103–106, European Commission, Luxembourg. [online] Available from:, 1998.
Book Chapter
Meilinger, S. K., Tsias, A., Peter, T., Dreiling, V., Kuhn, M., Ziereis, H., Feigl, C., Schlager, H., Curtis, J., Sierau, B., Arnold, F., Zoeger, M., Schiller, C., Wienhold, F. G., Hoor, P., Fischer, H., Thomas, A. and Borrmann, S.: An analysis of quasi-langrangian observations of particle growth during the POLSTAR-1 campaign, in Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on Polar stratosperic ozone 1997, Schliersee/Germany 1997, Air Pollution Research Report 66, edited by N. R. P. Harris, I. Kilbane-Dawe, and G. T. Amanatidis, pp. 151–154, European Commission, Luxembourg. [online] Available from:, 1998.
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