Publications of Elan J. Levy

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
De Graaf, S., Vonhof, H. B., Levy, E. J., Markowska, M. and Haug, G. H.: Isotope ratio infrared spectroscopy analysis of water samples without memory effects, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 35(8), doi:10.1002/rcm.9055, 2021.
Journal Article
De Graaf, S., Vonhof, H. B., Weissbach , T., Wassenburg, J. A., Levy, E. J., Kluge , T. and Haug, G. H.: A comparison of isotope ratio mass spectrometry and cavity ring-down spectroscopy techniques for isotope analysis of fluid inclusion water, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 34(16), doi:10.1002/rcm.8837, 2020.