Publications of J. Kesselmeier

Journal Article (122)

Journal Article
Welter, S., Bracho-Nuñez, A., Mir, C., Zimmer, I., Kesselmeier, J., Lumaret, R., Schnitzler, J. P. and Staudt, M.: The diversification of terpene emissions in Mediterranean oaks: lessons from a study of Quercus suber, Quercus canariensis and its hybrid Quercus afares, Tree Physiology, 32(9), 1082–1091 [online] Available from:, 2012.
Journal Article
Bloem, E., Haneklaus, S., Kesselmeier, J. and Schnug, E.: Sulfur Fertilization and Fungal Infections Affect the Exchange of H2S and COS from Agricultural Crops, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60(31), 7588–7596 [online] Available from:, 2012.
Journal Article
Trebs, I., Mayol-Bracero, O. L., Pauliquevis, T., Kuhn, U., Sander, R., Ganzeveld, L., Meixner, F. X., Kesselmeier, J., Artaxo, P. and Andreae, M. O.: Impact of the Manaus urban plume on trace gas mixing ratios near the surface in the Amazon Basin: Implications for the NO-NO2-O3 photostationary state and peroxy radical levels, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 117, doi:10.1029/2011JD016386, 2012.
Journal Article
Bracho-Nunez, A., Knothe, N. M., Costa, W. R., Liberato, M. A. R., Kleiss, B., Rottenberger, S., Piedade, M. T. F. and Kesselmeier, J.: Root anoxia effects on physiology and emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) under short- and long-term inundation of trees from Amazonian floodplains, Springerplus, 1, doi:10.1186/2193-1801-1-9, 2012.
Journal Article
Breuninger, C., Oswald, R., Kesselmeier, J. and Meixner, F. X.: The dynamic chamber method: trace gas exchange fluxes (NO, NO2, O3) between plants and the atmosphere in the laboratory and in the field, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5(5), 955–989 [online] Available from:, 2012.
Journal Article
Foken, T., Meixner, F. X., Falge, E., Zetzsch, C., Serafimovich, A., Bargsten, A., Behrendt, T., Biermann, T., Breuninger, C., Dix, S., Gerken, T., Hunner, M., Lehmann-Pape, L., Hens, K., Jocher, G., Kesselmeier, J., Lüers, J., Mayer, J. C., Moravek, A., Plake, D., Riederer, M., Rütz, F., Scheibe, M., Siebicke, L., Sörgel, M., Staudt, K., Trebs, I., Tsokankunku, A., Welling, M., Wolff, V. and Zhu, Z.: Coupling processes and exchange of energy and reactive and non-reactive trace gases at a forest site - results of the EGER experiment, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(4), 1923–1950 [online] Available from:, 2012.
Journal Article
Sandoval-Soto, L., Kesselmeier, M., Schmitt, V., Wild, A. and Kesselmeier, J.: Observations of the uptake of carbonyl sulfide (COS) by trees under elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, Biogeosciences, 9(8), 2935–2945 [online] Available from:, 2012.
Journal Article
Zanchi, F. B., Waterloo, M. J., Kruijt, B., Kesselmeier, J., Luizão, F. J., Manzi, A. O. and Dolman, A. J.: Soil CO2 efflux in Central Amazonia: environmental and methodological effects, Acta Amazonica, 42(2), 173–184 [online] Available from:, 2012.
Journal Article
Chaparro-Suarez, I. G., Meixner, F. X. and Kesselmeier, J.: Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) uptake by vegetation controlled by atmospheric concentrations and plant stomatal aperture, Atmospheric Environment, 45(32), 5742–5750 [online] Available from:, 2011.
Journal Article
Jardine, K., Yañez Serrano, A., Arneth, A., Abrell, L., Jardine, A., van Haren, J., Artaxo, P., Rizzo, L. V., Ishida, F. Y., Karl, T., Kesselmeier, J., Saleska, S. and Huxman, T.: Within-canopy sesquiterpene ozonolysis in Amazonia, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 116, doi:10.1029/2011JD016243, 2011.
Journal Article
Bracho-Nunez, A., Welter, S., Staudt, M. and Kesselmeier, J.: Plant-specific volatile organic compound emission rates from young and mature leaves of Mediterranean vegetation, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 116, doi:10.1029/2010JD015521, 2011.
Journal Article
Jardine, K., Yañez Serrano, A., Arneth, A., Abrell, L., Jardine, A., Artaxo, P., Alves, E., Kesselmeier, J., Taylor, T., Saleska, S. and Huxman, T.: Ecosystem-scale compensation points of formic and acetic acid in the central Amazon, Biogeosciences, 8(12), 3709–3720 [online] Available from:, 2011.
Journal Article
Niinemets, Ü., Kuhn, U., Harley, P. C., Staudt, M., Arneth, A., Cescatti, A., Ciccioli, P., Copolovici, L., Geron, C., Guenther, A., Kesselmeier, J., Lerdau, M. T., Monson, R. K. and Peñuelas, J.: Estimations of isoprenoid emission capacity from enclosure studies: measurements, data processing, quality and standardized measurement protocols, Biogeosciences, 8(8), 2209–2246 [online] Available from:, 2011.
Journal Article
Zanchi, F. B., Waterloo, M. J., Dolman, A. J., Groenendijk, M., Kesselmeier, J., Kruijt, B., Bolson, M. A., Luizão, F. J. and Manzi, A. W.: Influence of drainage status on soil and water chemistry, litter decomposition and soil respiration in central Amazonian forests on sandy soils, Ambiente & Água, 6(1), 6–29 [online] Available from:, 2011.
Journal Article
Kuhn, U., Ganzeveld, L., Thielmann, A., Dindorf, T., Schebeske, G., Welling, M., Sciare, J., Roberts, G., Meixner, F. X., Kesselmeier, J., Lelieveld, J., Kolle, O., Ciccioli, P., Lloyd, J., Trentmann, J., Artaxo, P. and Andreae, M. O.: Impact of Manaus City on the Amazon Green Ocean atmosphere: ozone production, precursor sensitivity and aerosol load, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10(19), 9251–9282 [online] Available from:, 2010.
Journal Article
Niinemets, Ü., Monson, R. K., Arneth, A., Ciccioli, P., Kesselmeier, J., Kuhn, U., Noe, S. M., Peñuelas, J. and Staudt, M.: The leaf-level emission factor of volatile isoprenoids: caveats, model algorithms, response shapes and scaling, Biogeosciences, 7(6), 1809–1832 [online] Available from:, 2010.
Journal Article
Seibt, U., Kesselmeier, J., Sandoval-Soto, L., Kuhn, U. and Berry, J. A.: A kinetic analysis of leaf uptake of COS and its relation to transpiration, photosynthesis and carbon isotope fractionation, Biogeosciences, 7(1), 333–341 [online] Available from:, 2010.
Journal Article
Yassaa, N., Custer, T., Song, W., Pech, F., Kesselmeier, J. and Williams, J.: Quantitative and enantioselective analysis of monoterpenes from plant chambers and in ambient air using SPME, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 3(6), 1615–1627 [online] Available from:, 2010.
Journal Article
Kigathi, R. N., Unsicker, S. B., Reichelt, M., Kesselmeier, J., Gershenzon, J. and Weisser, W. W.: Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds After Herbivory from Trifolium pratense (L.) Under Laboratory and Field Conditions, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 35(11), 1335–1348 [online] Available from:, 2009.
Journal Article
Wittmann, F., Schöngart, J., Queiroz, H. L., de Oliveira Wittmann, A., dos Santos Conserva, A., Piedade, M. T. F., Kesselmeier, J. and Junk, W. J.: The Amazon floodplain Demonstration site: Sustainable timber production and management of Central Amazonian white-water floodplains, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 2, 1–14, doi:10.2478/v10104-009-0038-4, 2009.
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