Publications of J. Kesselmeier

Working Paper (10)

Working Paper
Yanez-Serrano, A. M., Nölscher, A. C., Bourtsoukidis, E., Derstroff, B., Zannoni, N., Gros, V., Lanza, M., Brito, J., Noe, S. M., House, E., Hewitt, C. N., Langford, B., Nemitz, E., Behrendt, T., Williams, J., Artaxo, P., Andreae, M. O. and Kesselmeier, J.: Atmospheric mixing ratios of methyl ethyl ketone (2-butanone) in tropical, boreal, temperate and marine environments, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, doi:10.5194/acp-2016-317, 2016.
Working Paper
Ogée, J., Sauze, J., Kesselmeier, J., Genty, B., Van Diest, H., Launois, T. and Wingate, L.: A new mechanistic framework to predict OCS fluxes from soils, Biogeosciences Discussions, 12, 15687–15736, doi:10.5194/bgd-12-15687-2015, 2015.
Working Paper
Andreae, M. O., Acevedo, O. C., Araùjo, A., Artaxo, P., Barbosa, C. G. G., Barbosa, H. M. J., Brito, J., Carbone, S., Chi, X., Cintra, B. B. L., da Silva, N. F., Dias, N. L., Dias-Júnior, C. Q., Ditas, F., Ditz, R., Godoi, A. F. L., Godoi, R. H. M., Heimann, M., Hoffmann, T., Kesselmeier, J., Könemann, T., Krüger, M. L., Lavric, J. V., Manzi, A. O., Lopes, A. P., Martins, D. L., Mikhailov , E. F., Moran-Zuloaga, D., Nelson, B. W., Nölscher, A. C., Santos Nogueira, D., Piedade, M. T. F., Pöhlker, C., Pöschl, U., Quesada, C. A., Rizzo, L. V., Ro, C.-U., Ruckteschler, N., Sá, L. D. A., de Oliveira Sá, M., Sales, C. B., dos Santos, R. M. N., Saturno, J., Schöngart, J., Sörgel, M., de Souza, C. M., de Souza, R. A. F., Su, H., Targhetta, N., Tóta, J., Trebs, I., Trumbore, S., van Eijck, A., Walter, D., Wang, Z., Weber, B., Williams, J., Winderlich, J., Wittmann, F., Wolff, S. and Yáñez-Serrano, A. M.: The Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO): overview of first results from ecosystem ecology, meteorology, trace gas, and aerosol measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 15, 11559–11726, doi:10.5194/acpd-15-11599-2015, 2015.

Preprint (3)

Ringsdorf, A., Edtbauer, A., Holanda, B., Pöhlker, C., Sá, M. O., Araújo, A., Kesselmeier, J., Lelieveld, J. and Williams, J.: Investigating Carbonyl Compounds above the Amazon Rainforest using PTR-ToF-MS with NO+ Chemical Ionization, EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-1210, 2024.
Machado, L. A. T., Kesselmeier, J., Botia, S., Asperen, H. V., de Araújo, A. C., Artaxo, P., Edtbauer, A., Ferreira, R., Harder, H., Jones, S., Dias-Júnior, C. Q., Haytzmann, G. G., Quesada, C. A., Komiya, S., Lavric, J., Lelieveld, J., Levin, I., Nölscher, A., Pfannerstill, E., Pöhlker, M., Pöschl, U., Ringsdorf, A., Rizzo, L., Yáñez-Serrano, A. M., Trumbore, S., Valenti, W. I. D., de Arellano, J. V.-G., Walter, D., Williams, J., Wolff, S. and Pöhlker, C.: How Rainfall Events Modify Trace Gas Concentrations in Central Amazonia, EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-2901, 2024.
Prass, M., Andreae, M. O., de Araùjo, A. C., Artaxo, P., Ditas, F., Elbert, W., Franco, M. A., Hrabe de Angelis, I., Kesselmeier, J., Klimach, T., Kremper, L. A., Thines, E., Walter, D., Weber, J., Weber, B., Fuchs, B. M., Pöschl, U. and Pöhlker, C.: Bioaerosols in the Amazon rain forest: Temporal variations and vertical profiles of Eukarya, Bacteria and Archaea, Biogeosciences Discussions, 18, doi:10.5194/bg-2020-469, 2021.
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