Publications of H. Fischer
All genres
Journal Article (170)
Journal Article
Hoor, P. and Fischer, H.: TDLAS trace gas measurements within a mountain wave over northern Scandinavia during the POLSTAR campaign in early 1997, Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 303–306 [online] Available from:, 1999.
, , , 162.
Journal Article
Schneider, J., , Curtius, J., , Fischer, H., Hoor, P., , Parchatka, U., , , , , Lelieveld, J., and : The temporal evolution of the ratio HNO3/NOy in the Arctic lower stratosphere from January to March 1997, Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 1125–1128 [online] Available from:, 1999.
Journal Article
Fischer, H., Lelieveld, J. and : In situ measurements of microphysical properties and trace gases in two cumulonimbus anvils over western Europe, Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, 12221–12226 [online] Available from:, 1999.
, 164.
Journal Article
Fischer, H., , , , , Lelieveld, J. and Crutzen, P. J.: Highly elevated carbon monoxide concentrations in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere at northern midlatitudes during the STREAM II summer campaign in 1994, Chemosphere - Global Change Science, 1, 233–248 [online] Available from:, 1999.
, 165.
Journal Article
Peter, T., Carslaw, K. S., , , Crutzen, P. J., Pöschl, U., , and Fischer, H.: Arctic ozone loss due to denitrification, Science, 283, 2064–2069 [online] Available from:, 1999.
, 166.
Journal Article
Königstedt, R., Fischer, H., and : Stable isotopic signatures (δ13C, δD) of methane from European landfill sites, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 8251–8265 [online] Available from:, 1998.
, , 167.
Journal Article
Fischer, H., , Parchatka, U., , , , , , , , and : Trace gas measurements during the OCTA campaign 1993 at Izana, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 13505–13518 [online] Available from:, 1998.
Journal Article
Röckmann, T., Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M., Saueressig, G., , Crowley, J. N., Fischer, H. and Crutzen, P. J.: Mass-independent oxygen isotope fractionation in atmospheric CO as a result of the reaction CO + OH, Science, 281, 544–546 [online] Available from:, 1998.
Journal Article
Fischer, H., Hoor, P., Wagner, V., Königstedt, R., , , , , , and : TRISTAR - a tracer in-situ TDLAS for atmospheric research, Applied Physics B, 67, 411–417 [online] Available from:, 1998.
, 170.
Journal Article
Fischer, H., , Parchatka, U., , , , , , , , , and : Intercomparison of NO, NO2, NOy, O3 and ROx measurements during the OCTA (Oxidizing Capacity of the Tropospheric Atmosphere) campaign 1993 at Izana, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 13615–13634 [online] Available from:, 1998.
, Book Chapter (5)
Book Chapter
Fischer, H. and : Laser absorption spectroscopy: Air monitoring by tunable mid-infrared diode, in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, edited by , pp. 2033–2065, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. [online] Available from:, 2000.
, , , 172.
Book Chapter
Hoor, P., Königstedt, R., Parchatka, U., and Fischer, H.: Measurements of CO during STREAM III and POLSTAR I, in Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on Polar stratosperic ozone 1997, Schliersee/Germany 1997, Air Pollution Research Report 66, edited by , , and , pp. 455–458, European Commission, Luxembourg. [online] Available from:, 1998.
Book Chapter
Meilinger, S. K., , Peter, T., , , , , , , , , , Schiller, C., , Hoor, P., Fischer, H., and Borrmann, S.: An analysis of quasi-langrangian observations of particle growth during the POLSTAR-1 campaign, in Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on Polar stratosperic ozone 1997, Schliersee/Germany 1997, Air Pollution Research Report 66, edited by , , and , pp. 151–154, European Commission, Luxembourg. [online] Available from:, 1998.
Book Chapter
Fischer, H., Welling, M., , Peter, T., Carslaw, K. S., Brühl, C., and Crutzen, P. J.: Nitrification and denitrification of the Arctic stratosphere during winter 1994-1995 due to ice particle sedimentation, in Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium on Atmospheric Ozone, l'Aquila/Italy 1996, edited by and , pp. 233–236, Edigrafital S. p. A., S. Atto/Italy. [online] Available from:, 1998.
, 175.
Book Chapter
Hoor, P., Königstedt, R., Parchatka, U., and Fischer, H.: Measurements of reactive nitrogen and nitrous oxide during STREAM III, in Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on Polar stratosperic ozone 1997, Schliersee/Germany 1997, Air Pollution Research Report 66, edited by , , and , pp. 522–525, European Commission, Luxembourg. [online] Available from:, 1998.
, Conference Paper (7)
Conference Paper
Fischer, H., Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M., Gurk, C., Klüpfel, T., Königstedt, R., Kormann, R., Mühle, J., Parchatka, U. and Rhee, T. S.: Trace gas measurements during the MINATROC early summer campaign at Mt. Cimone station, in A Changing Atmosphere. Proceedings of the 8th European Symposium on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants, 17 - 20 September 2001, Torino (Italy)., edited by , , and , European Commission, DG Research, Joint Research Centre, IES, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Torino. [online] Available from:, 2002.
Conference Paper
Fischer, H., , , Lelieveld, J., Schiller, C. and : Filaments at the mid-latitude tropopause in the vicinity of the jet stream, in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 2. [online] Available from:, 2000.
, , 178.
Conference Paper
Hoor, P., Fischer, H., Lange, L., Lelieveld, J. and : Measurements of CO, N2O, NOy, and O3 in the tropopause region at mid and high northern latitudes: Indications for cross tropopause transport, in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 2. [online] Available from:, 2000.
Conference Paper
Marik, T., , Fischer, H., and : Measurements and modelling seasonal and diurnal cycles in 13C/12C and D/H of methane emissions from rice fields, in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 2. [online] Available from:, 2000.
Conference Paper
Lelieveld, J., Fischer, H., Williams, J. and Wong, S.: Methyl chloride in polluted air masses during the INDOEX campaign, in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 2. [online] Available from:, 2000.
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