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Spectral Intensity Bioaerosol Sensor (SIBS): an instrument for spectrally resolved fluorescence detection of single particles in real time. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2.
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Macromolecular fungal ice nuclei in Fusarium: effects of physical and chemical processing. Biogeosciences 3.
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Corrigendum: Species Richness, rRNA Gene Abundance, and Seasonal Dynamics of Airborne Plant-Pathogenic Oomycetes. Frontiers in Microbiology 4.
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Nanoscale distribution of TLR4 on primary human macrophages stimulated with LPS and ATI. Nanoscale 5.
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13 (7), pp. 1688 - 1699 (2019)
Soil HONO emissions at high moisture content are driven by microbial nitrate reduction to nitrite: tackling the HONO puzzle. The ISME Journal 6.
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Nitration of Wheat Amylase Trypsin Inhibitors Increases Their Innate and Adaptive Immunostimulatory Potential in vitro. Frontiers in immunology