Curriculum Vitae of Paul J. Crutzen

Born: December 3, 1933 in Amsterdam, Holland.

Died: January 28, 2021 in Mainz, Germany

Family status: Married, two children.

Academic Studies:

  • 1951-1954: Civil Engineering, Amsterdam, Holland.
  • 1959-1973: Academic Studies and Research Activities at the University of Stockholm, Sweden.
  • 1963: M.Sc. (Filosofie Kandidat)
  • 1968: Ph.D. (Filosofie Licentiat), Meteorology

Title: "Determination of parameters appearing in the 'dry' and the 'wet' photochemical theories for ozone in the stratosphere", Examiner: Prof. Dr. Bert Bolin, Stockholm, Sweden.

  • 1973: D.Sc. (Filosofie Doctor), Stockholm,Sweden,

Title: "On the photochemistry of ozone in the stratosphere and troposphere and pollution of the stratosphere by high-flying aircraft", Promoters: Prof. Dr. John Houghton, FRS, Oxford, and Dr. R.P. Wayne, Oxford.
(Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees were given with the highest possible distinctions).

Main Research Interest: Atmospheric chemistry and its role in biogeochemical cycles and climate; Climate-engineering; Climate and biofuels.


  • 1954 - 1958: Bridge Construction Bureau of the City of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • 1956 - 1958: Military Service, The Netherlands.
  • 1958 - 1959: House Construction Bureau (HKB), Gaevle, Sweden.
  • 1959 - 1974: Various computer consulting teaching and research positions at the department of Meteorology of the University of Stockholm, Sweden, Latest positions: Research Associate Professor.
  • 1969 - 1971: Post-doctoral fellow of the European Space Research Organization at the Clarendon Laboratory of the University of Oxford, England.
  • 1974 - 1977:
    1. Research Scientist in the Upper Atmosphere Project, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder,Colorado, USA (half time)
    2. Consultant at the Aeronomy Laboratory, Environmental Research Laboratories, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminisitration (NOAA), Boulder, Colorado, USA (half time).
  • 1977 - 1980: Senior Scientist and Director of the Air Quality Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, USA.
  • 1976 - 1984: Adjunct professor at the Atmospheric Sciences Department, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  • 1980 - 2000: Director of the Atmospheric Chemistry Division, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry, Mainz,  Germany.
  • 1987 - 1991: Professor (part-time) at the Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, USA.
  • 1991 - 1992: Tage Erlander Professor of the Swedish Natural Science Research Council at the University of Stockholm, Sweden.
  • 1992 - 2008: Distinguished Professor (part-time), Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, La Jolla, USA.
  • 1997 - 2002: Professor (part-time), Utrecht University, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, The Netherlands.
  • Since 1980: Scientific Member (for life) of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Otto-Hahn Institute), Mainz and the Max Planck Society.
  • Since 2000: Director Emeritus, Atmospheric Chemistry Department of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Otto Hahn Institute), Mainz.
  • Since 2004: Institute Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria.
  • Since May 2008: Emeritus Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, USA.

Full CV (pdf)
