Credit Points/Certificate

Credit Points

Credit points can be accumulated during your PhD-Time. You have to obtain a minimum of 12 credit points and attend at least one summer school and the basics part of the lecture "Atmospheric Chemistry". Credit points are given for attending lectures, participating in exercises and passing exams. Furthermore they are given for presentations at conferences (oral or poster), for the participation in summer schools and certain organisational efforts (only once in your PhD time). Teaching in higher education (university level), the participation in softskill courses and publications are excluded from the credit system.

Here you will find a detailed list.

All achievements should be confirmed either on a form provided during the respective event (e.g. summer school certificate or university certificate (Schein) or by an authorised person (usually the lecturer or group leader) on forms provided in the PCGS download area. Electronic versions of oral and poster presentations shall be sent to the PCGS coordinator.

Conference presentations can only get credit points, if the same content has not been awarded already before.

PCGS Certificate

In addition to the regular PhD degree at the university, the students can qualify for the PCGS certificate, which is granted to the students who successfully participated in the program. The certificate shows that the student has reached a high level of education and research skills, independent of the individual background and the university from which the PhD degree is obtained. All achievements are listed with the credit points and an overall grading is given (satisfactory, good, very good, excellent or superior). In addition you receive a supplement with the details of the achievements and also all activities which did not obtain credit points (e.g. soft skill courses and publications). The decision of qualification for the certificate is taken by the PCGS board.

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