Publications of J. Williams

Journal Article (266)

Journal Article
Sinha, V.; Williams, J.; Diesch, J. M.; Drewnick, F.; Martinez, M.; Harder, H.; Regelin, E.; Kubistin, D.; Bozem, H.; Hosaynali-Beygi, Z. et al.; Fischer, H.; Andrés-Hernández, M. D.; Kartal, D.; Adame, J. A.; Lelieveld, J.: Constraints on instantaneous ozone production rates and regimes during DOMINO derived using in-situ OH reactivity measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (15), pp. 7269 - 7283 (2012)
Journal Article
Song, W.; Williams, J.; Yassaa, N.; Martinez, M.; Carnero, J. A. A.; Hidalgo, P. J.; Bozem, H.; Lelieveld, J.: Winter and summer characterization of biogenic enantiomeric monoterpenes and anthropogenic BTEX compounds at a Mediterranean Stone Pine forest site. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 68 (3), pp. 233 - 250 (2012)
Journal Article
van Stratum, B. J. H.; Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J.; Ouwersloot, H. G.; van den Dries, K.; van Laar, T. W.; Martinez, M.; Lelieveld, J.; Diesch, J. M.; Drewnick, F.; Fischer, H. et al.; Beygi, Z. H.; Harder, H.; Regelin, E.; Sinha, V.; Adame, J. A.; Sörgel, M.; Sander, R.; Bozem, H.; Song, W.; Williams, J.; Yassaa, N.: Case study of the diurnal variability of chemically active species with respect to boundary layer dynamics during DOMINO. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (12), pp. 5329 - 5341 (2012)
Journal Article
Yassaa, N.; Song, W.; Lelieveld, J.; Vanhatalo, A.; Bäck, J.; Williams, J.: Diel cycles of isoprenoids in the emissions of Norway spruce, four Scots pine chemotypes, and in Boreal forest ambient air during HUMPPA-COPEC-2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (15), pp. 7215 - 7229 (2012)
Journal Article
Lai, S. C.; Williams, J.; Arnold, S. R.; Atlas, E. L.; Gebhardt, S.; Hoffmann, T.: Iodine containing species in the remote marine boundary layer: A link to oceanic phytoplankton. Geophysical Research Letters 38, L20801 (2011)
Journal Article
Crowley, J. N.; Thieser, J.; Tang, M. J.; Schuster, G.; Bozem, H.; Beygi, Z. H.; Fischer, H.; Diesch, J. M.; Drewnick, F.; Borrmann, S. et al.; Song, W.; Yassaa, N.; Williams, J.; Pöhler, D.; Platt, U.; Lelieveld, J.: Variable lifetimes and loss mechanisms for NO3 and N2O5 during the DOMINO campaign: contrasts between marine, urban and continental air. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (21), pp. 10853 - 10870 (2011)
Journal Article
Ebben, C. J.; Martinez, I. S.; Shrestha, M.; Buchbinder, A. M.; Corrigan, A. L.; Guenther, A.; Karl, T.; Petaja, T.; Song, W. W.; Zorn, S. R. et al.; Artaxo, P.; Kulmala, M.; Martin, S. T.; Russell, L. M.; Williams, J.; Geiger, F. M.: Contrasting organic aerosol particles from boreal and tropical forests during HUMPPA-COPEC-2010 and AMAZE-08 using coherent vibrational spectroscopy. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (20), pp. 10317 - 10329 (2011)
Journal Article
Gaimoz, C.; Sauvage, S.; Gros, V.; Herrmann, F.; Williams, J.; Locoge, N.; Perrussel, O.; Bonsang, B.; d'Argouges, O.; Sarda-Estève, R. et al.; Sciare, J.: Volatile organic compounds sources in Paris in spring 2007. Part II: source apportionment using positive matrix factorisation. Environmental Chemistry 8 (1), pp. 91 - 103 (2011)
Journal Article
Gros, V.; Gaimoz, C.; Herrmann, F.; Custer, T.; Williams, J.; Bonsang, B.; Sauvage, S.; Locoge, N.; d'Argouges, O.; Sarda-Estève, R. et al.; Sciare, J.: Volatile organic compounds sources in Paris in spring 2007. Part I: qualitative analysis. Environmental Chemistry 8 (1), pp. 74 - 90 (2011)
Journal Article
Hosaynali Beygi, Z.; Fischer, H.; Harder, H. D.; Martinez, M.; Sander, R.; Williams, J.; Brookes, D. M.; Monks, P. S.; Lelieveld, J.: Oxidation photochemistry in the Southern Atlantic boundary layer: unexpected deviations of photochemical steady state. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (16), pp. 8497 - 8513 (2011)
Journal Article
Mogensen, D.; Smolander, S.; Sogachev, A.; Zhou, L.; Sinha, V.; Guenther, A.; Williams, J.; Nieminen, T.; Kajos, M. K.; Rinne, J. et al.; Kulmala, M.; Boy, M.: Modelling atmospheric OH-reactivity in a boreal forest ecosystem. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (18), pp. 9709 - 9719 (2011)
Journal Article
Williams, J.; Crowley, J.; Fischer, H.; Harder, H.; Martinez, M.; Petaja, T.; Rinne, J.; Bäck, J.; Boy, M.; Dal Maso, M. et al.; Hakala, J.; Kajos, M.; Keronen, P.; Rantala, P.; Aalto, J.; Aaltonen, H.; Paatero, J.; Vesala, T.; Hakola, H.; Levula, J.; Pohja, T.; Herrmann, F.; Auld, J.; Mesarchaki, E.; Song, W.; Yassaa, N.; Nölscher, A.; Johnson, A. M.; Custer, T.; Sinha, V.; Thieser, J.; Pouvesle, N.; Taraborrelli, D.; Tang, M. J.; Bozem, H.; Hosaynali-Beygi, Z.; Axinte, R.; Oswald, R.; Novelli, A.; Kubistin, D.; Hens, K.; Javed, U.; Trawny, K.; Breitenberger, C.; Hidalgo, P. J.; Ebben, C. J.; Geiger, F. M.; Corrigan, A. L.; Russell, L. M.; Ouwersloot, H. G.; de Arellano, J. V. G.; Ganzeveld, L.; Vogel, A.; Beck, M.; Bayerle, A.; Kampf, C. J.; Bertelmann, M.; Köllner, F.; Hoffmann, T.; Valverde, J.; Gonzalez, D.; Riekkola, M. L.; Kulmala, M.; Lelieveld, J.: The summertime Boreal forest field measurement intensive (HUMPPA-COPEC-2010): an overview of meteorological and chemical influences. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (20), pp. 10599 - 10618 (2011)
Journal Article
Herrmann, F.; Winterhalter, R.; Moortgat, G. K.; Williams, J.: Hydroxyl radical (OH) yields from the ozonolysis of both double bonds for five monoterpenes. Atmospheric Environment 44 (28), pp. 3458 - 3464 (2010)
Journal Article
Sinha, V.; Williams, J.; Lelieveld, J.; Ruuskanen, T. M.; Kajos, M. K.; Patokoski, J.; Hellen, H.; Hakola, H.; Mogensen, D.; Boy, M. et al.; Rinne, J.; Kulmala, M.: OH Reactivity Measurements within a Boreal Forest: Evidence for Unknown Reactive Emissions. Environmental Science & Technology 44 (17), pp. 6614 - 6620 (2010)
Journal Article
Huber, S. G.; Wunderlich, S.; Schöler, H. F.; Williams, J.: Natural Abiotic Formation of Furans in Soil. Environmental Science & Technology 44 (15), pp. 5799 - 5804 (2010)
Journal Article
Williams, J.; Crutzen, P. J.: Nitrous oxide from aquaculture. Nature Geoscience 3 (3), p. 143 - 143 (2010)
Journal Article
Arnold, S. R.; Spracklen, D. V.; Gebhardt, S.; Custer, T.; Williams, J.; Peeken, I.; Alvain, S.: Relationships between atmospheric organic compounds and air-mass exposure to marine biology. Environmental Chemistry 7 (3), pp. 232 - 241 (2010)
Journal Article
Bonsang, B.; Gros, V.; Peeken, I.; Yassaa, N.; Bluhm, K.; Zoellner, E.; Sarda-Esteve, R.; Williams, J.: Isoprene emission from phytoplankton monocultures: the relationship with chlorophyll-a, cell volume and carbon content. Environmental Chemistry 7 (6), pp. 554 - 563 (2010)
Journal Article
Butler, J. H.; Bell, T. G.; Hall, B. D.; Quack, B.; Carpenter, L. J.; Williams, J.: Technical Note: Ensuring consistent, global measurements of very short-lived halocarbon gases in the ocean and atmosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (2), pp. 327 - 330 (2010)
Journal Article
Holzinger, R.; Williams, J.; Herrmann, F.; Lelieveld, J.; Donahue, N. M.; Röckmann, T.: Aerosol analysis using a Thermal-Desorption Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometer (TD-PTR-MS): a new approach to study processing of organic aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (5), pp. 2257 - 2267 (2010)
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