Publications of U. Ott
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Conference Paper (64)
Conference Paper
A Precise Cosmic-Ray Exposure Age for an Olivine Grain from the Surface of Near-Earth Asteroid (25143) Itokawa. In: 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, no.1247. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2014)
Conference Paper
Complex History of Chondrules and Matrix from CR3 Chondrites MET 00426 and MET 99177. In: 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1999. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2013)
Conference Paper
NWA 7034 Contains Martian Atmospheric Noble Gases. In: 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #2314. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2013)
Conference Paper
New Ar-Ar Ages of EL-Chondrites. In: 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1865. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2013)
Conference Paper
Stardust Aerogel — A Noble Gas Experiment. In: 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #2201. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2013)
Conference Paper
Noble Gases and Cosmic Ray Exposure of Sutter’s Mill CM Chondrite. In: 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1849. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2013)
Conference Paper
Clues to the Formation History of Refractory Metal Nuggets. In: 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1959. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2013)
Conference Paper
Noble gas record of the anomalous CM Dhofar 1434. In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1661. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Conference Paper
Cosmogenic noble gases in chondrules from CV and CR chondrites. In: Workshop on Formation of the First Solids in the Solar System, November 7–9, 2011, Kauai, Hawaii. LPI Contribution No. 1639, #9077. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Conference Paper
Noble gas analysis in the quest to find “regolithic” howardites. In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #2655. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Conference Paper
The Grimsby H chondrite: Combined noble gas and radionuclide analysis. In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #2686. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Conference Paper
Hints for neutrino-process boron recorded in stardust from supernovae. In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1371. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Conference Paper
Cosmic ray exposure ages of nakhlites – Nakhla, Lafayette, Governador Valadares – and Chassigny: One ejection event? In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1263. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Conference Paper
Refractory metal nuggets in carbonaceous chondrites are early solar nebula condensates. In: Workshop on Formation of the First Solids in the Solar System, November 7–9, 2011, Kauai, Hawaii. LPI Contribution No. 1639, #9070. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2011)
Conference Paper
Noble gases in two meteorites that fell in Denmark and Slovenia in 2009. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1196. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2010)
Conference Paper
A noble gas study of two stones from the Almahata Sitta meteorite. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1195. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2010)
Conference Paper
Evidence for recent near-catastrophic collision on large chondritic meteoroid, Northwest Africa 869. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #2611. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2010)
Conference Paper
Evidence for Nebular Condensation of Sub-micron Refractory Metal Alloys. In: 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1585. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2009)
Conference Paper
NanoSIMS Studies of Presolar Graphite Grains: Are C-Isotopic Ratios Grain-Size-Dependent? In: 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1010. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2009)
Conference Paper
A Rb Isotopic Shift Due to Nucleosynthesis (s-Process)? In: 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1815. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (2009)