Publications of Simone Moretti

Meeting Abstract (5)

Meeting Abstract
Rao, Z.; Kast, E. R.; Mateo, P.; Keller, G.; Moretti, S.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Haug, G. H.; Sigman, D. M.: Foraminifera-Bound Organic Matter Nitrogen Isotopic Composition Records Marine Environmental Perturbations Across the Cretaceous/Paleogene Boundary. In AGU Fall Meeting 2022, PP36A-04. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 12, 2022 - December 16, 2022. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Auderset, A.; Moretti, S.; Taphorn, B.; Ebner, P.-R.; Kast , E. R.; Wang, X. T.; Schiebel, R.; Sigman, D. M.; Haug, G. H.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Contracted oxygen-deficient zones during Cenozoic climate optima. In Goldschmidt Hawaii 2022. Goldschmidt 2022, Honolulu, July 11, 2022 - July 15, 2022. (2022)

Poster (2)

Fripiat, F.; Sigman, D. M.; Ai, X.; Dumoulin, C.; Moretti, S.; Studer, A. S.; Diekmann, B.; Esper, O.; Lamy, F.; Liu, L. et al.; Pattyn, F.; Schmitt, M.; Tiedemann, R.; Haug, G. H.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Ice age and deglacial stratification of the polar Antarctic Zone. AGU Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2024)
Moretti, S.; Auderset, A.; Deutsch, C. A.; Schmitz, R.; Thomas, E.; Gerber, L.; Luciani, V.; Petrizzo, M. R.; Schiebel, R.; Tripati, A. K. et al.; Sexton, P. F.; Norris, R. D.; D'Onofrio, R.; Zachos, J. C.; Sigman , D. M.; Haug, G. H.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Fossil-bound nitrogen isotope and foraminifera size evidence for oxygenated tropical subsurface waters during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Moretti, S.: Application of fossil-bound nitrogen isotopes to the reconstruction of the marine nitrogen cycle dynamics during warming and cooling phases in Earth’s Cenozoic history. Dissertation, ETH, Zürich (2021)

Preprint (4)

Hoogakker, B.; Davis, C.; Wang, Y.; Kusch, S.; Nilsson-Kerr, K.; Hardisty, D.; Jacobel, A.; Macaya, D. R.; Glock, N.; Ni, S. et al.; Sepúlveda, J.; Ren, A.; Auderset, A.; Hess, A.; Meissner, K.; Cardich, J.; Anderson, R.; Barras, C.; Basak, C.; Bradbury, H.; Brinkmann, I.; Castillo, A.; Cook, M.; Costa, K.; Choquel, C.; Diz, P.; Donnenfield, J.; Elling, F.; Erdem, Z.; Filipsson, H.; Garrido, S.; Gottschalk, J.; Menon, A. G.; Groeneveld, J.; Hallman, C.; Hendy, I.; Hennekam, R.; Lu, W.; Lynch-Stieglitz, J.; Matos, L.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Molina, G.; Muñoz, P.; Moretti, S.; Morford, J.; Nuber, S.; Radionovskaya, S.; Raven, M.; Somes, C.; Studer, A.; Tachikawa, K.; Tapia, R.; Tetard, M.; Vollmer, T.; Wu, S.; Zhang, Y.; Zheng, X.-Y.; Zhou, Y.: Reviews and syntheses: Review of proxies for low-oxygen paleoceanographic reconstructions. EGUsphere (2024)
Jung, J.; Zoppe, S.; Söte, T.; Moretti, S.; Duprey, N.; Foreman, A.; Wald, T.; Vonhof, H.; Haug, G.; Sigman, D. et al.; Schindler, E.; Janussen, D.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Coral Photosymbiosis on Mid-Devonian Reefs. Research Square (2023)
Moretti, S.; Duprey, N. N.; Foreman, A. D.; Arns, A.; Brömme, S.; Jung, J.; Ai, X. E.; Auderset, A.; Bieler, A. L.; Eck, C. et al.; Farmer, J.; Hinnenberg, B.; Lacerra, M.; Leichliter, J.; Lüdecke, T.; Oleynik, S.; Rubach, F.; Schmitt, M.; Vink, M.; Wald, T.; Yehudai, M.; Sigman , D.; Martinez-Garcia, A.: Analytical improvements and assessment of long-term performance of the oxidation-denitrifier method. Authorea (2023)
Thöle, L.; Ai, X.; Auderset, A.; Schmitt, M.; Moretti, S.; Studer, A.; Michel, E.; Wegmann, M.; Mazaud, A.; Bijl, P. et al.; Sigman, D.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Jaccard, S. L.: Migration of the Antarctic Polar Front over the last glacial cycle. (2022)
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