Publications of U. Poller
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Journal Article (23)
Journal Article
52, pp. 41 - 47 (2001)
Late Cretaceous age of the Rochovce granite, Western Carpathians, constrained by U/Pb single-zircon dating in combination with catholouminscence imageing. Geoligica Carpathica 22.
Journal Article
89, pp. 336 - 349 (2000)
Early Variscan Magmatism in the Western Carpathians: U-Pb Zircon data from Granitoids and Orthogneisses of the Tatra Mountains (Slovakia). International Journal of Science 23.
Journal Article
91, pp. 235 - 243 (2000)
U-Pb single zircon data of granites from the High Tatra Mountains (Slovakia): implications for the geodynamic evolution. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences