Publications of G. Dreibus
All genres
Conference Paper (35)
Conference Paper
Wänke, H., , Brückner, J., Dreibus, G., , , , , and : Sulfuric acid all over early Mars?, in Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2005.
Conference Paper
Dreibus, G., Friedrich, J. M., Haubold, R., Huisl, W. and Spettel, B.: Halogens, carbon, and sulphur in the Tagish lake meteorite: implications for classification and terrestrial alteration, in Lunar and Planetary Science XXXV, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston/TX. [online] Available from:, 2004.
Conference Paper
Dreibus, G. and Jagoutz, E.: Similarity and diversity of nakhlites, in Antarctic Meteorites XXVIII, pp. 8–9, National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Tokyo. [online] Available from:, 2004.
Conference Paper
Jagoutz, E., Jotter, R., Kubny, A., and Dreibus, G.: U-Th-Pb systematics in chondrites, in Antarctic Meteorites XXVIII, pp. 23–24, National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Tokyo. [online] Available from:, 2004.
Conference Paper
Rieder, R., Gellert, R., Brückner, J., , Dreibus, G., , , , Lugmair, G. W., Wänke, H., , Zipfel, J. and : APXS on Mars: Analyses of soils and rocks at Gusev crater and Meridiani Planum, in Lunar and Planetary Science XXXV, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston/TX. [online] Available from:, 2004.
Conference Paper
Wänke, H., Dreibus, G. and Brückner, J.: Using Mars Odyssey GRS data to assess models for the bulk compositions of Mars, in Lunar and Planetary Science XXXV, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston/TX. [online] Available from:, 2004.
, , 47.
Conference Paper
Dreibus, G., Brückner, J. and : Evolution of the Martian crust as derived from surface measurements by Mars Odyssey, other space missions, and Martian meteorites, in Sixth International Conference on Mars, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2003.
Conference Paper
Dreibus, G., Haubold, R., Huisl, W. and Spettel, B.: Comparison of the chemistry of Yamato 980459 with DaG 476 and SaU 005, in International Symposium, Evolution of Solar System Materials: A new Perspective from Antarctic Meteorites, pp. 19–20, National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Tokyo. [online] Available from:, 2003.
Conference Paper
Dreibus, G., Huisl, W., Spettel, B. and Haubold, R.: Comparison of the chemistry of Y-000593 and Y-000749 with other nakhlites, in Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIV, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston/TX. [online] Available from:, 2003.
Conference Paper
Dreibus, G. and Jagoutz, E.: Chemical and isotopic constraints for the martian crust, in Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIV, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston/TX. [online] Available from:, 2003.
Conference Paper
Jagoutz, E., Dreibus, G. and Jotter, R.: On the search for a neodymium-142 anomaly in terrestrial and Martian rocks, in International Symposium, Evolution of Solar System Materials: A new Perspective from Antarctic Meteorites, pp. 47–48, National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Tokyo. [online] Available from:, 2003.
Conference Paper
Dreibus, G. and Jagoutz, E.: Radiogenic isotopes and bulk composition of Mars, in Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston/TX. [online] Available from:, 2002.
Conference Paper
Dreibus, G. and Jagoutz, E.: Crust-mantle reservoirs of radiogenic isotopes of Mars and Earth: Where can we see a mixing?, in Unmixing the SNCs: Chemical, isotopic, and petrologic components of Martian meteorites. LPI Contribution No. 1134., pp. 13–14, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston/TX. [online] Available from:, 2002.
Conference Paper
Dreibus, G. and Jagoutz, E.: Constraints on Martian evolution from SNC meteorites, in 27th Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites, pp. 12–14, National Institute for Polar Research (NIPR), Tokyo. [online] Available from:, 2002.
Conference Paper
Jagoutz, E. and Dreibus, G.: New aspects in the isotope systematics of shergottites, in Unmixing the SNCs: Chemical, isotopic, and petrologic components of Martian meteorites. LPI Contribution No. 1134., pp. 25–26, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston/TX. [online] Available from:, 2002.
Conference Paper
Dreibus, G., , Wänke, H., , , , and : Chlorine/bromine ratios in fracture-filling aqueous alteration products in Nakhla olivine, in Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston/TX. [online] Available from:, 2002.
, , 57.
Conference Paper
Brückner, J., Dreibus, G., Rieder, R. and Wänke, H.: Revised data of the Mars Pathfinder Alpha Proton X-Ray spectrometer: Geochemical behavior of major and minor elements, in Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2001.
Conference Paper
Jagoutz, E., Jotter, R., Dreibus, G. and Zartman, R.: New U-Pb isotope data on SNC meteorites, in Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2001.
Conference Paper
Dreibus, G., Brückner, J. and Wänke, H.: Phosphorus in Martian rocks and soils and the global surface chemistry of Mars as derived from APXS on Pathfinder, in Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 2000.
Conference Paper
Brückner, J., Dreibus, G., Lugmair, G. W., Rieder, R., Wänke, H. and : Chemical Composition of the Martian Surface as Derived from Pathfinder, Viking, and Martian Meteorite Data, in Lunar and Planetary Science XXX, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. [online] Available from:, 1999.