Publications of T. Reischmann
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Journal Article (24)
Journal Article
Reischmann, T.: Miocene high-pressure metamorphism in the Cyclades and Crete, Aegean Sea, Greece: Evidence for large-magnitude displacement on the Cretan detachment, Geology, 29, 395–398 [online] Available from:, 2001.
, and 22.
Journal Article
Reischmann, T.: Ophiolites and island arcs in the late proterozoic Nubian Shield, Ofioliti, 25, 1–13 [online] Available from:, 2000.
Journal Article
Reischmann, T.: The evolution of the southern Menderes Massif in SW Turkey as revealed by zircon dating, Journal of the Geological Society (London), 156, 1021–1030 [online] Available from:, 1999.
and 24.
Journal Article
Jaeckel, P., Reischmann, T. and : Further evidence for an early Carboniferous (340 Ma) age of high-grade metamorphism in the Saxonian granulite complex, Geologische Rundschau, 86, 751–766 [online] Available from:, 1998.