Publications of J. Williams

Journal Article (266)

Journal Article
Bozem, H., Fischer, H., Gurk, C., Schiller, C. L., Parchatka, U., Koenigstedt, R., Stickler, A., Martinez, M., Harder, H., Kubistin, D., Williams, J., Eerdekens, G. and Lelieveld, J.: Influence of corona discharge on the ozone budget in the tropical free troposphere: a case study of deep convection during GABRIEL, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(17), 8917–8931, doi:10.5194/acp-14-8917-2014, 2014.
Journal Article
Hens, K., Novelli, A., Martínez, M., Auld, J., Axinte, R., Bohn, B., Fischer, H., Keronen, P., Kubistin, D., Nölscher, A. C., Oswald, R., Paasonen, P., Petäjä, T., Regelin, E., Sander, R., Sinha, V., Sipilä, M., Taraborrelli, D., Tatum Ernest, C., Williams, J., Lelieveld, J. and Harder, H.: Observation and modelling of HOx radicals in a boreal forest, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(16), 8723–8747, doi:10.5194/acp-14-8723-2014, 2014.
Journal Article
Mesarchaki, E., Yassaa, N., Hein, D., Lutterbeck, H. E., Zindler, C. and Williams, J.: A novel method for the measurement of VOCs in seawater using needle trap devices and GC-MS, Marine Chemistry, 159, 1–8, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2013.12.001, 2014.
Journal Article
Song, W., Staudt, M., Bourgeois, I. and Williams, J.: Laboratory and field measurements of enantiomeric monoterpene emissions as a function of chemotype, light and temperature, Biogeosciences, 11(5), 1435–1447, doi:10.5194/bg-11-1435-2014, 2014.
Journal Article
Faber, P., Drewnick, F., Veres, P. R., Williams, J. and Borrmann, S.: Anthropogenic sources of aerosol particles in a football stadium: Real-time characterization of emissions from cigarette smoking, cooking, hand flares, and color smoke bombs by high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometry, Atmospheric Environment, 77, 1043–1051 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Journal Article
Veres, P. R., Faber, P., Drewnick, F., Lelieveld, J. and Williams, J.: Anthropogenic sources of VOC in a football stadium: Assessing human emissions in the atmosphere, Atmospheric Environment, 77, 1052–1059 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Journal Article
Andrés-Hernández, M. D., Kartal, D., Crowley, J. N., Sinha, V., Regelin, E., Martínez-Harder, M., Nenakhov, V., Williams, J., Harder, H., Bozem, H., Song, W., Thieser, J., Tang, M. J., Hosaynali Beigi, Z. and Burrows, J. P.: Diel peroxy radicals in a semi-industrial coastal area: nighttime formation of free radicals, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(11), 5731–5749 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Journal Article
Corrigan, A. L., Russell, L. M., Takahama, S., Äijälä, M., Ehn, M., Junninen, H., Rinne, J., Petäjä, T., Kulmala, M., Vogel, A. L., Hoffmann, T., Ebben, C. J., Geiger, F. M., Chhabra, P., Seinfeld, J. H., Worsnop, D. R., Song, W., Auld, J. and Williams, J.: Biogenic and biomass burning organic aerosol in a boreal forest at Hyytiala, Finland, during HUMPPA-COPEC 2010, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(24), 12233–12256 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Journal Article
Nölscher, A. C., Bourtsoukidis, E., Bonn, B., Kesselmeier, J., Lelieveld, J. and Williams, J.: Seasonal measurements of total OH reactivity emission rates from Norway spruce in 2011, Biogeosciences, 10(6), 4241–4257 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Journal Article
Phillips, G. J., Pouvesle, N., Thieser, J., Schuster, G., Axinte, R., Fischer, H., Williams, J., Lelieveld, J. and Crowley, J. N.: Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and peroxyacetic acid (PAA) measurements by iodide chemical ionisation mass spectrometry: first analysis of results in the boreal forest and implications for the measurement of PAN fluxes, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(3), 1129–1139 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Journal Article
Vogel, A. L., Äijälä, M., Brüggemann, M., Ehn, M., Junninen, H., Petäjä, T., Worsnop, D. R., Kulmala, M., Williams, J. and Hoffmann, T.: Online atmospheric pressure chemical ionization ion trap mass spectrometry (APCI-IT-MSn) for measuring organic acids in concentrated bulk aerosol - a laboratory and field study, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 6(2), 431–443 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Journal Article
Vogel, A. L., Äijälä, M., Corrigan, A. L., Junninen, H., Ehn, M., Petäjä, T., Worsnop, D. R., Kulmala, M., Russell, L. M., Williams, J. and Hoffmann, T.: In situ submicron organic aerosol characterization at a boreal forest research station during HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 using soft and hard ionization mass spectrometry, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(21), 10933–10950 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Journal Article
Williams, J. and Crutzen, P. J.: Perspectives on our planet in the Anthropocene, Environmental Chemistry, 10(4), 269–280 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Journal Article
Ziska, F., Quack, B., Abrahamsson, K., Archer, S. D., Atlas, E., Bell, T., Butler, J. H., Carpenter, L. J., Jones, C. E., Harris, N. R. P., Hepach, H., Heumann, K. G., Hughes, C., Kuss, J., Krüger, K., Liss, P., Moore, R. M., Orlikowska, A., Raimund, S., Reeves, C. E., Reifenhäuser, W., Robinson, A. D., Schall, C., Tanhua, T., Tegtmeier, S., Turner, S., Wang, L., Wallace, D., Williams, J., Yamamoto, H., Yvon-Lewis, S. and Yokouchi, Y.: Global sea-to-air flux climatology for bromoform, dibromomethane and methyl iodide, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(17), 8915–8934 [online] Available from:, 2013.
Journal Article
Ebben, C. J., Shrestha, M., Martinez, I. S., Corrigan, A. L., Frossard, A. A., Song, W. W., Worton, D. R., Petäjä, T., Williams, J., Russell, L. M., Kulmala, M., Goldstein, A. H., Artaxo, P., Martin, S. T., Thomson, R. J. and Geiger, F. M.: Organic Constituents on the Surfaces of Aerosol Particles from Southern Finland, Amazonia, and California Studied by Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 116(32), 8271–8290 [online] Available from:, 2012.
Journal Article
Dolgorouky, C., Gros, V., Sarda-Esteve, R., Sinha, V., Williams, J., Marchand, N., Sauvage, S., Poulain, L., Sciare, J. and Bonsang, B.: Total OH reactivity measurements in Paris during the 2010 MEGAPOLI winter campaign, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(20), 9593–9612 [online] Available from:, 2012.
Journal Article
Kampf, C. J., Corrigan, A. L., Johnson, A. M., Song, W., Keronen, P., Königstedt, R., Williams, J., Russell, L. M., Petäjä, T., Fischer, H. and Hoffmann, T.: First measurements of reactive α-dicarbonyl concentrations on PM2.5 aerosol over the Boreal forest in Finland during HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 - source apportionment and links to aerosol aging, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(14), 6145–6155 [online] Available from:, 2012.
Journal Article
Nölscher, A. C., Sinha, V., Bockisch, S., Klüpfel, T. and Williams, J.: Total OH reactivity measurements using a new fast Gas Chromatographic Photo-Ionization Detector (GC-PID), Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5(12), 2981–2992 [online] Available from:, 2012.
Journal Article
Nölscher, A. C., Williams, J., Sinha, V., Custer, T., Song, W., Johnson, A. M., Axinte, R., Bozem, H., Fischer, H., Pouvesle, N., Phillips, G., Crowley, J. N., Rantala, P., Rinne, J., Kulmala, M., Gonzales, D., Valverde-Canossa, J., Vogel, A., Hoffmann, T., Ouwersloot, H. G., Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J. and Lelieveld, J.: Summertime total OH reactivity measurements from boreal forest during HUMPPA-COPEC 2010, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(17), 8257–8270 [online] Available from:, 2012.
Journal Article
Ouwersloot, H. G., Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J., Nölscher, A. C., Krol, M. C., Ganzeveld, L. N., Breitenberger, C., Mammarella, I., Williams, J. and Lelieveld, J.: Characterization of a boreal convective boundary layer and its impact on atmospheric chemistry during HUMPPA-COPEC-2010, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(19), 9335–9353 [online] Available from:, 2012.
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