Publications of J. Lelieveld

Journal Article (536)

Journal Article
Hoor, P., Borken-Kleefeld, J., Caro, D., Dessens, O., Endresen, O., Gauss, M., Grewe, V., Hauglustaine, D., Isaksen, I. S. A., Jöckel, P., Lelieveld, J., Myhre, G., Meijer, E., Olivie, D., Prather, M., Poberaj, C. S., Shine, K. P., Staehelin, J., Tang, Q., van Aardenne, J., van Velthoven, P. and Sausen, R.: The impact of traffic emissions on atmospheric ozone and OH: results from QUANTIFY, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9(9), 3113–3136 [online] Available from:, 2009.
Journal Article
Keppler, F., Boros, M., Frankenberg, C., Lelieveld, J., McLeod, A., Pirttilä, A. M., Röckmann, T. and Schnitzler, J. P.: Methane formation in aerobic environments, Environmental Chemistry, 6(6), 459–465 [online] Available from:, 2009.
Journal Article
Lelieveld, J., Hoor, P., Jöckel, P., Pozzer, A., Hadjinicolaou, P., Cammas, J. P. and Beirle, S.: Severe ozone air pollution in the Persian Gulf region, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9(4), 1393–1406 [online] Available from:, 2009.
Journal Article
Pozzer, A., Pollmann, J., Taraborrelli, D., Jöckel, P., Helmig, D., Tans, P., Hueber, J. and Lelieveld, J.: C3-C5 alkanes in the atmosphere: concentration, seasonal cycle and contribution to the atmospheric budgets of acetone and acetaldehyde, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 9, 1939–1976 [online] Available from:, 2009.
Journal Article
Taraborrelli, D., Lawrence, M. G., Butler, T. M., Sander, R. and Lelieveld, J.: Mainz Isoprene Mechanism 2 (MIM2): an isoprene oxidation mechanism for regional and global atmospheric modelling, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9(8), 2751–2777 [online] Available from:, 2009.
Journal Article
Xu, L., Penner, J. E., Metzger, S. and Lelieveld, J.: A comparisonof water uptake by aerosols using two thermodynamic models, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 9, 9551–9595 [online] Available from:, 2009.
Journal Article
Schiller, C. L., Bozem, H., Gurk, C., Parchatka, U., Königstedt, R., Harris, G. W., Lelieveld, J. and Fischer, H.: Applications of quantum cascade lasers for sensitive trace gas measurements of CO, CH4, N2O and HCHO, Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 92(3), 419–430 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Journal Article
Lelieveld, J., Butler, T. M., Crowley, J. N., Dillon, T. J., Fischer, H., Ganzeveld, L., Harder, H., Lawrence, M. G., Martinez, M., Taraborrelli, D. and Williams, J.: Atmospheric oxidation capacity sustained by a tropical forest, Nature, 452(7188), 737–740 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Journal Article
Gurjar, B. R., Butler, T. M., Lawrence, M. G. and Lelieveld, J.: Evaluation of emissions and air quality in megacities, Atmospheric Environment, 42(7), 1593–1606 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Journal Article
Butler, T. M., Lawrence, M. G., Gurjar, B. R., Van Aardenne, J., Schultz, M. and Lelieveld, J.: The representation of emissions from megacities in global emission inventories, Atmospheric Environment, 42(4), 703–719 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Journal Article
Butler, T. M., Taraborrelli, D., Brühl, C., Fischer, H., Harder, H., Martinez, M., Williams, J., Lawrence, M. G. and Lelieveld, J.: Improved simulation of isoprene oxidation chemistry with the ECHAM5/MESSy chemistry-climate model: lessons from the GABRIEL airborne field campaign, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8(16), 4529–4546 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Journal Article
Ganzeveld, L., Eerdekens, G., Feig, G., Fischer, H., Harder, H., Königstedt, R., Kubistin, D., Martinez, M., Meixner, F. X., Scheeren, H. A., Sinha, V., Taraborrelli, D., Williams, J., de Arellano, J. V. G. and Lelieveld, J.: Surface and boundary layer exchanges of volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides and ozone during the GABRIEL campaign, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8(20), 6223–6243 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Journal Article
Gebhardt, S., Colomb, A., Hofmann, R., Williams, J. and Lelieveld, J.: Halogenated organic species over the tropical South American rainforest, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8(12), 3185–3197 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Journal Article
Gurk, C., Fischer, H., Hoor, P., Lawrence, M. G., Lelieveld, J. and Wernli, H.: Airborne in-situ measurements of vertical, seasonal and latitudinal distributions of carbon dioxide over Europe, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8(21), 6395–6403 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Journal Article
Kerkweg, A., Jöckel, P., Pozzer, A., Tost, H., Sander, R., Schulz, M., Stier, P., Vignati, E., Wilson, J. and Lelieveld, J.: Consistent simulation of bromine chemistry from the marine boundary layer to the stratosphere - Part 1: Model description, sea salt aerosols and pH, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8(19), 5899–5917 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Journal Article
Kerkweg, A., Jöckel, P., Warwick, N., Gebhardt, S., Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M. and Lelieveld, J.: Consistent simulation of bromine chemistry from the marine boundary layer to the stratosphere - Part 2: Bromocarbons, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8(19), 5919–5939 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Journal Article
Lelieveld, J.: A Reverse Ozone Hole on Mars, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 47(51), 9804–9807 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Journal Article
Sinha, V., Williams, J., Crowley, J. N. and Lelieveld, J.: The comparative reactivity method - a new tool to measure total OH reactivity in ambient air, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8(8), 2213–2227 [online] Available from:, 2008.
Journal Article
Cooper, O. R., Trainer, M., Thompson, A. M., Oltmans, S. J., Tarasick, D. W., Witte, J. C., Stohl, A., Eckhardt, S., Lelieveld, J., Newchurch, M. J., Johnson, B. J., Portmann, R. W., Kalnajs, L., Dubey, M. K., Leblanc, T., McDermid, I. S., Forbes, G., Wolfe, D., Carey-Smith, T., Morris, G. A., Lefer, B., Rappenglück, B., Joseph, E., Schmidlin, F., Meagher, J., Fehsenfeld, F. C., Keating, T. J., Van Curen, R. A. and Minschwaner, K.: Evidence for a recurring eastern North America upper tropospheric ozone maximum during summer, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 112(D23), doi:10.1029/2007JD008710, 2007.
Journal Article
Lelieveld, J., Brühl, C., Jöckel, P., Steil, B., Crutzen, P. J., Fischer, H., Giorgetta, M. A., Hoor, P., Lawrence, M. G., Sausen, R. and Tost, H.: Stratospheric dryness: model simulations and satellite observations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, 1313–1332 [online] Available from:, 2007.
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