Publications of Alexandra Auderset

Meeting Abstract (4)

Meeting Abstract
Ai, X. E., Thöle, L. M., Auderset, A., Schmitt, M., Moretti, S., Studer, A. S., Michel, E., Wegmann, M., Mazaud, A., Bijl, P. K., Sigman, D. M., Martinez-Garcia, A. and Jaccard, S. L.: Meridional migration of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current over the last glacial cycle, in Goldschmidt Lyon 2023. [online] Available from:, 2023.
Meeting Abstract
Auderset, A., Moretti, S., Taphorn, B., Ebner, P.-R., Kast , E. R., Wang, X. T., Schiebel, R., Sigman, D. M., Haug, G. H. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Contracted oxygen-deficient zones during Cenozoic climate optima, in Goldschmidt Hawaii 2022. [online] Available from:, 2022.
Meeting Abstract
Petrick, B., Reuning, L., Auer, G., Auderset, A., Zhang, Y., Wang, X., Schwark, L. and Pfeiffer, M.: Reassessing the influence of Sea Surface Temperature change on coral reef development on the Queensland Plateau during the Late Miocene., in EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria., 2022.

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Auderset, A.: Nutrient cycling in the oligotrophic ocean over the past 65 million years, PhD Thesis, ETH, Zürich., 2020.

Report (1)

Repschläger, J., Auderset, A., Blanz, T., Bremer, K., Böttner, C., Eich, C., Kausch, T., Keigwin, L. D., Keul, N., Kiefer, J., Krupp, A., Lindhorst, K., Macholdt, D. S., Petersen, J., Schiebel, R., Schneider, R., Schulze, I., Steen, E. and Weis, U.: North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre Azores Front (NASGAF), Cruise No. MSM58/1, September 10, 2016 - October 7, 2016, Reykjavik (Iceland) - Ponta Delgada (Azores, Portugal), Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, Bonn. [online] Available from:, 2018.

Other (1)

Martinez-Garcia, A., Sigman, D. M., Fawcett, S. E., Auderset, A., Haug, G. H., Campbell, E., Smart, S. M., Fawcett, S., Granger, R., Marshall, T. and Foreman, A.: Southeast Atlantic nitrate isotope data from winter 2017 [Dataset], , doi:10.5281/zenodo.7648605. , 2023.

Preprint (4)

Granger, R., Smart, S., Foreman, A., Auderset, A., Campbell, E. C., Marshall, T. A., Haug, G., Sigman, D. M., Martinez-Garcia, A. and Fawcett, S. E.: Tracking Agulhas leakage in the South Atlantic using modern planktic foraminifera nitrogen isotopes, ESS Open Archive, doi:10.22541/essoar.169832095.50405976/v1, 2023.
Zander, P. D., Böhl, D., Sirocko, F., Auderset, A., Haug, G. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Reconstruction of warm season temperatures in central Europe during the past 60,000 years from lacustrine GDGTs, , doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-1960, 2023.
Moretti, S., Duprey, N. N., Foreman, A. D., Arns, A., Brömme, S., Jung, J., Ai, X. E., Auderset, A., Bieler, A. L., Eck, C., Farmer, J., Hinnenberg, B., Lacerra, M., Leichliter, J., Lüdecke, T., Oleynik, S., Rubach, F., Schmitt, M., Vink, M., Wald, T., Yehudai, M., Sigman , D. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Analytical improvements and assessment of long-term performance of the oxidation-denitrifier method, Authorea, doi:10.22541/au.168616993.39320235/v1, 2023.
Thöle, L., Ai, X., Auderset, A., Schmitt, M., Moretti, S., Studer, A., Michel, E., Wegmann, M., Mazaud, A., Bijl, P., Sigman, D., Martinez-Garcia, A. and Jaccard, S. L.: Migration of the Antarctic Polar Front over the last glacial cycle, , doi:10.21203/, 2022.
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