Publications of Gerald H. Haug

Meeting Abstract (27)

Meeting Abstract
Jung, J., Zoppe, S. F., Söte, T., Duprey, N., Foreman, A., Sigman, D. M., Haug, G. H., Vonhof, H. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Photosymbiosis on a Mid-Devonian Reef: Evidence from Coral-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes, in Goldschmidt Hawaii 2022. [online] Available from:, 2022.
Meeting Abstract
Fripiat, F., Sigman, D., Ai, X., Studer, A., Kemeny, P., Hain, M., Wang, X., Ren, H., Haug, G. H. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: The Southern Ocean during the ice ages: A slumped pycnocline from reduced wind-driven upwelling?, in EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria., 2022.
Meeting Abstract
Giesche, A., Hodell, D. A., Petrie, C. A., Haug, G. H., Adkins, J. F., Plessen, B., Marwan, N., Bradbury, H. J., Hartland, A., French, A. D. and Breitenbach, S. F. M.: Northwest Indian stalagmite shows evidence for recurring summer and winter droughts after 4.2 ka BP, in EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria., 2022.
Meeting Abstract
Lüdecke, T., Leichliter, J. N., Duprey, N. N., Stratford, D., Vonhof, H. B., Bamford, M. K., Haug, G. H. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: First enamel nitrogen isotope data of early hominins: Early Pleistocene Australopithecus (Sterkfontein Member 4, South Africa) did not consume significant amounts of animal resources, in American journal of biological anthropology, vol. 177, pp. 111–112, Wiley, Chichester., 2022.
Meeting Abstract
Wald, T., Fripiat, F., Foreman, A. D., Tanhua , T., Sigman, D. M., Haug, G. H. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Distribution of nitrate δ15N and δ18O in the Mediterranean Sea, in Ocean Science Meeting 2022 (Online). [online] Available from:, 2022.
Meeting Abstract
Farmer, J. R., Pico, T., Underwood, O. M., Cleveland Stout, R., Grander, J., Cronin, T. M., Fripiat, F., Martinez-Garcia, A., Haug, G. H. and Sigman, D. M.: The Bering Strait Was Flooded During Marine Isotope Stage 3: Evidence from Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Modeling - PP55E-05, in AGU Fall Meeting 2021. [online] Available from:, 2021.
Meeting Abstract
Lacerra, M., Sigman, D. M., Martinez-Garcia, A. and Haug, G. H.: A foraminifera-bound nitrogen isotope record from the eastern tropical North Pacific spanning the last glacial-interglacial transition - PP41A-03, in AGU Fall Meeting 2021. [online] Available from:, 2021.
Meeting Abstract
Rafter, P. A., Farmer, J. R., Ravelo, A. C., Batista, F. C., Bernasconi, S. M., Ren, H. A., Martinez-Garcia, A., Haug, G. H. and Sigman, D. M.: An eastern equatorial Pacific nutrient tongue during the warm Pliocene - PP14A-08, in AGU Fall Meeting 2021. [online] Available from:, 2021.
Meeting Abstract
Arns, A. I., Schiebel, R., Evans, D., Fink, L., Alig, E., Schmidt, M. U., Jantschke, A., Linckens, J. and Haug, G. H.: Rietveld and pair-distribution function analysis of nanogranular mesocrystalline shells of hyaline foraminifers, in Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances, vol. 77 Suppl C, pp. C1069–C1069, IUCr/Wiley., 2021.

Poster (5)

Auderset, A., Fripiat, F., Creel, R., Oesch, L., Studer, A. S., Repschläger, J., Hathorne, E., Vonhof, H., Schiebel, R., Gordon, L., Lawrence, K., Ren, H. A., Haug, G. H., Sigman, D. M. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Sea level change and nitrogen fixation dynamics in the Atlantic over glacial cycles, Goldschmidt Chicago 2024 [online] Available from:, 2024.
Schröder, J., Markowska, M., Vonhof, H., Scholz, D., Weber, M., Boivin, N., Groucutt, H. S., Petraglia, M. D., Martinez-Garcia, A., Krüger, Y., Meckler, A. N., Fiebig, J., Nicholson, S. L. and Haug, G.: Warm mean annual air temperatures during Miocene to Pleistocene central Arabian humid periods, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17613, 2024.
Zander, P., Sirocko, F., Du, X., Sun, C., Rubach, F., Britzius, S., Haug, G. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Millennial-scale changes in hydroclimate during the last glacial period in central Europe reconstructed from leaf wax δD, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10704, 2024.
Moretti, S., Auderset, A., Deutsch, C. A., Schmitz, R., Thomas, E., Gerber, L., Luciani, V., Petrizzo, M. R., Schiebel, R., Tripati, A. K., Sexton, P. F., Norris, R. D., D'Onofrio, R., Zachos, J. C., Sigman , D. M., Haug, G. H. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Fossil-bound nitrogen isotope and foraminifera size evidence for oxygenated tropical subsurface waters during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024 [online] Available from:, 2024.
Zander, P. D., Böhl, D., Sirocko, F., Haug, G. H. and Martinez-Garcia, A.: Improved calibration of the GDGT paleothermometer in lake sediments and reconstruction of warm season temperatures in Europe during the past 60,000 years, Goldschmidt Lyon 2023 [online] Available from:, 2023.

Working Paper (3)

Working Paper
Lelieveld, J., Helleis, F., Borrmann, S., Cheng, Y., Drewnick, F., Haug, G., Klimach, T., Sciare, J., Su, H. and Pöschl, U.: Model Calculations of Aerosol Transmission and Infection Risk of COVID-19 in Indoor Environments, , doi:10.1101/2020.09.22.20199489 , 2020.
Working Paper
Brockmann, D., Dreier, H., Feld, L., Fiedler, K., Friedrich, B., Fuest, C., Gumbsch, P., Hasselhorn, M., Haug, G. H., Kocka, J., Köller, O., Krieg, T., Kroemer, H., Lengauer, T., Margraf, J., Markschies, C., Marquardt, W., Mayer, K. U., Merkel, R., Mettenleiter, T., Nassehi, A., Prenzel, M., Renn, J., Rösler, F., Schlögl, R. and Wiesemann, C.: Coronavirus-Pandemie — Die Krise nachhaltig überwinden, [online] Available from:, 2020.
Working Paper
Boetius, A., Edenhofer, O., Friedrich, B., Haug, G. H., Kraas, F., Marquardt, W., Leohold, J., Lohse, M. J., Renn, J., Rösler, F., Schlögl, R., Schüth, F., Schmidt, C. M. and Stocker, T.: Klimaziele 2030: Wege zu einer nachhaltigen Reduktion der CO2-Emissionen, [online] Available from:, 2019.

Other (6)

Martinez-Garcia, A., Sigman, D. M., Fawcett, S. E., Auderset, A., Haug, G. H., Campbell, E., Smart, S. M., Fawcett, S., Granger, R., Marshall, T. and Foreman, A.: Southeast Atlantic nitrate isotope data from winter 2017 [Dataset], , doi:10.5281/zenodo.7648605. , 2023.
Farmer, J. R., Pico, T., Underwood, O. M., Cleveland-Stout, R., Sigman, D. M., Granger, J., Fripiat, F., Cronin, T. M., Martinez-Garcia, A. and Haug, G. H.: Arctic Ocean 50 ka foram-bound nitrogen isotope data, core age models, and Bering Strait sea level simulations [Dataset], Pangaea, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.954603, 2023.
Farmer, J. R., Pico, T., Underwood, O. M., Cleveland-Stout, R., Sigman, D. M., Granger, J., Fripiat, F., Cronin, T. M., Martinez-Garcia, A. and Haug, G. H.: Bering Strait sea level simulations [Dataset], Pangaea, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.954605, 2023.
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