Uwe Kuhn
Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
Sources, atmospheric transformation and sinks of climatically relevant trace gases of the earth’s atmosphere is focus of my research. The impact of trace gases on the formation and transformation of aerosols, the tropospheric oxidant cycle, and greenhouse gas concentrations implies a crucial role in earth system science. Our studies on reactive trace gases and particles and their effects on climate, ecosystems, and human health are based on chemical, physical and biological aspects and methods, and facilitate an integral understanding of the impact of atmospheric multiphase processes on molecular to tropospheric scales.
Publications & Metrics:
Full publication list, citations & metrics at: Google Scholar or Web of Science
Professional Career
since 2016 |
Scientific-Technical Staff, Multiphase Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany |
2014 – 2016 |
Postdoctoral Researcher, Multiphase Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany |
2010 – 2013 |
Researcher, Institute of Energy and Climate Research |
2008 – 2010 |
Senior Scientist Fellow (EU; Marie Curie), Federal Research Station Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon (ART), Zurich, Switzerland |
2005 – 2008 |
Independent Research Consultant, associated with Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany |
1997 – 2004 |
Postdoctoral Researcher, Biogeochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany |
1993 – 1997 |
Ph.D. in Biology, MPIC and Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz, Germany |
1986 – 1993 |
Diploma in Biology, Johannes Gutenberg-University and MPIC in Mainz, Germany |
Joint Research Projects
2024 | Meteor Cruise 203 (Pacific-Ocean/Atmosphere trace gas exchange; setup and installation) |
since 2023 |
Eugen Seibold (Research Yacht; Pacific-Ocean/Atmosphere trace gas exchange; setup and installation) Panama, Galapagos, Costa Rica |
since 2022 |
ATTO (Amazon Tall Tower Observatory: Aerosol Nucleation Project), Manaus, Brazil |
2018 – 2020 |
McFAN (Multiphase chemistry experiment in Fogs and Aerosols in the North China Plain), Gucheng, China |
since 2014 |
CARIBIC (Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container), Mainz/Karlsruhe, Germany |
2010 – 2013 |
PEGASOS / SAPHIR-PLUS (Pan-European Gas-AeroSOls-climate interaction Study), Jülich, Germany |
2008 – 2010 |
CORN (Characterization of reduced nitrogen compounds), Zurich, Switzerland |
2001 – 2003 |
ECHO (Emission and CHemical Transformation of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds: Investigations in and above a Mixed Forest Stand), Jülich, Germany |
2001 |
LBA-CLAIRE II (Cooperative LBA Airborne Regional Experiment), Manaus, Brazil |
1999 |
LBA-EUSTACH I+II (EUropean Studies on Trace gases and Atmospheric Chemistry), Rondonia, Brazil |
1998 |
LBA-CLAIRE I (Cooperative LBA Airborne Regional Experiment), Balbina, Brazil |
1997 |
ARACHNE '97 (Aerosol, RAdiation and Chemistry in the NEgev desert), Sede Boqer, Israel |
1994 |
EUROTRAC I (European Experiment on Transport and Transformation of Environmental Relevant Trace Constituents in the Troposphere over Europe), Carmel, USA |