CONCERT (CONtrail and Cirrus ExpeRimenT)
Oberpfaffenhofen, Oct - Nov 2008
CONCERT was an aircraft measurement campaign with the DLR Falcon, coordinated by DLR-IPA (Christiane Voigt).
The campaign was performed between October 20 and November 21, 2008, and was divided into two parts, CONCERT-Chemistry and CONCERT-Contrails. The scientific focus of the CONCERT project was set on microphysical, radiative and chemical properties of contrail-cirrus, but the detection of the eruption plume of the volcano "Kasatochi" triggered studies on volcanic gases and aerosol particles in the lowermost stratosphere.
We operated C-ToF-AMS successfully onboard the Falcon during the 6 flights of the first sub-project (CONCERT-Chemistry). For the second part, the rack space was needed for the DLR-IPA aerosol rack. The instruments of our Aerosol and Cloud Physics group (CIP, CCP, FSSP) were operated thoroughout the whole campaign.
Collaboration with:
DLR-IPA (C. Voigt, H. Schlager, A. Dörnbrack, A. Petzold, U. Schumann)
Uni Mainz-IPA (M. Wendisch, H. Eichler)
FZ Jülich (M. Krämer)
Uni Clermont-Ferrand (J.-F. Gayet, C. Gourbeyre)
- C-ToF-AMS, (Aerosol and Cloud Chemistry group, MPIC)
- FSSP, CIP, CCP (Aerosol and Cloud Physics group, JGU-IPA)
People involved:
J. Schmale, J. Schneider, T. Böttger, W. Schneider (C-ToF-AMS)
W. Frey, S. Molleker, C. von Glahn, S. Borrmann (FSSP, CIP, CCP)
Jurkat, T., C. Voigt, F. Arnold, H. Schlager, H. Aufmhoff, J. Schmale, J. Schneider, M. Lichtenstern, and A. Dörnbrack, Airborne stratospheric ITCIMS measurements of SO2, HCl, and HNO3 in the aged plume of volcano Kasatochi, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D00L17, doi:10.1029/2010JD013890, 2010.
Voigt, C., U. Schumann, T. Jurkat, D. Schäuble, H. Schlager, A. Petzold, J.-F. Gayet, M. Krämer, J. Schneider, S. Borrmann, J. Schmale, P. Jessberger, T. Hamburger, M. Lichtenstern, M. Scheibe, C. Gourbeyre, J. Meyer, M. Kübbeler, W. Frey, H. Eichler, T. Butler, M. G. Lawrence, F. Holzäpfel, F. Arnold, M. Wendisch, A. Döpelheuer, K. Gottschaldt, R. Baumann, M. Zöger, I. Sölch, M. Rautenhaus, and A. Dörnbrack, In-situ observations of young contrails – overview and selected results from the CONCERT campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 9030-9056, 2010.
Schmale, J., J. Schneider, T. Jurkat, C. Voigt, H. Kalesse, M. Rautenhaus, M. Lichtenstern, H. Schlager, G. Ancellet, F. Arnold, M. Gerding, I. Mattis, M. Wendisch, and S. Borrmann, Aerosol layers from the 2008 eruptions of Mt. Okmok and Mt. Kasatochi: In-situ UT/LS measurements of sulfate and organics over Europe, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D00L07,, 2010.
Schmale, Julia: Aircraft-based in-situ aerosol mass spectrometry: Chemical characterization and source identification of submicron particulate matter in the free and upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, PhD thesis, University Mainz, 2011.